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Everything posted by Valenza

  1. I have one problem... This 'system' original: (Have numbers 5183 and 2548 related MP and HP ) On my... NO SHOW numbers... How to fix this? Sorry for my bad english...
  2. Sorry, but I don't know much about quest, in case I would have to remove these lines?
  3. Hello, I did the installation of "guildstorage" on the part of the customer and was a success, however in the quest looks like it gives me an error, because when I open the box he always informs me something to write about, like a password, but this message keeps showing up ... how to solve? Image ERROR: My quest: quest guildstorage begin state start begin function getinput(par) cmdchat("getinputbegin") local ret = input(cmdchat(par)) cmdchat("getinputend") return ret end function item_can_store(itemvnum) local antiflags = guildstorage.item_get_real_antiflags(guildstorage.item_antiflag(itemvnum)) for i = 1 , table.getn(antiflags) do if antiflags[i] == 128 or antiflags[i] == 131072 or antiflags[i] == 8192 or antiflags[i] == 64 then return false end end return true end function item_get_real_antiflags(antiflag_) antiflags = {131072,65536,32768,16384,8192,4096,2048,1024,512,256,128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1} tab2 = {} table.foreach(antiflags,function(_,v) if antiflag_ >= v then table.insert(tab2,v) antiflag_ = antiflag_ - v end end) return tab2 end function item_antiflag(item_vnum) local result = mysql_query("SELECT antiflag from player.item_proto where vnum = "..item_vnum..";") return (result[1][1])--pack end ---------------------- --LOGS START ---------------------- function load_logs() local logs = {} local gs_logs = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/logs.txt", "r") for line in gs_logs:lines() do table.insert(logs,guildstorage.split_(line,"#")) end return logs end function clear_logs() local gs_log = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/logs.txt", "w+") gs_log:flush() gs_log:close() end function add_log(name_,type_,do_,desc_) local gs_log = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/logs.txt", "a+") local date_ = os.date() date_ = string.gsub(date_," ", "+-+") desc_ = string.gsub(desc_," ", "+-+") gs_log:write(name_..'#'..date_..'#'..type_..'#'..do_..'#'..desc_..'n') gs_log:flush() gs_log:close() end ---------------------- --LOGS END ---------------------- ---------------------- --MEMBER & AUTHORITY START ---------------------- -- Auth 0 = einlagern -- Auth 1 = rausnehmen -- Auth 2 = einzahlen -- Auth 3 = auszahlen function get_members() local members = {} local gs_member = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "r") for line in gs_member:lines() do table.insert(members,guildstorage.split_(line,"#")) end return members end function get_authority(authID) if pc.is_guild_master() then return true end local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do if members[i][1] == pc.get_name() then if tonumber(members[i][authID+2]) == 0 then return false else return true end end end return false end function set_authority(member,authID,auth) local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do if members[i][1] == member then members[i][authID+2] = auth break end end local gs_member = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "w+") for i = 1, table.getn(members) do gs_member:write(members[i][1]..'#'..members[i][2]..'#'..members[i][3]..'#'..members[i][4]..'#'..members[i][5]..'n') end gs_member:flush() gs_member:close() end function add_member(member) local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do if members[i][1] == member then syschat'Member ist schon eingetragen.' return end end local gs_member = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "a+") gs_member:write(member..'#0#0#0#0n') gs_member:flush() gs_member:close() end function delete_member(member) local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do if members[i][1] == member then table.remove(members,i) break end end local gs_member = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "w+") for i = 1, table.getn(members) do gs_member:write(members[i][1]..'#'..members[i][2]..'#'..members[i][3]..'#'..members[i][4]..'