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Everything posted by Looki

  1. Hello M2Dev, Can anyone tell me how can I set this file? It's koray user_guard Whatever they do, the connection does not work, I changed the port. Thank you. CPP: #include "stdafx.h" #include "user_security_guard.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifndef __WIN32__ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdint.h> #endif /* Get exported function from another file*/ extern void socket_timeout(socket_t s, long sec, long usec); /* Static Functions */ // Create GET Request Format static int FN_make_request(const char *login, const char *password, const char * guard_code, char *dst, int dst_size) { int len = snprintf(dst, dst_size, "GET /guvenlipc.php?login=%s&password=%s&guard_code=%s HTTP/1.1\r\n" // <<<<<<<<<<<<< HEREEE!!!!!!!! "Host:\r\n" "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n", login, password, guard_code); return len; } // Parse received socket reply static int FN_parse_reply(char *reply) { char buffer[2048]; strlcpy(buffer, reply, sizeof(buffer)); const char *delim = "\r\n"; char *last = 0; char *v = strtok_r(buffer, delim, &last); char *result = 0; while (v) { result = v; v = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &last); } if (result) { if (0 == strcasecmp("mail_is_sended", result)) return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__MAIL_SENDED; else if (0 == strcasecmp("web_unknown_error", result)) return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__WEB_UNKNOWN_ERROR; else if (0 == strcasecmp("web_sql_error", result)) return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__WEB_MYSQL_ERROR; else if (0 == strcasecmp("code_already_sended", result)) return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__WEB_CODE_ALREADY_SENDED; else if (0 == strcasecmp("code_is_valid", result)) return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__CODE_IS_VALID; else if (0 == strcasecmp("code_is_invalid", result)) return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__CODE_IS_INVALID; else if (0 == strcasecmp("mailer_error", result)) return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__MAILER_ERROR; else if (0 == strcasecmp("guard_is_ok", result)) return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__WEB_IS_OK; } return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__SERVER_ERROR; } /* Global Functions */ // Send user security login request int UserSecurityGuard_LoginWebserver(const char *login, const char *pwd, const char * guard_code) { const char *host = ""; <<<<<< HERE!!!! // HOST ADDRESS int port = 80; // HTTP PORT // Create fd for security connection socket_t fd = socket_connect(host, port); if (fd < 0) { /* If couldn't connect to web server */ sys_err("[USER_SECURITY_GUARD] : couldn't connect to web server(%s:%d)", host, port); return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__SERVER_ERROR; } else{ sys_log(0,"[USER_SECURITY_GUARD] : connected to web server(%s:%d)", host, port); } // Clear nonblocking i/o socket_block(fd); // Set timeout socket_timeout(fd, 10, 0); //3 /* Send request */ { char request[512]; int read_len = FN_make_request(login, pwd, guard_code, request, sizeof(request)); // Wrap GET Request if (read_len < 0) { sys_err("[USER_SECURITY_GUARD] : couldn't writed request data. err code: %d", read_len); close(fd); return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__SERVER_ERROR; } else{ sys_log(0, "[USER_SECURITY_GUARD] : request data succesfuly wrapped. GET data: %s", request); } // Write request to fd if (socket_write(fd, request, read_len) < 0) { sys_err("[USER_SECURITY_GUARD] : couldn't send request to web server (from: %s)", login); socket_close(fd); // Clear fd data return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__SERVER_ERROR; } else{ sys_log(0, "[USER_SECURITY_GUARD] : succesfuly sended auth request (from: %s)", login); } } // read reply { char reply[1024] = { 0 }; int read_len = socket_read(fd, reply, sizeof(reply)); // Read fd reply socket_close(fd); // Clear fd data if (read_len <= 0) { sys_err("[USER_SECURITY_GUARD] : couldn't recv web server reply (from: %s)", login); return USER_SECURITY_GUARD__SERVER_ERROR; } else{ sys_log(0, "[USER_SECURITY_GUARD] : succesfuly received web server reply (from: %s) Reply: %s", login, reply); } // When received any data increase query count UserSecurityGuard_IncQueryCount(); // Return for wrap reply return FN_parse_reply(reply); } } // increase query count static int s_query_count = 0; int UserSecurityGuard_IncQueryCount() { return ++s_query_count; } // Create user security logs void UserSecurityGuard_Log() { FILE *fp = 0; // open and try backup { fp = fopen("AUTH_COUNT.log", "a"); if (0 == fp) return; struct stat sb; fstat(fileno(fp), &sb); if (sb.st_size > 1024 * 1024) { fclose(fp); rename("AUTH_COUNT.log", "AUTH_COUNT.log.old"); fp = fopen("AUTH_COUNT.log", "a"); } } // check log data if (s_query_count == 0) { fclose(fp); return; } // write log { fprintf(fp, "%d\n", s_query_count); fclose(fp); } // reset query count s_query_count = 0; }
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