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About TyWin

  • Birthday 03/11/1998


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  1. Main thing: The packet number must match both = server side & client side (binary) of your src. Check and compare both files called: packet.h There are CG_HEADER, GC_HEADERS, GG_HEADERS. Look for each number made by sysser and try to find the problem.
  2. 40k Hello guys, I want to ask anyone, who already faced this problem. On Lycan it's ok. The problem is, that the item_scale is not working only WHEN i meet someone in town etc. When he will die and click (restart here) it's allright. Its doing only on characters warrior, ninja, sura, shaman. The problem: [Hidden Content] Do you have any tips, what should I update/change? Thanks in advance, Tywin.
  3. 40125 Hello community. I have small question about disabling client Granny sysser. This things is doing literally nothing to me, everything is fine, but it's spamming my client sysser. I tried to search the field but I only found it in .dll files (the text). Problem: GRANNY: d:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_animation_binding.cpp(492): ERROR: The track group "Bip01" has keyframed animation tracks, which are meant for preprocessing only. They will be ignored during playback. --- [2] Warning --- [33] Animation Do you know, how to disable Granny sysser sending into client? Thank you in advance, Tywin.
  4. Hello guys, Im looking for official pet system. Discord: Tywin#8780
  5. Version of Files : 40123 Hello guys, Im curently adding shared official pet system into my server. I faced a lot of problems, then solved them, but now Im struggling with this weird error. Photo: [Hidden Content] Sysser: 0603 22:03:16338 :: Exception 0603 22:03:16338 :: AttributeError 0603 22:03:16338 :: : 0603 22:03:16338 :: "'PetSystemMini' object has no attribute 'hWnd'" 0603 22:03:16338 :: in 0603 22:03:16338 :: <bound method PetSystemMini.__del__ of <uipetsystem.PetSystemMini object at 0x2472D0F0>> 0603 22:03:16338 :: ignored 0603 22:03:16338 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0603 22:03:16338 :: File "networkModule.py", line 239, in SetGamePhase 0603 22:03:16338 :: File "game.py", line 125, in __init__ 0603 22:03:16338 :: TypeError 0603 22:03:16338 :: : 0603 22:03:16338 :: __init__() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given) 0603 22:03:16338 :: Thank you in advance, Tywin
  6. import uiScriptLocale import app window = { "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, "children" : [ ## Board { "name" : "BackGround", "type" : "expanded_image", "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/Line_Pattern.tga", "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0, "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0, }, { "name":"ErrorMessage", "type":"text", "x":10, "y":10, "text": uiScriptLocale.LOAD_ERROR, }, { "name" : "GageBoard", "type" : "window", "style" : ("ltr",), "x" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) * 400 / 800.0 - 200, "y" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) * 500 / 600.0 , "width" : 400, "height": 80, "children" : ( { "name" : "BackGage", "type" : "expanded_image", "x" : 40, "y" : 25, "image" : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/gauge_empty.dds", }, { "name" : "FullGage", "type" : "expanded_image", "x" : 40, "y" : 25, "image" : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/gauge_full.dds", }, ), }, ], } window["children"] = window["children"] + [ { "name" : "TipBackground", "type" : "middleboard", "x" : 0, "y" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) * 500 / 600.0 - 100, "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, "height" : 100, "children" : ( { "name" : "LoadingTip", "type" : "text", "x" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2, "y" : 40, "text" : " ", "text_horizontal_align" : "center", "fontsize" : "LARGE", }, ), },] Official one, still same error
  7. LodingWindow.Open - LoadScriptFile Error - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>:'LoadingTip' Thanks for the release, but
  8. So the color changing is not working on Dryade on the left? Can you explain it little bit more?
  9. Maybe try some light VPS, not every core working there, but its easier and much cheaper than dedicated servers. I also think the cost of the electricity & public ip fees will be bigger than cost of the VPS monthly price. If you want to run it on your PC you need to own Public Ip adress, ask your internet provider.
  10. Damm, didnt know that. Done it for the first time, never used common_drop_item before, so sorry for this stupid question, really. Thank you so much.@DrTurk #Solved: I didnt put values in different ranks: PAWN S_PAWN KNIGHT S_KNIGHT #closerequest
  11. Hello guys, does anybody know why my common_drop is working only in map1 & map2? I'm writing it by chance if someone faced the same problem. No sysser available. Screen: [Hidden Content] Thank you in advance.
  12. @T4UMP Yes, you see clearly - 32. L.O.L
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