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Everything posted by Rodrigo152

  1. Good afternoon guys, I have this quest for achievement points, where you exchange points for a certain item, but it's not working. Can someone help me quest point_change begin state start begin when 20082.chat."Exchange Points" with pc.getqf("exchange_access") == 1 begin -- Simulating that there is a mysql_query function that queries the database. local result_achievement = mysql_query("SELECT ranking_of_boss FROM player WHERE id = "..pc.get_player_id()) local points_achievement = result_achievement[1] -- Assuming that the result is a table where the first element is the desired value. local result_kills = mysql_query("SELECT ranking_kills FROM player WHERE id = "..pc.get_player_id()) local points_kills = result_kills[1] say("Welcome to the points exchange system!") say("You can exchange your achievement points and kills for valuable items here.") local s = select("Exchange achievement points", "Exchange kill points", "Cancel") if s == 1 then say("You have " .. conquest_points .. " conquest points.") say("Every 10 points can be exchanged for 1 Big Red Potion.") if achievement_points >= 10 then local choice = select("Exchange 10 points for 1 Potion", "Cancel") if choice == 1 then -- Assuming the item can be added directly to the player's inventory. pc.give_item2("ITEM_ID_POT_GREEN", 1) -- Updating the database directly mysql_query("UPDATE player SET ranking_of_boss = ranking_of_boss - 10 WHERE id = "..pc.get_player_id()) say("Exchange successful!") end else else say("You don't have enough points.") end else elseif s == 2 then say("You have " .. points_kills .. " kill points.") say("Every 15 points can be exchanged for 1 War Armor.") if points_kills >= 15 then local choice = select("Exchange 15 points for 1 Armor", "Cancel") if choice == 1 then pc.give_item2("ITEM_ID_ARMADURA_GUERRA", 1) mysql_query("UPDATE player SET ranking_of_kills = ranking_of_kills - 15 WHERE id = "..pc.get_player_id()) say("Exchange successful!") end else else say("You don't have enough points.") end end end end end
  2. Good afternoon guys, I have a question, how do I put those 30-day exp, gold bonuses that are fixed in the top right corner? Like I would like to put a package in place for people to buy and activate these bonuses for 30 days.
  3. So, I'll put it on now, but even so the jewel still doesn't refine
  4. Good afternoon community, I would like to know how to put the jewels to refine, I put the vnum and refine_set but it doesn't work.
  5. Can anyone help me with this bug on the fire dragon, I can't get close to attack, video link below.
  6. Good afternoon guys, I have a problem, I installed the server on the VPS, everything was fine, but when I select the character and it loads, I get dc, can anyone help me? follow Database and Channel syserr. syserr Database. Syserr Channels Syserr Acess
  7. good afternoon community , i'm in doubt, i wanted to install mysql57-server manually, because i installed freebsd 13.2 on localhost but it doesn't have mysql57, only mysql80,81. would anyone have a suggestion on how i install mysql57
  8. Good afternoon guys, so I've got a bug in the biologist quest, from quest level 70 onwards, it no longer delivers the fixed bonuses when completing the quest. Can anyone help me?
  9. Good afternoon, would anyone have an idea or a ready-made quest, in which you set all the mobs to drop a certain item. I need a quest in which all the mobs in the game drop a certain item with a %.
  10. I did as you said, but it returned the following error:
  11. Can anyone help me with this syserr error 0117 20:31:09259 :: networkModule.py(line:197) SetSelectCharacterPhase system.py(line:177) __hybrid_import system.py(line:142) _process_result introSelect.py(line:28) <module> system.py(line:177) __hybrid_import system.py(line:142) _process_result interfaceModule.py(line:27) <module> system.py(line:177) __hybrid_import networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.IndentationError'>:unindent does not match any outer indentation level (uiMiniMap.py, line 395) 0117 20:31:09259 :: ============================================================================================================ 0117 20:31:09259 :: Abort!!!!
  12. there is, I fixed it, but the problem still persists.
