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Everything posted by ruben.alex92

  1. I'm not german i'm portuguese but i have the quest in en. Traduce not bad
  2. quest warpring begin state start begin when 80009.use with pc.get_level() >= 10 begin say_title("Ring:") say("Would you like to travel?") local main_set = select("Yes","No") if main_set == 2 then return end if pc.get_level() <= 10 then say_title("Ring:") say("Hm... are you still with your current level") say("too weak to travel through time and space.") say("Come back when you're higher than level 10.") return end local map = pc.get_map_index() local empire = pc.get_empire() local level = pc.get_level() say_title("Ring:") say("Where do you want to be teleported?") -- ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? (? ?? 1,2 ??) if map == 1 or map == 3 or map == 21 or map == 23 or map == 41 or map == 43 then local guild_map_names = { "Guild Zone", "Guild Zone", "Guild Zone", } guild_map_name = guild_map_names[empire] local empire_castle={ "Castle Battle", "Castle Battle", "Castle Battle", } empire_castle =empire_castle[empire] local sub_set = 0 if level < 60 then -- 60?? : ?????, ???, ????, ??? sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Nula Valley", "Waste Land", "Tangra Mountain", empire_castle,"Other Sectors") if sub_set == 6 then -- ?? return end else -- 61?? : ????, ???, ????, ???? sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Nula Valley", "Waste Land", "Tangra Mountain", empire_castle,"Other Sectors") if sub_set == 6 then -- ?? say_title("Teleporter:") say("Where do you want to be teleported?") sub_set = select("Valkus", "Demon Tower", "Spider Dungeon", "Wild Forest", "Red Forest", "Land of the Giants", "Back", "Cancel") + 5 if sub_set == 13 then -- ?? return end if sub_set == 12 then -- ?? say_title("Teleporter:") say("Where do you want to be teleported?") --- l sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Nula Valley", "Waste Land", "Tangra Mountain", empire_castle,"Other Sectors") if sub_set == 6 then -- ?? say_title("Teleporter:") say("Where do you want to be teleported?") sub_set = select("Valkus", "Demon Tower", "Spider Dungeon", "Wilde Forest", "Red Forest", "Land of the Giants", "Cancel") + 5 if sub_set == 12 then -- ?? return end end end end end local warp = { -- guild_map { { 128500, 1000 }, { 179500, 1000 }, { 271800, 13000 }, }, -- 64 map_n_threeway { { 402100, 673900 }, { 270400, 739900 }, { 321300, 808000 }, }, -- 63 metin2_map_n_desert_01 { { 217800, 627200 }, { 221900, 502700 }, { 344000, 502500 }, }, -- 61 map_n_snowm_01 { { 434200, 290600 }, { 375200, 174900 }, { 491800, 173600 }, }, --empire_castle { {975200, 133000}, {977200, 185000}, {923900, 183600}, } , -- 62 metin2_map_n_flame_01 { { 599400, 756300 }, { 597800, 622200 }, { 730700, 689800 }, }, -- devil_tower { { 590500, 110500 }, { 590500, 110500 }, { 590500, 110500 }, }, -- 104 metin2_map_spiderdungeon { { 60000, 496000 }, { 60000, 496000 }, { 60000, 496000 }, }, -- 67 metin2_map_trent { { 288700, 5700 }, { 288700, 5700 }, { 288700, 5700 }, }, -- 68 metin2_map_trent02 { { 1119900, 70800 }, { 1119900, 70800 }, { 1119900, 70800 }, }, -- 70 metin2_map_nusluck01 { { 845100, 745900 }, { 845100, 745900 }, { 845100, 745900 }, }, } test_chat(warp[sub_set][empire][1]..warp[sub_set][empire][2]) say_title("Ring:") say("Caution, I teleport now. you will") say("at a dangerous place to land, so watch out") say("you on. Good luck!") wait() pc.warp(warp[sub_set][empire][1], warp[sub_set][empire][2]) else -- ? ?? 1,2 ? ??? ?????? ? ?? 1,2 ? ??? ?? ?? local sub_set2 = 3 --sub_set2 = select(locale.vileage1_name[empire], locale.vileage2_name[empire], locale.cancel) if empire==1 then sub_set2 = select("Argos","Maadi" , locale.cancel) elseif empire ==2 then sub_set2 = select("Netha","Aswan" , locale.cancel) elseif empire ==3 then sub_set2 = select("Longdon","Corinth" , locale.cancel) end if sub_set2 != 3 then if sub_set2 == 1 then say_title("Ring:") say("I would teleport you for nothing.") wait() if empire == 1 then pc.warp(474300,954800) elseif empire == 2 then pc.warp(63800,166400) elseif empire == 3 then pc.warp(959900,269200) end elseif sub_set2 == 2 then say_title("Ring:") say("I would teleport you for nothing.") wait() if empire == 1 then pc.warp(353100,882900) elseif empire == 2 then pc.warp(145500,240000) elseif empire == 3 then pc.warp(863900,246000) end end -- end sub set check2 if end -- end sub set check1 if end -- end map check if end -- end when use item end -- end state start end -- end quest warpring3
  3. Hi guys, any one know how i remove or del the multi-lang system of my client. I use the client of invoice, and i want to remove, so any know please say for me. Cumpz
  4. That's a completely different matter. You protect the client to prevent the use of hacks and/or stealing your content, but it's not absolutely necessary. The worst that can happen is that someone cheats or some server uses your stuff, but that's not dangerous for your server by itself. Whereas an insecure server can put your project in serious trouble. The minimum you should do in regards to server security is: - Use of strong passwords and/or SSH keys - Software firewalling (particularly DB port should never be accessed from outside) and rate limiting - Hardware DDoS protection (such as provided by Eterhost) Website: - Check your website for vulnerabilities (theres a lot of software that does this just Google) and consider using a Web Application Firewall such as provided by Cloudflare or Incapsula. - Use Captcha on your registration page to block automated scripts. Thanks, good
  5. Hi guys, i search people to protect my server 34K. I want protect my server to ddos, dc etc etc. I want my server protect, i pay for paypal (say prices in post or skype) skype: ruben.alex92 Thanks guys
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