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Everything posted by chairman

  1. Hey @ Mali Do you have any idea why dragonsoul doesn't work like that? else if (Type == CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_DS) { switch (SubType) { case CItemData::DS_SLOT1: idx = c_DragonSoul_Equip_Start; break; case CItemData::DS_SLOT2: idx = c_DragonSoul_Equip_Start+1; break; case CItemData::DS_SLOT3: idx = c_DragonSoul_Equip_Start+2; break; case CItemData::DS_SLOT4: idx = c_DragonSoul_Equip_Start+3; break; case CItemData::DS_SLOT5: idx = c_DragonSoul_Equip_Start+4; break; case CItemData::DS_SLOT6: idx = c_DragonSoul_Equip_Start+5; break; } }
  2. Hi, I have a problem with offline shop by @ Rakancito. 1. I will make a private shop 2. Logs out the char 3. Log in again 4. DB Crash Core db [Hidden Content] Edit files in src db ClientManager.cpp [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] ClientManager.h [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] ClientManagerPlayer.cpp [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] What could I do wrong? Thanks
  3. Hi, im looking for this -> [Hidden Content] i did the function this way but it doesn't work: biolog: pc.setqf("duration",get_time()+60*60*10) spiral item: pc.setqf("duration",pc.getqf("duration")*0.3) // spiral items 30%
  4. Hello, can anyone help fix the bug? I been looking everywhere, but haven't found a fix. [Hidden Content] @edit With armor all okey
  5. ok? config.cpp new password std::string g_stAdminPagePassword = "2eOW2E34f5O4E1"; input.cpp //else if (!stBuf.compare("SHOWMETHEMONEY")) else if (stBuf == g_stAdminPagePassword) { if (!IsEmptyAdminPage()) { if (!IsAdminPage(inet_ntoa(d->GetAddr().sin_addr))) { char szTmp[64]; snprintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "WEBADMIN : Wrong Connector : %s", inet_ntoa(d->GetAddr().sin_addr)); stResult += szTmp; } else { d->SetAdminMode(); stResult = "UNKNOWN"; } } else { d->SetAdminMode(); stResult = "UNKNOWN"; } }
  6. @ds_aim gm mode? config ADMINPAGE_PASSWORD: deadwarriors ADMIN_PAGE_PASSWORD: deadwarriors ADMINPAGE_IP: localhost ADMINPAGE_IP1: -- my side ip ADMINPAGE_IP2: localhost ADMINPAGE_IP3: localhost
  7. crash server channel, my syserr Accept shutdown p2p command from my server ip firewall fix p2p by .Infinity
  8. please, whether it is for this some fix? thanks from weapons without weapons
  9. @Sanchez during teleport cited pet disappears... as it remove?
  10. crashed channel syserr: socket_connect: HOST ipmyserver:14042, could not connect. firewall: $IPF 64 allow all from ipmyserver to any 14042 $IPF 65 allow all from to any 14042 $IPF 66 deny all from any to me 14042
  11. Hi! I have question as set to pets have bonuses through source and not quest? ID pets 34001 or 34002
  12. as shows below we have the use of 2 free slots, as make me could insert there e.g. seal mount?
  13. as shows below we have the use of 2 free slots, as make me could insert there e.g. seal mount?
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