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Everything posted by Amun

  1. Download Metin2 Download Hi I noticed quite a bit of people have problems opening a dev server on Tmp4's source. I moved the server source to windows hoping it'd be easier for any beginners to get started. If anyone wants to give it a try, here it is: [Hidden Content] I've also removed matrix card, auction, udp port, etc.. Not all of them, but quite a few. NOTE: If you don't have the Client from Tmp4, go to his topic and download it(maybe give him a thanks while you're there). Here's the topic: OK, let's get started. How to: Download the files and move them in a folder. Open a terminal (CMD/PowerShell/GitBash, etc..) and cd into the folder where you downloaded the files. Now run: tar -xvzf client_src.tgz tar -xvzf root.tgz tar -xvzf server_extern.tgz tar -xvzf server_src.tgz tar -xvzf winsf.tgz If you get any errors from tar, you might need to install Git Bash(or just use WinRar or something). I wanted to give you the server already compiled, just to get started faster, but I cleaned up the objects and forgot to make a backup of the game and db.exe.. So, you'll have to compile them yourself, unfortunately. Go to server_src and open m2_server.2008.sln(I didn't rename it, do it yourself) then select Debug(or release, whatever you want) and Win32. After the game and db files are compiled, go back and open `winsf` folder. Now run `make_test_env.bat` with admin rights(it needs them to create the shortcuts(links)). After each compilation you just run `refresh.bat` to remove the old exe files and replace them with the new ones(Or just change the out directory in VS to winsf.. your choice). To start in debug mode, just run `run_d.bat`. If you don't have mysql server installed on your PC, get it from here: [Hidden Content] And click the second button(294.4MB). After it's installed, connect to the mysql server with either MySql WorkBench or with Navicat and import the sql scripts found in sql.rar. The tables are taken from some old serverfiles(from Marty, if I'm not mistaken). The tables are fucked, but it should work fine to get started. I'll fix them up later if I have time.. but not now.. Also, don't forget to change the user and password in the configs.(You'll find them in share/cores_config). Also. If your PC slows down while compiling, you might want to disable Multi-processor Compilation(I don't know if it's user specific or if it's saved in the solution's config, but I wanted to mention it just in case it's saved). The last step is to copy the exe files from client_src/binary into your client, pack the root folder with Eternexus(or whatever you use) and replace them in Client/pack. Here's two pictures: If I forgot anything, just let me know and I'll update the post as soon as I can. Also, please report whatever bugs/errors you find. It would be greatly appreciated. Cheers! Virus total found BitDefenderTheta in server_extern, but Antivirus found none, so you decide if you want to use them or just compile the libs yourself:
  2. It looks like the vip is acting like a GM. What system did you use ?
  3. If the db doesn't start, then nothing will, so open ClientManagerBoot and check what tables should be loaded from mysql at boot time(if you don't have logs, add logs as well so you can see what's loaded and what isn't). There's a lot of stuff that can cause the db/cores to shut down without any syserr but let's start with that and we'll see what's to be done later. Also, you can find me on discord at: Amun#3808
  4. You can use Epack32 to pack/unpack your protos(assuming you know the keys). Or just download dump_proto source and compile it..
  5. Open char_skill.cpp and look for bool CHARACTER::LearnSkillByBook(DWORD dwSkillVnum, BYTE bProb) Replace the whole function with: Good Luck If you have problems, discord: Amun#3808
  6. Hi mate, I've never used the system but I found an image trying to find it, so open ui.py and look for something like: wndMgr.SetSlotLevelImage If you still can't find it, let me know on Discord: Amun#3808 and I'll remove it for you.. Good Luck ! Edit: I forgot to tell you to also follow the code into your source(should be in eterPythonLib/PythonWIndowManagerModule.cpp) and get rid of the function from there as well. It doesn't affect keeping the function there but what's the point if you never use it, right ?
  7. Have you ever started the server before or is it the first time ?
  8. Client source, ActorInstanceCollisionDetection.cpp Search for: BOOL CActorInstance::TestActorCollision(CActorInstance& rVictim) Write your conditions inside that function. Example: Disable collision with pets: if (rVictim.GetRace() >= 34001 && rVictim.GetRace() <= 34099) return FALSE; To disable collision with stones, just add another condition with the vnum range of the stones or individually if you only want it disabled for specific stones. NOTE: You should add a check to see if the player is attacking or not. I have never disabled the collision with metin stones so I am unsure if you'll be able to attack them anymore without a check. Untested Example for all metin stones(at least I think that's all of them): if (!isAttacking() && rVictim.GetRace() >= 8001 && rVictim.GetRace() <= 8206) return false; I advise you against disabling collision with houses and other objects since you'll just go right through them so they become useless. That can be done from __TestObjectCollision If you have any questions, let me know here or on Discord: Amun#3808 Good luck !
  9. It looks like your server is live. The problem's from root. Most likely serverinfo.py or wherever you declared your connection settings.
  10. I guess you're one of those guys who tried to implement it, f*cked up and then assumed there's a problem with the system
  11. That's pretty much impossible :)) Did you restart you pc as well ?(I had to ask, sorry) Try something else: download the dll and put it in the folder with dump_proto
  12. Install VC++ for VS2013 and it should be fine. [Hidden Content] A simple search on google would've brought you the solution: [Hidden Content]
  13. I don't get it.. mine's working just fine. Here's the code, I've also commented to see what's what: char_change_empire.cpp This should do the trick. Good luck !
  14. Welcome, mate ! You'll like it here xD
  15. Does your db start ? Have you ever started the server with the current quests ? Do you have the config files properly set up ? I don't know what source you're using, but also check your mob_drop_item, common_drop, dragon_soul, etc from locale/xx. And don't forget to check the syslog as well. Cheers !
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