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Posts posted by .CHNoel

  1. Hello community,


    like you can read on the topic, i have a problem with removing one empire.

    The problem is not to remove the empire, but this:




    The Problem is that he doesnt show the description of the empires after your click "Weiter" (Continue).

    That happens also when i create a new charakter.

    Its not a big problem but i really want to add a description.


    The Flaggs are just for the test, thats why they dont look so professionell (Just the same flaggs with other colores).

    Besides i´m searching for a Designer who can design me new Flaggs and a Homepage+Login Interface.

    So if you can do one of this thinks, send me a message. :)


    Thanks for your time :)

  2. It randomly changes the sequence table, what this exactly is, is a bit unclear for me as I don't know C++, but it seems the game expects the client to respond with a certain sequence to another. Therefore if you use this dif your client will be compatible ONLY with the game you patched.


    Ok, thanks. The Problem is i´m using the 40k Game which i compiled (Windwos Version).

    I dont think that the diff Patcher will work for this.

  3. Does somebody know how i can fix the tp bug in the source?

    With the TP "bug" i mean everytime when you are using a skill or mounting a mount your stats are resetet/reloadet.

    The problem is that the affect table isnt reloading to.

    So if you got 5k additional hp by doing a quest, everytime you use a skill it will automatically remove 5k hp +the dmg you get.

    So the boni you get is kind of useless, it would be very great if someone know how to fix this.

    I tried, but i did not manage it since i´m a beginner in C++.

    I hope somebody can help :)

    • Love 2
  4. 7hRnH.png


    As you can see on the picture: ../ScriptLibPython-2.2libs


    Ok, thank you i managed to compile the maineline_release binary but i cant find it, do you know were it is?


  5. You trying to link to the Solution, but you need to link to the UserInterface project.




    Thanks, but i just dont know how to do it.

    I never really worked with VS, i´m sorry :S

  6. Right click on the Project - > Properties - > Linker - > General: Add here the the path of the lib to the Additional Library Directories


    Thanks for your help, but i cant find somthing called "Linker".



  7. I can't give it for you, because it have many modifications, but its easy to compile a new from novaline. If you have errors just link the libs properly:


    1. Link every lib to UserInterface

    2. Link EterLocale to Eterlib


    Thanks, the problem i have with compiling novaline is that i dont know which VS Version i need, it would be great if anyone could tell me.

    I know that mainline works with VS 2008 Sp1 but that does not work for novaline.

    Thanks for your help again :)

  8. The packet error can happen because of many things:


    1. The packet variables are not the same on client/server side

    2. The packet does not exist on client/server side



    Now it sounds easy to fix, but not really...The syserr always report false or random (?) packets, sometimes it says "unknown packet header: 55", then few minutes later it says "unknown packet header: 101".I recommend you to use the mainline for server, because with that the dev and the novaline works too without any errors.


    Thanks to everybody for your help.

    @Sanchez do you have a compiled Binary from novaline i can use? And i´m using the mainline source. :)

  9. Hello guys,


    i got a problem which appears sometimes and i thought i had fixed it but i still appears.

    The problem i got is like in the topic: Unknown packet header: xx, last: xxx xxx.

    Does somebody know how i can fix it and why this error appears?


    It would be very helpfull if somebody could help me.

    I´m using mainline for the ones who want to know what files i use.


    I´m thankfull for every usefull answer :)

  10. Hello,


    Anyone know a solution for this problem I use the dev binary for the client and a myself compiled game, after login I can see the character for 1 second then closes the client and I got this error:


    Unknown packet header: 101, last: 41 70


    kind regards,



    I had the same Problem but i fixed it when i used a newer Binary.

    I think you get this problem because your game and your Binary doesnt fit together.

  11. Prepare yourselves for vanilla 2.2




    + moved from c++99 to c++11

    + DB can now start without txt-files!

    + command_log works now properly

    + Putting things for 0 gold in the shop works now properly

    + 6/7 bonus works now properly

    + rewrote test-server module:

     If test-mode is activated all logs and information will be provided as you may remember it. But people won't be able to use admin commands (commands for IMPLEMENTOR) unless their account is written in the gmtable. This helps you keeping the damage low in case someone's getting able to enable the test-mode. Users won't be able to use implementor-commands unless you've specified they have the permission to.


    Please tell me what features you want to see in 2.2 so I can implement them before I release it.


    It would be great if you can compile the game for the windows files to :)


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