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  1. Hello, sorry for late answer. #ifndef __INC_METIN_II_STL_H__ #define __INC_METIN_II_STL_H__ #include <vector> #include <string> #include <map> #include <list> #include <functional> #include <stack> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #ifdef __GNUC__ #include <ext/functional> #endif #ifndef itertype #define itertype(v) typeof((v).begin()) #endif inline void stl_lowers(std::string& rstRet) { for (size_t i = 0; i < rstRet.length(); ++i) rstRet[i] = tolower(rstRet[i]); } struct stringhash { size_t operator () (const std::string & str) const { const unsigned char * s = (const unsigned char*) str.c_str(); const unsigned char * end = s + str.size(); size_t h = 0; while (s < end) { h *= 16777619; h ^= *(s++); } return h; } }; // code from tr1/functional_hash.h template<typename T> struct hash; template<typename _Tp> struct hash<_Tp*> : public std::unary_function<_Tp*, std::size_t> { std::size_t operator()(_Tp* __p) const { return reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(__p); } }; namespace std { template <class container, class Pred> void erase_if (container & a, typename container::iterator first, typename container::iterator past, Pred pred) { while (first != past) if (pred(*first)) a.erase(first++); else ++first; } template <class container> void wipe(container & a) { typename container::iterator first, past; first = a.begin(); past = a.end(); while (first != past) delete *(first++); a.clear(); } template <class container> void wipe_second(container & a) { typename container::iterator first, past; first = a.begin(); past = a.end(); while (first != past) { delete first->second; ++first; } a.clear(); } template <typename T> T std::min(T a, T b) { return a < b ? a : b; } template <typename T> T std::max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b; } template <typename T> T std::minmax(T min, T value, T max) { T tv; tv = (min > value ? min : value); return (max < tv) ? max : tv; } template <class _Ty> class void_mem_fun_t : public unary_function<_Ty *, void> { public: explicit void_mem_fun_t(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) : _Ptr(_Pm) { } void operator()(_Ty* p) const { ((p->*_Ptr)()); } private: void (_Ty::*_Ptr)(); }; template<class _Ty> inline void_mem_fun_t<_Ty> void_mem_fun(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) { return (void_mem_fun_t<_Ty>(_Pm)); } template<class _Ty> class void_mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function<_Ty, void> { public: explicit void_mem_fun_ref_t(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) : _Ptr(_Pm) {} void operator()(_Ty& x) const { return ((x.*_Ptr)()); } private: void (_Ty::*_Ptr)(); }; template<class _Ty> inline void_mem_fun_ref_t<_Ty> void_mem_fun_ref(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) { return (void_mem_fun_ref_t< _Ty>(_Pm)); } }; #endif This is what i found, but im not very confident in my knowledne in this area. My friend can tell you more after he wakes up
  2. Version of Files : XXX Hello lately we've been stuck on compiling source. The details are in this post: We are clueless and we will give 20 eur to who will show us how to successfully compile source. Thank you in advance, foreach
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