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Posts posted by Risan

  1. Hello People.

    The Questbuttons (Quest letter on left) is not comming.

    I Look Source and i have no idea why is not works!




    def __ShowWindows(self, wnds):
    		import sys
    		map(lambda x:x.Show(), wnds)
    		# global IsQBHide
    		# if not IsQBHide:
    			# self.ShowAllQuestButton()
    		# else:
    			# self.HideAllQuestButton()
    	### Quest ###	
    	def BINARY_ClearQuest(self, index):
    		btn = self.__FindQuestButton(index)
    		if 0 != btn:
    	def RecvQuest(self, index, name):
    		chat.AppendChat(1,"RecvQuest ANSWER!")
    		self.BINARY_RecvQuest(index, name, "file", localeInfo.GetLetterImageName())
    		# Q버튼 호출
    	def BINARY_RecvQuest(self, index, name, iconType, iconName):
    		chat.AppendChat(1,"BINARY_RecvQuest ANSWER!")


    	def __PressQKey(self):
    		# if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL):
    			# if 0==interfaceModule.IsQBHide:
    				# interfaceModule.IsQBHide = 1
    				# self.interface.HideAllQuestButton()
    			# else:
    				# interfaceModule.IsQBHide = 0
    				# self.interface.ShowAllQuestButton()
    		# else:
    			# app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE)



    The PyCallClassMemberFunc give me return to failed.. why?

    I Hope you unterstand me.. 


  2. questcategory.txt ->

    0 collect_1
    0 collect_2
    0 collect_3
    0 collect_4
    0 collect_5
    0 collect_6
    2 dragon_soul
    2 flame_dungeon_open
    3 capture_the_metin
    3 labor_day
    3 monarch
    3 mooons_drop
    3 ox_manager
    3 monarch_wahl
    3 guild_teleports
    3 guild_war_join
    4 deviltower_zone
    4 dragon_lair
    4 give_basic_weapon



    0 Biologen Quests
    1 Auftrags Quests
    2 Delay Quests
    3 Events
    4 Sonstiges

    is a example

  3. This is the hidden content, please

    Metin2 Download

    Good Morning Guys,

    here is a Tutorial how can it Enable Permanent enable Monarch Effect.

    Ok, Lets go:



    enum EAffectBits

    Added the End Line:

    AFF_KING, //45 AFF_KING  
    if (!test_server)

    and add on section this: 
        if (IsMonarch() == true )


    Open: Userinterface/InstanceBase.h


    add over it:

    AFFECT_KING = 45, //45 //KING EFFECT_AFFECT+44  
    and now open the Python File playerSettingModule.py:
    Search: def __LoadGameEffect():
    chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+44, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/armor/armor_koenig.mse") ##45 King Symbol, AFFECT_KING = 45  
    Thats All, now Compile this .

    The Picture is not from me, is other from People..

    mfg Risan


    I Hope my Tutorial has ben unterstanding 
    Best Regards, Risan

    • Metin2 Dev 9
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    • Love 19
  4. Hello Guys, have a everbody a idea how can i Change the Limit on DESCRIPTION?

    The DESCRIPTION for Job Text... See Screen... On Official is full lengh...



    Hallo leute, hat jemand eine idee wo ich das Limit von der Job Beschreibung aufheben kann?

    Ich will das die Job beschreibung komplett angezeigt wird.. Wie beim Offizillen ...



  5. Hello People,

    my Problem is, my Game is crashed.. When a command tip ingame reload m ...


    I would Reload the mob_drop_item.txt on Ingame... On CMD command..


    my CMD:

    			case 'm': 
    				char szMOBDropItemFileName[256];
    				snprintf(szMOBDropItemFileName, sizeof(szMOBDropItemFileName),
    					"%s/mob_drop_item.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str());
    				ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Reloading mob_drop_item.txt.");
    				if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().ReadMonsterDropItemGroup(szMOBDropItemFileName))
    					ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "cannot reload mob_drop_item.txt.");