#'..members[i][5]..'n') end gs_member:flush() gs_member:close() end ---------------------- --MEMBER & AUTHORITY END ---------------------- ---------------------- --MONEY START ---------------------- function get_money() local gs_money = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/money.txt", "r") for line in gs_money:lines() do return tonumber(line) end end function change_money(money) local old_money = guildstorage.get_money() local gs_money = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/money.txt", "w+") gs_money:write(old_money+money) gs_money:flush() gs_money:close() end ---------------------- --MONEY END ---------------------- ---------------------- --STORAGE START ---------------------- function has_guildstorage() local guildstorage = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt", "r") if guildstorage == nil then return false else return true end end function give_item(itemTab) pc.give_item2_select(itemTab[1],itemTab[2]) local attr,socket = {},{} for i = 10,23 do table.insert(attr,{itemTab[i],itemTab[i+1]}) i = i+1 end for i = 4,6 do table.insert(socket,itemTab[i]) end for i = 1, table.getn(attr) do item2.set_attr(i-1, attr[i][1], attr[i][2]) end for i = 1, table.getn(socket) do if tonumber(socket[i]) > 0 then item.set_socket(i-1, socket[i]) end end end function get_slot_item(slot) local items = guildstorage.get_items() for i = 1, table.getn(items) do local item = guildstorage.split_(items[i],"#") if tonumber(item[3]) == slot then return item end end return 0 end function refresh() cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MONEY/'..guildstorage.get_money()) local items = guildstorage.get_items() if items != 0 then for i = 1, table.getn(items) do local item = guildstorage.split_(items[i],"#") -- chat(table.getn(item)) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDITEM '..item[3]..' '..item[1]..' '..item[2]..' '..item[4]..' '..item[5]..' '..item[6]..' '..item[7]..' '..item[8]..' '..item[9]..' '..item[10]..' '..item[11]..' '..item[12]..' '..item[13]..' '..item[14]..' '..item[15]..' '..item[16]..' '..item[17]..' '..item[18]..' '..item[19]..' '..item[20]..' '..item[21]..' '..item[22]..' '..item[23]) end end cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH') end function refresh_tempslots() cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MONEY/'..guildstorage.get_money()) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE CLEAR_TEMPSLOTS') local items = guildstorage.get_items() if items != 0 then for i = 1, table.getn(items) do local item = guildstorage.split_(items[i],"#") cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDTEMPSLOT '..item[3]..' '..item[1]..' '..item[2]..' '..item[4]..' '..item[5]..' '..item[6]..' '..item[7]..' '..item[8]..' '..item[9]..' '..item[10]..' '..item[11]..' '..item[12]..' '..item[13]..' '..item[14]..' '..item[15]..' '..item[16]..' '..item[17]..' '..item[18]..' '..item[19]..' '..item[20]..' '..item[21]..' '..item[22]..' '..item[23]) end end cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE COMPARE_TEMPSLOTS') end function slot_empty(slot) local itemList = guildstorage.get_items() for i = 1 , table.getn(itemList) do local item = guildstorage.split_(itemList[i],"#") if tonumber(item[3]) == slot then return false end end return true end function create_guildstorage() os.execute("mkdir ".."/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild()) local guildstorage = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt", "w+") local guildstorage = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/money.txt", "w+") guildstorage:write("0") guildstorage:close() local guildstorage = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "w+") local guildstorage = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/logs.txt", "w+") guildstorage:close() end function insert_item(cell,slot,tab) item.select_cell(cell) local attr = {{item2.get_attr(0)}, {item2.get_attr(1)}, {item2.get_attr(2)}, {item2.get_attr(3)},{item2.get_attr(4)},{item2.get_attr(5)}, {item2.get_attr(6)}} local socket, itemVnum, itemCount = {item.get_socket(0), item.get_socket(1), item.get_socket(2),item.get_socket(3),item.get_socket(4),item.get_socket(5)}, item.get_vnum(), item.get_count() if not guildstorage.item_can_store(itemVnum) then syschat'Dieses Item kann nicht gelagert werden.' return end guildstorage.add_log(pc.get_name(),'Item','einlagern',item_name(itemVnum)..' ('..itemCount..')') local guildstorage = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt", "a+") if not pc.can_warp() then return end item.select(cell) if item.vnum == 0 then return end --if item.rem(item.get_count()) then item.remove() guildstorage:write(itemVnum.."#"..itemCount.."#"..(slot+120*tab).."#"..socket[1].."