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Posts posted by Suzar

  1. What in this case? return true; or return false; ?

    File: PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp


    bool CPythonNetworkStream::__SendCRCReportPacket()
        DWORD dwProcessCRC = 0;
        DWORD dwFileCRC = 0;
        CFilename exeFileName;
        //LPCVOID c_pvBaseAddress = NULL;

        GetExeCRC(dwProcessCRC, dwFileCRC);

        CFilename strRootPackFileName = CEterPackManager::Instance().GetRootPacketFileName();

        TPacketCGCRCReport kReportPacket;

        kReportPacket.header = HEADER_CG_CRC_REPORT;
        kReportPacket.byPackMode = CEterPackManager::Instance().GetSearchMode();
        kReportPacket.dwBinaryCRC32 = dwFileCRC;
        kReportPacket.dwProcessCRC32 = dwProcessCRC;
        kReportPacket.dwRootPackCRC32 = GetFileCRC32(strRootPackFileName.c_str());

        if (!Send(sizeof(kReportPacket), &kReportPacket))
            Tracef("SendClientReportPacket Error");

        return SendSequence();
        return true;


  2. 3 hours ago, Owsap said:

    If you are rendering the frames while the client is minimized, then maybe try to disable it.

    /// 1. @ Source/Client/UserInterface/PythonApplication.cpp
    // Search
    		if (m_isMinimizedWnd)
    			canRender = true;
    // Replace with
    		if (m_isMinimizedWnd)
    			canRender = false;

    Also, update your DirectX: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35

    If you say it runs well on Debug build then use the macros set for it on Release and Distribute builds.

    This is the hidden content, please
    StateManager files without the macros.

    Hi! Yes, at the very beginning with the code work I added this fix for rendering with minimized window, so I just changed back from true to false and the problem is gone! I don't know what it had to do with this problem not appearing on Debug, but the problem can be considered solved, thank you very much for the hint!

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  3. EDIT: I noticed that this event only appears when I run any AS ADMINISTRATOR application. Whether it's metin or not, if I enable anything as administrator, my Client metin2 closes. Additionally, while debugging the Client according to the Martysama tutorial, I registered these "bugs". (Before I did not know that it is possible to debug the release or distribution version in live visual studio at all, in the post above there was no Martysama tutorial, only "Attach to Process".) I compared all lines with sources that do not have this problem and of course everything is 1: 1 ...


  4. 8 minutes ago, SergiuAndreiM said:

    czy masz


    jeśli tak, istnieją różne wersje, jedna z nich powoduje Twój problem,

    jeśli nie… dobrze, powodzenia 😕

    No, I didn't add this system.

    PS: I have this error from the beginning (it was also on the clean source), but only now I figured out how to trigger it.

    Edit: As for the Debug bin this problem does not occur, in Visual Studio I chose "Attach in Process" for the first Client and when trying to start the next Client, the former crashed, and Visual Studio showed just the following about d3d8. Does anyone know what this might be? I compared the Extern directory with other sources and everything is 1: 1 ...


  5. Hello, I have a problem. I turn on the game, log in, minimize the Client and when I try to turn on the next Client, the first Client automatically turns off. Syserr i i Syslog - 0. This is not the problem for sure as I checked it (and have it done) https://metin2.dev/board/topic/24715-questionrandom-client-crash-with-no-syserr I only get ErrorLog, which is ALMOST the same as when I normally shut down the Client, but with a difference, it also points to some problem with directx. Has anyone had a similar problem? (PS: Sorry, but I'm using translator.)

    PS: This only happens with my server, there is no problem on other servers.


  6. Instead: if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->DecryptMemory(std::string(filename), static_cast<const BYTE*>(*data), index->data_size, *zObj) )

    I have it 2x:  if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->DecryptMemory(string(filename), static_cast<const BYTE*>(*data), index->data_size, *zObj) )

    Instead: if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->GetSupplementaryDataBlock(std::string(filename), pSDBData, iSDBSize) )

    I have it 2x: if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->GetSupplementaryDataBlock(string(filename), pSDBData, iSDBSize) )

    and 1x: if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->GetSupplementaryDataBlock(string(index->filename), pSDBData, iSDBSize) )

    This: else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_PANAMA == index->compressed_type) { CLZObject * zObj = new CLZObject; __Decrypt_Panama(filename, static_cast<const BYTE*>(*data), index->data_size, *zObj); out_file.BindLZObjectWithBufferedSize(zObj); *data = zObj->GetBuffer(); }

    I have it 2x.

    So how do you add it correctly? Under every found?

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  7. 13 hours ago, nazox said:

    The guide as a base is very good, but you have to do many more things, In my case have to change extern, boost, change more lines, add others that I did not have, in short, it depends a lot on the source you have, you will have to do half source or just change things xD, keep trying, I was +6 months.

    Personally, I recommend it to "beginners" GCC7. Fewer complications compared to Clang.

  8. On 19.04.2020 at 15:45, AKUROS said:

    Great offline shop -> 

    This is the hidden content, please



    This is the hidden content, please


    Fix 1:



    Fix 2:



    Fix 3:

    #include "../libgame/include/grid.h"
    // Aratılır.
    #include "../../libgame/include/grid.h"
    //Şeklinde değiştirilir.


            bool block = (shop_max > 0 ? (get_offline_shops_count() >= shop_max): false);
            bool block = (get_offline_shops_count() >= shop_max);
            if (block)
                ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("SHOP_MAP_MAX"));
    // Aratılır. {char.cpp}
            bool block = false;
            if (shop_max > 0)
            if (shop_max == 0)
                block = true;
            else {
                std::auto_ptr <SQLMsg> pkMsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("SELECT map_index from player_shop WHERE channel=%d and status='OK' and map_index=%d", g_bChannel, GetMapIndex()));
                SQLResult* pRes = pkMsg->Get();
                if (pRes->uiNumRows >= shop_max)
                    block = true;
            if (block)
                ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("SHOP_MAP_MAX"));
    // Şeklinde değiştirilir.

    Odradzam inne systemy. Poproszą cię o pieniądze za ten sklep specjalnie tylko estetycznie, dodając kilka funkcji.

    Używam tego systemu na swoim serwerze od 2018 roku.


    These are all fixes, has anything changed by then? PS: Can you have a reupload?

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