    But i tipped this ingame, Game is crashed.. I Hope the Community can me help, and why is Crashed:



    root@:/var/mt2_server/share_data # gdb game game.core
    GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
    Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
    welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
    Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
    There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
    This GDB was configured as "i386-marcel-freebsd"...
    Core was generated by `game'.
    Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
    Reading symbols from /lib/libmd.so.5...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libmd.so.5
    Reading symbols from /lib/libz.so.5...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libz.so.5
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libssl.so.6...done.
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libssl.so.6
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6...done.
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
    Reading symbols from /lib/libm.so.5...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libm.so.5
    Reading symbols from /lib/libgcc_s.so.1...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
    Reading symbols from /lib/libthr.so.3...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libthr.so.3
    Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.7...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libc.so.7
    Reading symbols from /lib/libcrypto.so.6...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libcrypto.so.6
    Reading symbols from /libexec/ld-elf.so.1...done.
    Loaded symbols for /libexec/ld-elf.so.1
    #0  0x08252d0c in ITEM_MANAGER::ReadMonsterDropItemGroup (this=0xbfbfb284,
        c_pszFileName=0xbfbf97dc "locale/germany/mob_drop_item.txt")
        at new_allocator.h:107
    107           { ::new(__p) _Tp(__val); }
    [New Thread 289b5d80 (LWP 100116/game)]
    [New Thread 289b5ec0 (LWP 100112/game)]
    [New Thread 289b6140 (LWP 100111/game)]
    [New Thread 28901140 (LWP 100142/initial thread)]
    (gdb) backtrace
    #0  0x08252d0c in ITEM_MANAGER::ReadMonsterDropItemGroup (this=0xbfbfb284,
        c_pszFileName=0xbfbf97dc "locale/germany/mob_drop_item.txt")
        at new_allocator.h:107
    #1  0x080dda8b in do_reload (ch=0x32e48000, argument=0xbfbf9e2c " m", cmd=81,
        subcmd=0) at cmd_gm.cpp:2334
    #2  0x080d1503 in interpret_command (ch=0x32e48000,
        argument=0xbfbfaa8f "reload m", len=8) at cmd.cpp:751
    #3  0x08153cac in CInputMain::Chat (this=0x32ad149c, ch=0x32e48000,
        data=0x28b1d000 "003016", uiBytes=16) at input_main.cpp:717
    #4  0x0815579a in CInputMain::Analyze (this=0x32ad149c, d=0x32ad1400,
        bHeader=<value optimized out>, c_pData=0x28b1d000 "003016")
        at input_main.cpp:3108
    #5  0x0813dab9 in CInputProcessor::Process (this=0x32ad149c,
        lpDesc=0x32ad1400, c_pvOrig=0x28b1d000, iBytes=16,
        r_iBytesProceed=@0xbfbfb170) at input.cpp:108
    #6  0x0810657a in DESC::ProcessInput (this=0x32ad1400) at desc.cpp:365
    #7  0x08258fa4 in io_loop (fdw=0x28a427a0) at main.cpp:1077
    #8  0x082599d1 in idle () at main.cpp:960
    #9  0x0825b050 in main (argc=1, argv=Cannot access memory at address 0xb38b3b79
    ) at main.cpp:616
  6. For ExpTable better Code:

    		std::string temp_exp_line;
    		char szExpTable[256];
    		snprintf(szExpTable, sizeof(szExpTable), "%s/exptable.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str());
    		std::ifstream exp_table_open(szExpTable);
    		if (!exp_table_open.is_open()) {
    			sys_err("Failed to Load ExpTable from exptable.txt");
    			return 0;
    		sys_log(0, "START_OF_EXP_TABLE_LOADING:");
    		int exp_table_counter = 0;
    		while (!exp_table_open.eof())
    			exp_table_open >> temp_exp_line;
    			str_to_number(exp_table_common[exp_table_counter], temp_exp_line.c_str());
    			sys_log(0, "ExpTabele: Level: %u %s", exp_table_counter, temp_exp_line.c_str());
    			if (exp_table_counter < gPlayerMaxLevel)
    				sys_err("Failed ExpTable is lower to MaxExp to Set");
    				return 0;
    		sys_log(0, "END_OF_EXP_TABLE_LOADING:");
  7. Hello Guys,

    The Map Limit from Core is 32, i change this now to 64.

