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Posts posted by Exynox

  1. Thank you for your contribution! It has now occurred to me just how much information was available on the topic, but hidden away from the most of us simply because we haven't been blessed with speaking Korean. It would be nice if we could somehow archive everything properly within M2Dev's wiki. Having everything translated would be the cherry on top.

    Nonetheless, I feel that the assets of these early Metin2 clients might still be around, buried somewhere on some Korean forum. The ruliweb page had two download links that maybe could lead us somewhere:

    METIN II Beta Client 최신버젼 다운로드(서버1):
    METIN II Beta Client 최신버젼 다운로드(서버2):

    The "MetinII0_0_1.exe" filename might be a starting point? Another thing I'm planning to do is to crawl the Korean IPv4 space for public FTP servers and check whether there are any resources hosted there. It's quite a long shot, but might be worth it.

    Lastly, I have a feeling that the original kraizy/2014 YMIR leak could contain these assets. To my knowledge sadly, SVN doesn't really locally store anything but the latest revision, but who knows.

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  2. 17 hours ago, Helia01 said:

    we finally find out why the icafe ring was needed

    Well, the answer was always there, in the source code it's referred as PCBANG, basically a Internet Cafe system where you would pay to play games (like in the good old days of our childhood). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_bang The odd thing is that payment information & management was integrated into the game, so that you'd get kicked if you haven't paid xD.

    What I'd like to know is whether the PC bang functionality for Metin2 was only used during the beta, or also after the game was released.

    4 hours ago, sagor said:

    Thanks for reply. I found too many things but i did not put them. If I have time, i will put the more screenshots with description and extra 1 video from 2004 Korean game introduction on TV 

    Please do, this is really interesting! I've had my own attempt at finding resources back in 2020. I only managed to rip whatever archive.org had saved - here's a link for the curious: https://metin2.download/file/9b2qK3SqSK4tbE1CUNSXpT5TM2Rxd95G/

    • muscle 1
  3. Firstly, I found this article online, it might be interesting: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/621236/Nanomite-and-Debug-Blocker-for-Linux-Applications

    Those bytes that you see are essentially a marker for the actual protection tool to process the machine code after compilation. Without this tool, the bytes don't do much other than be interpreted as code. If we take a look at the x86-32 instructions for NANOBEGIN we'll see the following:

    0:  eb 03                   jmp    0x5
    2:  d6                      (data)
    3:  d7                      (data)
    4:  01                      (data) 

    Essentially, the CPU short jumps by setting the EIP register 5 bytes ahead, effectively skipping the byte sequence.

    Therefore, without the proper tooling, NANOBEGIN & friends don't do much else than to waste a few CPU cycles here and there. Probably you'd just want to remove any references to this protection from your source code.

    • Good 2
  4. Yes, I've also heard that those webfiles were also published around that time, but I haven't been able to find them. Since mcncc is dead, I'd say that website is unobtanium. Still, it's not that much of a loss, since I doubt anyone would want to use a chinese website.

    It would be nice to check out the quirks, such as the fact that due to Chinese regulations, you had to enter your government identification number in order to register. I also suppose that's the origin of the "social_id" column in the account table, albeit the length is 13 characters, which matches with the Korean RRN, a 13-digit long number, whereas the Chinese was 15 digits at the time.

    • Good 2
  5. Hi there,

    As I've promised a couple of times now, I'm posting all the resources I have - of course, while excluding leaks, hacks and so on and so forth.
    Since some of the resources I have are already posted on M2DL, I just copied their links here.

    Clients and Serverfiles

    Generic clients

    Private server clients

    Client + serverfiles packs

    • Daroo Serverfiles 1678-RC-B4:
      This is the hidden content, please
      This is the hidden content, please
      (password: germany)
    • Profizocker files:
      This is the hidden content, please
      (password: elitepvpers.de) and
      This is the hidden content, please
      (password: elitepvpers.de)

    Serverfiles only


    Game content

    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
      - this is a bundle made by pasha37 on 01.01.2014 (lol!), containing some useful things such as: GF .DE data/locale/protos, various game/db/client binaries, 2013 hybrid keys, 2013 non-Cython root from Yitian2, the original Windows Serverfiles release and some other miscellanea.
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • This is the hidden content, please

    Miscellaneous tools

    Since probably there's little use for this, I decided to

    This is the hidden content, please
    . It includes things such as archivers, client starters, libs, game diffs, autopatchers, map editors. And a Portmap I translated into Romanian.


