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Posts posted by LoLPos

  1. 4 hours ago, TMP4 said:

    Of course it will be wrong because you still use wndChat's paramteres while it's not related to wndChat anymore.

    You want to stick with the upper right corner, so you don't need wndMgr.GetScreenHeight(), you only need wndMgr.GetScreenWidth().

    (Using ScreenHight would make it stick to the bottom right corner btw)


    Try this:

    yangText = self.NewGoldChat(None, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 50, 125)

    This code make it stick -50 pixel in right, and -125 from top.


    These numbers are not accurate with your wish, i don't have that type of yangChat to test where it will fit 100% with your exception,

    so you'll have to test and edit those numbers. I just guessed rough numbers where it will be somewhat good.



    That actually worked! Thank you ????? @TMP4

    • Love 1
  2. Version of Files 40k


    Hello, im trying to move the yangbox close to the minimap. I moved it to the place with my resolution of 2560x1440, but when i launch the game in 1920x1080 everything disappears. Is there a way to make that position for all resolutions?


    yangText = self.NewGoldChat(None, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()/2 - wndChat.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH/2 + 1450, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - wndChat.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - 37 + 9 - 950)

    This is the code that is changing the position


    2560x1440 - https://metin2.download/picture/RiX4OqECQZ5MFO25Gr7M0BVQQ2CEtjEf/.jpg - Its in the right place

    1920x1080 - https://metin2.download/picture/QdWeYcjy4RhHv9A6ysMMZi6eBQ9aif3D/.jpg - Its gone


    Thanks for any help! :)

    Sorry for bad english, its not my main language ;) 

  3. Hi, i followed this tutorial, and after i click the "show equipment" button, nothing happens. I put all the files from tutorial to root with no edits.



    0602 22:09:22292 :: Traceback (most recent call last):
    0602 22:09:22292 ::   File "game.py", line 1022, in OpenEquipmentDialog
    0602 22:09:22292 ::   File "interfaceModule.py", line 1793, in OpenEquipmentDialog
    0602 22:09:22292 ::   File "uiEquipmentDialog.py", line 110, in __init__
    0602 22:09:22292 ::   File "uiEquipmentDialog.py", line 136, in __LoadDialog
    0602 22:09:22292 :: AttributeError
    0602 22:09:22292 :: : 
    0602 22:09:22292 :: 'ScriptWindow' object has no attribute 'SetCloseEvent'
    0602 22:09:22292 :: 

    Any help ? ?


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