    Create from my Core: 15.07.2014 40315 







    map_allow_copy(p.alMaps, 32); 
    map_allow_copy(p.alMaps, 64); 
    Line: 167


    for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) 
    for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i 
    line: 1335
    void CInputDB::MapLocations(const char * c_pData) 
    BYTE to INT change!




    long m_alMaps[32]; 
    long m_alMaps[64]; 
    line: 71

    Common Folder



    long alMaps[32]; 
    line: 805 
    long alMaps[62]; 
    long alMaps[64];
    line: 793

    And Now here is my Change Map insert..


    go game src:






    void CMapLocation::Insert(long lIndex, const char * c_pszHost, WORD wPort) {
    and Change the Void
    void CMapLocation::Insert(long lIndex, const char * c_pszHost, WORD wPort)
    	TLocation loc;
    	loc.addr = inet_addr(c_pszHost);
    	loc.port = wPort;
    	if (wPort == mother_port)	 //Übergebene Port selbe ist wie der eingestellte
    		m_map_address.insert(std::make_pair(lIndex, loc));
    		sys_log(0, "MapLocation::Insert : %d %s %d", lIndex, c_pszHost, wPort);

    Best Regards,




    • Love 7
  8. Hello, i will Compile this ( http://metin2dev.org/board/index.php/topic/4066-core-sources-enhancemt-working-together-to-improve-core-sources/) on Linux. I use Debian 7.7.0 x32...

    root@debian:/usr/mt2/cmake-3.0.2-Linux-i386/bin/src/libthecore# uname -a
    Linux debian 3.2.0-4-486 #1 Debian 3.2.63-2+deb7u2 i686 GNU/Linux


    The Error: 

    root@debian:/usr/mt2/cmake-3.0.2-Linux-i386/bin/src/libthecore# make
    [ 14%] Building CXX object src/libthecore/CMakeFiles/libthecore.dir/fdwatch.cpp.o
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âfdwatch* fdwatch_new(int)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:276:5: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ârfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:277:5: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âwfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:279:5: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:280:5: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_rfdidxâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:282:7: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âvoid fdwatch_delete(LPFDWATCH)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:294:15: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:295:15: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_rfdidxâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âint fdwatch_get_fdidx(LPFDWATCH, socket_t)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:305:23: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:306:12: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âvoid fdwatch_add_fd(LPFDWATCH, socket_t, void*, int, int)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:317:12: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:320:14: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:321:8: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:321:24: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:329:2: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ârfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:332:2: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âwfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âvoid fdwatch_del_fd(LPFDWATCH, socket_t)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:337:11: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:345:9: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:347:7: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:347:30: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:347:46: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:348:43: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:349:39: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:351:5: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ârfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:352:5: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âwfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âint fdwatch(LPFDWATCH, timeval*)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:360:10: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_rfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:360:33: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ârfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:361:10: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_wfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:361:33: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âwfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:367:22: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_rfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:367:45: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_wfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:372:22: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_rfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:372:45: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_wfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:380:26: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named ânselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:382:34: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:383:9: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_rfdidxâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âint fdwatch_check_fd(LPFDWATCH, socket_t)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:396:38: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_rfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:399:39: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_wfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âvoid* fdwatch_get_client_data(LPFDWATCH, unsigned int)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:407:17: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_rfdidxâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âint fdwatch_get_ident(LPFDWATCH, unsigned int)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:416:17: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_rfdidxâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:420:19: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âvoid fdwatch_clear_event(LPFDWATCH, socket_t, unsigned int)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:425:17: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_rfdidxâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:429:22: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:433:5: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_rfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:434:5: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âworking_wfd_setâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp: In function âint fdwatch_check_event(LPFDWATCH, socket_t, unsigned int)â:
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:439:17: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_rfdidxâ
    /usr/mt2/Server-master/src/libthecore/fdwatch.cpp:443:22: error: âstruct fdwatchâ has no member named âselect_fdsâ
    make[2]: *** [src/libthecore/CMakeFiles/libthecore.dir/fdwatch.cpp.o] Fehler 1
    make[1]: *** [src/libthecore/CMakeFiles/libthecore.dir/all] Fehler 2
    make: *** [all] Fehler 2

    On Windows is all Works..


    lua and shared is compile on Linux finish..



    I Hope everbody can help..

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