    The same goes for

    This is the hidden content, please
    as well. These are all old, crappy resources, probably full of exploits. Use at your own risk.



    I'm happy to complete this collection with your submissions once they're uploaded on M2DL.

    Regards, Exynox.

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  6. I hope you're probably aware that having (popular) Metin2-related repositories on GitHub opens you up to possible copyright infringement claims. This can lead, as it happened multiple times, to account deletions and bans. I don't see the problem with this system where M2DL automatically (?) updates with the private repository's content.

    Also, having a separate topic for each release seems better imo, as the discourse is not interfered with by having a thousand different subjects being discussed at the same time.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Jok3RxD said:


    I have a bunch of LEGACY OLD files on one of my XP old computers which i don't have access right now. But i believe that's the one, either way i'm not 100% sure as i can't even make the installer work anymore (has to be opened on vm under win xp)


    Give it a try and let me know your thoughts! 

    I'm happy to give back to this beautiful community that kept the flame alive for over a decade about Metin2 

      Hide contents

    Metin2 Download





    Oh, thank you!


    It seems that I already have this file catalogued as an official Yitian2 / Metin2 client run by CATV from 2005:


    Name: Metin2_CN_2005.exe
    Size: 304870262 bytes (290 MiB)
    CRC32: 474C4A54
    CRC64: D4BECBEAA01DD873
    SHA256: EA4169BAE8232B516A0F4A4157EFDA7F7267894BB61C52CE6486157F789E58F7
    SHA1: FF7097559C2200E1044E045B12D1E2995BF7EF28
    BLAKE2sp: 72FC9A3029847B6F00A2A61EBDF6093F0C9E32E2F1BFB849D3A0F9BE08EBDF5C

    Are you sure it's a modified client by Rain? Everything about it seems pretty official to me.

    Nonetheless, I'd be interested in the other old stuff. I'm almost ready to start a thread with my own collection of files, maybe you and other people could contribute as well!

  8. Hi there! A small update: I've found and added the 2010 Gameforge Beta client, another Z8Games US client, and two Mexico Gameforge clients (I didn't even realise there was a Mexico locale until now!). One of these clients is the only 2012 GF client we have currently in this collection...

    @ AZICKO, I'd appreciate if you would be so kind to update M2Download with these new additions:

    https://archive.org/download/metin2-clients/US 2007-2011/Metin2US_v1023.exe

    https://archive.org/download/metin2-clients/GF 2010.08 BETA/Metin2_Testclient.exe

    https://archive.org/download/metin2-clients/GF 2011.12/Metin2_mx_20111216.exe

    https://archive.org/download/metin2-clients/GF 2012.03/Metin2_mx_20120330.exe

    • Metin2 Dev 1
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  9. Download Center

    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please

    I remember this client especially for the included music! Our Romanian clients were something else, man... If we're doing this, I'd like to contribute with version 3.0!

    (I will soon upload my entire collection, but I have to clean it up from the useless stuff...)

    • Metin2 Dev 6
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  10. 3 hours ago, Jok3RxD said:

    Up back in 2024... That's a very very interesting story! And apparently i still OWN the first and only original rain client + server which they are a piece of legacy.. 

    Original Rain client? I remember everyone using custom clients back in the day (modified Gameforge ones, metin35, abesgaara etc.). I didn't know Rain also released a client. Would you mind sharing?

  11. 9 hours ago, ValkeryE said:

    What do you think. When will the next src be leaked :D?

