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Posts posted by Efyn

  1. vanilla project closed.


    I'm not going to develop any future versions of vanilla core. Since there's no purpose of vanilla core, it's nonsense to continue wasting my time adding features nearly no one will ever use.


    I'll spend the time with more important things than developing a useless core. I'll help others creating their owns and developing their own features. If there's demand, I'll give some peeks into the source code of vanilla 2.2 and I'll be - of course - still active here and share my ideas and codes with you.


    Within this change it's better to close this thread.

    You can share changes you've made to your core :)

  2. Vanilla, you would save mu Life if u posted what u target, which was causing certain error. It would really help developing that core. I remember that mainline get about 1k warnings which most od them have performence target, but u just said that some generates crashes. Will u find some time and do a quick list with this errors?

    As Vanilla says:

    "Since the source code is written by YMIR and I respect their work I won't release the source code or give any peeks into it."

  3. Vanilla can you add pet.is_mine() function? It was relased on Inya's thread on epvp.


    Here it is (Thanks to xP3NG3Rx)

    /*| questlua_pet.cpp |*/
    int pet_is_mine(lua_State* L)
        CQuestManager& q = CQuestManager::instance();
        LPCHARACTER ch = q.GetCurrentCharacterPtr();
        LPCHARACTER pet = q.GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr();
        lua_pushboolean(L, ch->IsPet() || pet && pet->GetOwner() == ch);
        return 1;
    luaL_reg pet_functions[] =
        { "is_mine", pet_is_mine },
  4. Prepare yourselves for vanilla 2.2




    + moved from c++99 to c++11

    + DB can now start without txt-files!

    + command_log works now properly

    + Putting things for 0 gold in the shop works now properly

    + 6/7 bonus works now properly

    + rewrote test-server module:

     If test-mode is activated all logs and information will be provided as you may remember it. But people won't be able to use admin commands (commands for IMPLEMENTOR) unless their account is written in the gmtable. This helps you keeping the damage low in case someone's getting able to enable the test-mode. Users won't be able to use implementor-commands unless you've specified they have the permission to.


    Please tell me what features you want to see in 2.2 so I can implement them before I release it.

    How about plugin system, four inventorys and longer passwords?

  5. I compiled client from novaline & mainline_released, but both client binarys are just working with the .sg client...

    I want to use my old client and dont want it to read only .pyc files...

    But i never worked with such many lines of code before and cant find the function(s) to change...

    What? I'm working on novaline binary and everything is working on global client (metin2.de for example). All I needed was root and uiscript from source (also novaline). I have packed it and everything is working fine :) 0 .pyc at root
  6. http://scr.hu/8qd/etjjb
    How about that?
    I've used 2.9 model converted by bulkconverter and your granny. I've got unpacked binary (compiled by my own), is it ok?
    Is it possible to work with that granny on your own compiled biniaries?
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