  13. I forgot to put the whole source, I don't know much about php and I wanted some help to solve this problem, if there is an error in the code. <? PHP if ($ _ SESSION ['user_admin']> = $ adminRights ['web_news']) { ?> <h2> Add News </h2> <p> From here you can edit or insert or delete a news about your server. </p> <h3> Recent news </h3> <? PHP if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit']) && $ _POST ['submit'] == "Submit") { if (! empty ($ _ POST ['title']) &&! empty ($ _ POST ['content']) && checkInt ($ _ POST ['category']) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['tag'], 0.31 ) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['month'], 1.12) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['year'], 1900, date ("Y", time ()) + 10) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['hour'], 0.24) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['minute'], 0.59)) { $ zeitStempel = mktime ($ _ POST ['hour'], $ _ POST ['minute'], 0, $ _ POST ['month'], $ _ POST ['tag'], $ _ POST ['year']); // id titel inhalt datum hot kategorie author anzeigen $ anzeigen = (isset ($ _ POST ['anzeigen']) && $ _POST ['anzeigen'] == "true")? 1: 0; $ wichtig = (isset ($ _ POST ['wichtig']) && $ _POST ['wichtig'] == "true")? 1: 0; $ sqlNews = "INSERT INTO" .SQL_HP_DB. "news VALUES (NULL, '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' title '])."', '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' content '])."', '". $ ZeitStempel."', '". $ wichtig. "','". $ _ POST ['category']. "','". $ _ SESSION ['user_id']. "','". $ anzeigen. "')"; if (mysql_query ($ sqlNews, $ sqlHp)) { echo '<p class = "meldung_sucesso"> New news added successfully. </p>'; } else { echo '<p class = "meldung_erro"> An error has occurred, please try again. </p>'; } } } ?> <form method = "POST" action = "index.php? s = admin & a = news"> <table> <tr> <th class = "topLine"> Title: </th> <td class = "thell"> <input type = "text" size = "40" maxlength = "200" name = "titel" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class = "topLine"> Text of News: </th> <td class = "tdunkel"> <textarea style = "resize: none;" rows = "5" cols = "40" name = "inhalt"> </textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class = "topLine"> Date: </th> <td class = "tdunkel"> <input type = "text" size = "2" maxlength = "2" value = "<? PHP echo date (" d ", time ());?>" name = "tag "/>.<input type =" text "size =" 2 "value =" <? PHP echo date ("m", time ());?> "maxlength =" 2 "name =" month "/>. <input type = "text" size = "4" maxlength = "4" value = "<? PHP echo date (" Y ", time ());?>" name = "year" /> - <input type = "text" size = "2" maxlength = "2" value = "<? PHP echo date (" H ", time ());?>" name = "hour" />: <input type = "text" size = "2" maxlength = "2" value = "<? PHP echo date (" i ", time ());?>" Name = "minute" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class = "topLine"> Category: </th> <td class = "thell"> <? PHP listNewsKat (); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class = "topLine"> Important News ?: </th> <td class = "tdunkel"> <input type = "checkbox" name = "wichtig" value = "true" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class = "topLine"> View News: </th> <td class = "thell"> <input type = "checkbox" name = "anzeigen" value = "true" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class = "topLine" colspan = "2"> <input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Submit" /> </th> </tr> </table> </form> <h3> News List </h3> <table class = "fullrank_guild" style = "border-radius: 10px"> <tr> <th class = "topLine"> News ID </th> <th class = "topLine"> Data </th> <th class = "topLine"> Title </th> <th class = "topLine"> Category </th> <th class = "topLine"> Content </th> <th class = "topLine"> Active </th> <th class = "topLine"> Delete </th> </tr> <? PHP $ sqlNews = "SELECT * FROM" .SQL_HP_DB. "news ORDER BY datum DESC"; $ qryNews = mysql_query ($ sqlNews, $ sqlHp); $ x = 0; while ($ getNews = mysql_fetch_object ($ qryNews)) { $ nWichtig = ($ getNews-> hot> 0)? "./img/success.gif": "./img/fail.gif"; $ nAnzeigen = ($ getNews-> anzeigen> 0)? "./img/success.gif": "./img/fail.gif"; $ nTitel = (strlen ($ getNews-> title)> 60)? substr ($ getNews-> title, 0, strpos ($ getNews-> title, '', 60)) .'... ': $ getNews-> title; $ zF = ($ x% 2 == 0)? "tdunkel": "thell"; echo '<tr> <td style = "height: 25px;" class = "'. $ zF.'"> '. $ getNews-> id.' </td> <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> '. getDatum ($ getNews-> datum).' </td> <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> <a href="index.php?s=admin&a=news_edit&id='.$getNews-> id. '">'. $ ntitle. '</a> < / td> <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> '. $ newsKategorien [$ getNews-> category].' </td> <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> <img src = "'. $ nWichtig.'" alt = "wichtig" /> </td> <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> <img src = "'. $ nAnzeigen.'" alt = "wichtig" /> </td> <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> <a href="index.php?s=admin&a=news_delete&id='.$getNews-> id. '"> <img src =" ./ img / fail. gif "alt =" delete "/> </a> </td> </tr> '; $ x ++; } ?> </table> <? PHP } else { echo '<p class = "meldung_erro"> You cannot access this area </p>'; } ?
  14. good morning, someone can help me with my site, is not publishing the news, I created a table in the db account but it did not solve, someone can help me. <? PHP if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit']) && $ _POST ['submit'] == "Submit") { if (! empty ($ _ POST ['title']) &&! empty ($ _ POST ['content']) && checkInt ($ _ POST ['category']) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['tag'], 0.31 ) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['month'], 1.12) && checkBetween ($ _ POST [year '], 1900, date ("Y", time ()) + 10) && checkBetween ($ _ POST [' hour ' ], 0.24) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['minute'], 0.59)) { $ zeitStempel = mktime ($ _ POST ['hour'], $ _ POST ['minute'], 0, $ _ POST ['month'], $ _ POST ['tag'], $ _ POST [year ']); $ anzeigen = (isset ($ _ POST ['anzeigen']) && $ _POST ['anzeigen'] == "true")? 1: 0; $ wichtig = (isset ($ _ POST ['wichtig']) && $ _POST ['wichtig'] == "true")? 1: 0; $ sqlNews = "INSERT INTO" .SQL_HP_DB. ". news VALUES (NULL, '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' title '])."', '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' content '])."', '". $ ZeitStempel."', '". $ wichtig. "','". $ _ POST ['category']. "','". $ _ SESSION ['user_id']. "','". $ anzeigen. "')"; if (mysql_query ($ sqlNews, $ sqlHp)) { echo '<p class = "meldung_sucesso"> New news added successfully. </p>'; } else { echo '<p class = "meldung_erro"> An error has occurred, please try again. </p>'; } } } ?>
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