    I guess it's only a matter of time... I've seen proof of a more recent leak, from after the official source tree switched to DirectX 9. But don't get your hopes up, it's been a while since the leak and it's probably kept really secret.


    9 hours ago, granpa123 said:

    as in my collection i think i still have the original Rain and Profizocker94 and even KAY311 files and maybe the 2010 client too

    The Rain files are also posted on this forum; I probably have some others as well, maybe I'll post them if there's enough interest.

    • Lmao 1
  12. Download Center

    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please

    Hello, guys and girls,

    This release is something sentimental to me, so either brace up or skip this story. It was late 2009 or early 2010 when I stumbled upon this post. It is the only remaining copy on the internet of the original Chinese forum post providing the leaked files. The files were originally distributed through a Chinese service called Rayfile, a quasi-P2P file sharing system based on the obscure FS2You protocol, described in this scientific paper. For us, mortals, a MegaUpload link was provided, and we all know of the famous bust that Thanos-snapped everything hosted there out of existence. (or maybe the hard drives are locked in some FBI basement somewhere, idk)

    .jpegI downloaded the files, but being just a young lad who only wanted to play some Metin2 (i.e. with no sysadmin experience), I meddled with the files, trying to somehow run them on my 3,06 GHz Pentium 4, socket 478, Windows XP potato computer. Check out the picture on the side. This bad boy could barely run the Metin2 client -- but I had dreams, dreams - I say! At the time I didn't even know FreeBSD existed. There were some tutorials around, but looking back, I think they were for Metin1, which was leaked at around the same time. Nonetheless, these guides required you to install VMware (rip ✝) Player, instead of Microsoft Virtual PC we got used to. It was rough, as at the time, VMware Player didn't have the ability to create new virtual machines - this was reserved only to VMware Workstation. Therefore, those guides also provided you empty virtual machine files. By some miracle, my machine could run the VM even without VT-d, which kind of kickstarted my interest in administrating computers. I promptly started playing around with Windows 98 VMs.

    I was sidetracked. I failed at getting the sweet Metin2 server running, so I deleted the files, thinking they were broken or something. I didn't know better. Then the mcncc.com InstantServer was released for the less talented like me, and that's how I started regaining interest in Metin2 servers.

    ...which brings back to the issue at hand. I soon realised how dumb I was for deleting the files. I couldn't even find the forum post, not to mention that in the meanwhile, MegaUpload was reduced to atoms.

    That was that, until a few days ago, when I somehow found the post.

    There it was, the original Rayfile link:


    And once the obvious base64 string was decoded, I was reunited with my old friend:


    That's how we now know that the original file we're looking for is yt2.rar, with a length of 155567047 bytes (148,36 MiB). The original file is nowhere to be found: if you somehow have it, by any miracle, please contribute!

    Still, plugging "yt2.rar" into DuckDuckGo, led me to an epvp post, where I learned that one of the files in that archive was called "game0901.tar.gz". I kept digging, and found two traces of the file:

    The second website still had the listing for game0901.tar.gz saved in Google's cache. It sadly was deleted from the website itself, but based on the metadata, I then knew two things:

    1. game0901.tar.gz was 135,8 M(i)B in size.
    2. The other files in yt2.rar were probably: mysql.tar.gz, ports.tar.gz, and lib.tar.gz 

    So I paid my 2€ to the Chomik website (lmao, what a name), which was in itself an adventure. I now had my hands on some of the files and on a 2007-2008 Gameforge Polish client, which I'll probably also upload, but can't verify its authenticity. To my disappointment, mysql.tar.gz seems to have been tampered with, seeing some 2017 timestamps in there. The tarballs for the other two files also had 2022 timestamps, not to mention that the file sizes wouldn't really add up, no matter how I arranged the files or what compression I used. Still, better than nothing.

    Now, at least I had some more information to continue my search. Luckily, I tended to hoard a lot of useless Metin2 junk, which would nowadays qualify as prime Pokemon server material. So out I pulled my DVD backups, and I searched for hours.

