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Everything posted by Dumik

  1. Hello everybody, i have a problem with new funtion in error log i have this: char_item.cpp: In member function 'bool CHARACTER::helpCountBeltSpecifyItem(DWORD, int) const': char_item.cpp:6422: error: invalid conversion from 'const CHARACTER* const' to 'CHARACTER*' char_item.cpp:6422: error: initializing argument 1 of 'static bool CBeltInventoryHelper::IsItemInSlotBeltInventory(CHARACTER*, DWORD, int)' this is the function from char_item.cpp int CHARACTER::CountBeltSpecifyItem(DWORD vnum) const { int count = 0; LPITEM item; LPITEM beltItem = GetWear(WEAR_BELT); if (beltItem != NULL) // if belt is equip { for (int i = BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_START; i < BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_END; ++i) { if (!helpCountBeltSpecifyItem(vnum, i)) { continue; } else { count += item->GetCount(); } } } return count; } bool CHARACTER::helpCountBeltSpecifyItem(DWORD vnum, int i) const { line 6422 ->if (CBeltInventoryHelper::IsItemInSlotBeltInventory(this, vnum, i)) return true; else return false; } belt_inventory_helper.cpp static bool IsItemInSlotBeltInventory(LPCHARACTER pc, DWORD vnum, int target_cell) { if(pc == NULL) return false; if(vnum == NULL) { pc->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("ERROR! [belt_inventory_helper] No vnum specified!")); return false; } if(target_cell == NULL) { pc->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("ERROR! [belt_inventory_helper] No target cell specified!")); return false; } LPITEM beltInventoryItem = pc->GetInventoryItem(target_cell); //pc->GetInventoryItem(i) if(beltInventoryItem->GetVnum()) return true; return false; } Thanks for any help
  2. It is there any possible how to add possible use SELECT clause?
  3. I want add new function for quests. But when i apply this function to quest nothing happens. Please can you help me? int game_mysql_query(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); SQLMsg *msg; msg = DBManager::instance().DirectQuery(lua_tostring(L, 1)); if (msg->uiSQLErrno != 0) { sys_err("game_mysql_query failed"); return 0; } } { "mysql_query", game_mysql_query }, Quest part: pc.give_item2(game.mysql_query("SELECT login FROM account.account WHERE id="..player_id.." ")) Thank you a lot
  4. Hi, this is the small instruction. e.g <span class="imgPosition"><img src="your_path/ninja_head.png" alt=""></span> .imgPosition img { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 20px; } Best regards, Dumik
  5. Open game/src/shop_manager.cpp search :&nbsp;int iVal = 0; DWORD dwTax = 0; int iVal = 0; // default 3 // Santhia remove tax for items if (LC_IsYMIR() || LC_IsKorea()) { //dwTax = dwPrice * iVal / 100; dwPrice -= dwTax; } else { //dwTax = dwPrice * iVal/100; dwPrice -= dwTax; }
  6. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello, i created several functions for private server Santhia (czech private server). I hope it will useful for you. Log system function: function CreateLog ($status,$fileName,$id,$ip,$itemID = NULL,$desc = NULL) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT login from ".DB_ACC.".account WHERE id = ".mysql_escape($id)." "); if(strtoupper(trim($fileName)) == 'BUY' and !is_null($itemID) ) {$opt = ' | Item: '.$itemID; } else {$opt = ''; } if (!is_null($desc)){ $descr = $desc; }else{ $descr = ''; } $log = new Logging(); $log->lfile('path/logs/'.$fileName.'.txt'); $log->lwrite('STATUS: '.strtoupper(trim($status)).' | Login: '.mysql_result($sql,0,login).''.$opt.' | '.$ip.' | '.$descr ); //e.g. CreateLog ('STATUS',NAME_OF_FILE,$_SESSION['id'],$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],''ID_ITEMU,'DESCRIPTION'); } Log system class: <?php class Logging { private $log_file, $fp; public function lfile($path) { $this->log_file = $path; } public function lwrite($message) { if (!is_resource($this->fp)) { $this->lopen(); } $time = @date('[Y.m.d H:i:s]'); fwrite($this->fp, "$time $message" . PHP_EOL); } public function lclose() { fclose($this->fp); } private function lopen() { $log_file_default = 'path/logs/login.txt'; $lfile = $this->log_file ? $this->log_file : $log_file_default; $this->fp = fopen($lfile, 'a') or exit("Can't open $lfile!"); } } ?> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function to display the image of Items: function ItemImg($vnum) { $equip_length = strlen($vnum); switch($equip_length) { case '1': $vnum = '0000'.$vnum; $id = substr($vnum, 0, -1); break; case '2': $vnum = '000'.$vnum; $id = substr($vnum, 0, -1); break; case '3': $vnum = '00'.$vnum; $id = substr($vnum, 0, -1); break; case '4': $vnum = '0'.$vnum; $id = substr($vnum, 0, -1); break; case '5': $vnum1 = $vnum; break; } if(file_exists('template/img/isIcon/ico/'.$id.'0.png')) { return 'path/ico/'.$id.'0.png'; } elseif(file_exists('path/ico/'.$vnum1.'.png')) { return 'path/ico/'.$vnum1.'.png'; } else { return 'path/error.png'; // error image. if image is missing } } I hope it will useful for you. If you have questions feel to free and contact me. Dumik WebDeveloper for Santhia
  7. Hi, it is possible to share source code of python part? Thank you a lot. Dumik WebMaster for Santhia (czech private servver)
  8. I add CTOA everywhere in ROOT/ UISCRIPT and LOCALE and now i have this problem Thank you a lot
  9. Hello, i have still same problem. 0405 14:04:03862 :: ui 0405 14:04:03862 :: :1975: 0405 14:04:03862 :: RuntimeWarning 0405 14:04:03862 :: : 0405 14:04:03862 :: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception 0405 14:04:03862 :: 0405 14:04:03862 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0405 14:04:03862 :: File "networkModule.py", line 239, in SetGamePhase 0405 14:04:03863 :: File "game.py", line 107, in __init__ 0405 14:04:03863 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 291, in MakeInterface 0405 14:04:03863 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 113, in __MakeChatWindow 0405 14:04:03864 :: File "uiChat.py", line 622, in __init__ 0405 14:04:03864 :: File "ui.py", line 1992, in __init__ 0405 14:04:03864 :: File "ui.py", line 2008, in CreateScrollBar 0405 14:04:03865 :: File "ui.py", line 1975, in SetSize 0405 14:04:03865 :: OverflowError 0405 14:04:03865 :: : 0405 14:04:03865 :: Python int too large to convert to C long 0405 14:04:03865 :: I have binary from mainline_released. And I upgrade python-2.2 to python-2.7. Can you help me, pls. Thank you a lot. Dumik
  10. Yes im pretty sure. i checked 10 times. Thank you. Best regards, Vojta (Dumik)
  11. Hello everybody, i have another problem. I add all codes. Compilation was successful but when i login as GM the client kick me out after loading window. in syserror is this: 0401 19:45:40573 :: Unknown packet header: 148, last: 45 81 Do you know how to fix it? Thank you a lot Best regards, Vojta
  12. Hello everybody, i would like to ask you to one thing. You must create a new enum? For Spam system? if so how am I supposed to write Open common/length.h and add these: ? 1 2 3 SPAM_WAIT_SEC = 5, // The player can duplicate his message after 5 sec SPAM_CHAT_BAN_TIME = 60, // The player will receive 60 seconds chat ban, if he is saying a spamlist word SPAM_BAN_TIME = 3600, // The player will receive 1 hour ban, if he is saying a banlist word Thank you a lot Dumik
  13. Hello everybody, I have problem with client. I have built a Binary with Python 2.7 (mainline_releasedmainline_sgSrcsClient), but when I start it, it´s everythink ok but after loading screen the client fall down with this error: <<< 0313 16:43:49401 :: uiCharacter.py(line:399) __LoadWindow uiCharacter.py(line:152) __LoadScript ui.py(line:2818) LoadScriptFile ui.py(line:3008) LoadChildren ui.py(line:3008) LoadChildren ui.py(line:3008) LoadChildren ui.py(line:2864) LoadChildren ui.py(line:3091) LoadElementButton CharacterWindow.__LoadWindow - <type 'exceptions.OverflowError'>:Python int too large to convert to C long 0313 16:43:49401 :: ============================================================================================================ 0313 16:43:49401 :: Abort!!!! Can anyone help me? Thank you a lot. Best regards, Dumik santhia.eu
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