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Everything posted by LISA

  1. Still working on a solution, If anyone knows more about my problem please let me know (PM or here) Thanks in advance LISA
  2. The Character selection section is introselect.py You can use this extension. It contains Enter Key, Arrow Keys, ESC, Arrow Keys Add to to the end of introselect.py kind regards LISA
  3. The closeButton was not initialized. This happened because ENABLE_RENEW_MESSENGER_WHISPER is TRUE, which needs to be FALSE in order to initialize the close button (class attribute). in order to fix this: app.ENABLE_RENEW_MESSENGER_WHISPER = False or add the button outside the if condition example - Line 100
  4. Thanks, @WeedHex Yes you are correct, it stacks ordinary items. As you can see in my first post, the flags for the items I try to stack are already set correct. The difference here is that the Items I try to add with pc.give_item2 are adders/attribute changers (itemshop items). They behave differently - this seems to be a source issue. You can test this by yourself. just use the quest and change the flags. @Chyu ^^The function pc.give_item is depricated, you wont use this any longer since the vnum lookup is incorrect. pc.give_item2(vnum,count) is the correct function to use. If anyone knows more about this please let me know. Thanks in advance
  5. Thanks for your reply, I tested this now with different vnums for example with 27004 (small blue potion). This Item is automatically stacking when added with pc_give_item2 into inventory. Is this the source used by pc_give_item2()? please correct me if I am wrong. Kind regards LISA
  6. Hi, I see similiar requests (also on other boards), but none of them are solved. If there is an expert who can help me out it would be super kind. Thanks in advance
  7. Hi, im currently trying to create my own chest that can drop adders (1-5) and attribute changers. The drop is created into inventory, when the specific chest is opened (via quest). I Implemented support for stacking those adders and changers (c++ / python) . Now I can manually drag and drop them over each other and they will add. But they do not stack when added directly to inventory. My special_item_group.txt does not contain any of these vnums (its actually empty) Antiflags are 0 (serverside and clientside) Flags are 4 (serverside and clientside) Is there a way to stack them automatically, when given from a chest via pc.give_item2(vnum) ? chest.quest quest chest begin state start begin when 50184.use begin if pc.get_empty_inventory_count() >= 1 then local rnd = number(1,10) if rnd >= 0 and rnd < 2 then pc.give_item2(39029, 2) pc.remove_item(50184,1) elseif rnd >= 2 and rnd <= 3 then pc.give_item2(39004,1) pc.remove_item(50184,1) else pc.give_item2(39028,5) pc.remove_item(50184,1) end else chat("Not enough inventory space.") end end end end Kind regards LISA
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