    And suddenly, there it was... but not in the way I expected it:


    A .tar.gz archive, precisely 135,798 MiB in size, which matched the one stored by our Chomik friend. And the timestamp inside the archive was promising too: 1251810149 - 01.09.2009, 13:02 UTC. Translated into Hong Kong time, that would still be September 1st, 20:02. Which matches with the "0901" in "game0901.tar.gz". Why is it called "filer.tar.gz" is anyone's guess. I saw that there are some tutorials using that name. My guess is that could be a Swedish or an incorrect Turkish plural for the English "file"...

    So, while "yt2.rar" is still at large, 15 years after that delete, I'm happy at last. I managed to find the most important file:

    Name: game0901.tar.gz / filer.tar.gz
    Size: 142394597 bytes (135 MiB)
    Date: Tue Sep 01 2009 13:02:29 GMT+0000
    CRC32: 6CB5D7C0
    SHA256: 09295B3EDC9A4F465038E80C702B0BCC1DBDCE61B0478FB72D37BDD9D2A21548
    SHA1: E5DF2443F7997F4ED034590FD8DCA9D133DAC1B4
    MD5: 9E954C11CF065BDD647BFBB6D6FA9344

    If it's still unclear what the archives are for, here's a short description:

    • game0901.tar.gz - 2009 server files from Yitian2, a Metin2 official server that ran in the Hong Kong SAR, China
    • lib.tar.gz - shared object files required for running the various binaries
    • mysql.tar.gz (modified in 2017 by a certain "Yusuf") - MySQL data files for the server database
    • ports.tar.gz - FreeBSD ports tree, one of the ways through which you can install applications by building them.


    I hope we can preserve a bit of the private servers scene's history with this release. And please, if you somehow still have "yt2.rar", it would be amazing to upload it for us.


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  13. Better late than never, but I came across them while going through some very old backups of mine...

    This is the hidden content, please


    I don't have the client, only the legendary "Modifizierter-2010-Client.rar", but I can't remember if it's computerkrank's work or not.

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  14. On 3/8/2024 at 11:35 PM, Draveniou1 said:

    Can you do it in July and not october ?

    I'd argue the weather is much nicer in October.


    It would be nice to have a LAN party if possible, having all of us PvP against eachother 🥺

    • muscle 2
  15. 21 hours ago, Helia01 said:

    It remains to make a cross-platform client

    That would be really nice to do - the issue with that, though, is that there are dependencies that only work on Windows (DirectX & Miles), and these would need to be replaced. There are others that we do have public Linux SDKs for (Speedtree, Granny), so at least that would alleviate some work, even though it would be nice to have a fully "open-source" client. It's nonetheless a massive undertaking.

    • muscle 1
  16. I'm happy to announce a small update!

    All the old logging functions, printfs, etc. were removed in favour of spdlog. A small performance improvement might be felt, as in release mode, trace and debug messages are not compiled into the final binary, therefore avoiding function calls and expensive string parsing.

    Also, thanks to @.NyanCat, the server now successfully runs on arm64! The main advantage to this I can think for now is lower hosting costs due to the increased efficiency of the ARM architecture. For example, Hetzner rents an 8-core (shared) ARM VM with 16GB of RAM for 12,49€, whereas an equivalent x86 server goes for 25,20€ (source). You don't need an Ampere CPU; an M-series Apple processor or even something like a Rock 5B could make for a very energy efficient server for a few players.

    Now I'm wondering if it's possible to have this run decently on a Raspberry Pi... 😂





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  17. Hi guys,

    Since MEGA decided to arbitrarily delete some of the clients, I painstakingly waited for two weeks to upload the whole collection to archive.org. I also made it available as a .torrent file, since archive.org's servers are notoriously slow.

    Also, I added a June 2007 Gameforge EN client and an April 2012 SG client.

    I honestly would like to upload the whole thing on M2Download, but quite understandably it wouldn't let me upload a 87GB zip file. Maybe @ AZICKO can help us with the best way to also host the whole thing in-house (since I fear that the archive.org copy might be taken down).

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