#"..socket[2].."#"..socket[3].."#"..socket[4].."#"..socket[5].."#"..socket[6].."#"..attr[1][1].."#"..attr[1][2].."#"..attr[2][1].."#"..attr[2][2].."#"..attr[3][1].."#"..attr[3][2].."#"..attr[4][1].."#"..attr[4][2].."#"..attr[5][1].."#"..attr[5][2].."#"..attr[6][1].."#"..attr[6][2].."#"..attr[7][1].."#"..attr[7][2].."n") guildstorage:flush() guildstorage:close() cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDITEMSLOT '..slot..' '..tab..' '..itemVnum..' '..itemCount..' '..socket[1]..' '..socket[2]..' '..socket[3]..' '..socket[4]..' '..socket[5]..' '..socket[6]..' '..attr[1][1]..' '..attr[1][2]..' '..attr[2][1]..' '..attr[2][2]..' '..attr[3][1]..' '..attr[3][2]..' '..attr[4][1]..' '..attr[4][2]..' '..attr[5][1]..' '..attr[5][2]..' '..attr[6][1]..' '..attr[6][2]..' '..attr[7][1]..' '..attr[7][2]) --else --syschat("Du hast das Item nicht mehr") --end end function remove_item(slot) local gsPath = "/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt" local items = {} local itemList = guildstorage.get_items() for i = 1 , table.getn(itemList) do table.insert(items,guildstorage.split_(itemList[i],"#")) end for i = 1, table.getn(items) do if items[i][3] == tostring(slot) then guildstorage.add_log(pc.get_name(),'Item','rausnehmen',item_name(items[i][1])..' ('..items[i][2]..')') table.remove(items,i) break end end local gs = io.open(gsPath, "w+") for i = 1, table.getn(items) do gs:write(items[i][1]..'#'..items[i][2]..'#'..items[i][3]..'#'..items[i][4]..'#'..items[i][5]..'#'..items[i][6]..'#'..items[i][7]..'#'..items[i][8]..'#'..items[i][9]..'#'..items[i][10]..'#'..items[i][11]..'#'..items[i][12]..'#'..items[i][13]..'#'..items[i][14]..'#'..items[i][15]..'#'..items[i][16]..'#'..items[i][17]..'#'..items[i][18]..'#'..items[i][19]..'#'..items[i][20]..'#'..items[i][21]..'#'..items[i][22]..'#'..items[i][23]..'n') end gs:flush() gs:close() end function get_items() local guildstorageTab = {} local guildstorage = io.open("/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt", "r") for item in guildstorage:lines() do table.insert(guildstorageTab,item) end return guildstorageTab or 0 end function move_item(from,to) local gsPath = "/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt" local items = {} local itemList = guildstorage.get_items() for i = 1 , table.getn(itemList) do table.insert(items,guildstorage.split_(itemList[i],"#")) end for i = 1, table.getn(items) do if items[i][3] == tostring(from) then items[i][3] = tostring(to) end end local gs = io.open(gsPath, "w+") for i = 1, table.getn(items) do gs:write(items[i][1]..'#'..items[i][2]..'#'..items[i][3]..'#'..items[i][4]..'#'..items[i][5]..'#'..items[i][6]..'#'..items[i][7]..'#'..items[i][8]..'#'..items[i][9]..'#'..items[i][10]..'#'..items[i][11]..'#'..items[i][12]..'#'..items[i][13]..'#'..items[i][14]..'#'..items[i][15]..'#'..items[i][16]..'#'..items[i][17]..'#'..items[i][18]..'#'..items[i][19]..'#'..items[i][20]..'#'..items[i][21]..'#'..items[i][22]..'#'..items[i][23]..'n') end gs:flush() gs:close() end ---------------------- --STORAGE END ---------------------- function client_command(command_) return guildstorage.split_(command_,"#") end function split_(string_,delimiter) local result = { } local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find( string_, delimiter, from ) while delim_from do table.insert( result, string.sub( string_, from , delim_from-1 ) ) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find( string_, delimiter, from ) end table.insert( result, string.sub( string_, from ) ) return result end when login begin cmdchat("GUILDSTORAGE QID/"..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when 70028.use begin cmdchat("GetInputStop") end when 20095.chat."Gildenlager" begin if not pc.has_guild() then syschat'Du benoetigst eine Gilde um das Gildenlager benutzen zu koennen.' setskin(NOWINDOW) return end if not guildstorage.has_guildstorage() then guildstorage.create_guildstorage() end -- chat("PENIS") if pc.is_guild_master() then cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE OPEN/1') else cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE OPEN/0') end -- chat("2")--pack reload mein ich xD wo ist mein chat du judenkind frag das die quest nicht mich guildstorage.refresh() pc.setqf("GUILDSTORAGE",1) setskin(NOWINDOW) -- say("TEST") --ka ob das am setskin liegt, ich nutze das nie hm... end when button begin local cmd = guildstorage.client_command(guildstorage.getinput("GUILDSTORAGE QUESTCMD")) -- [ITEM] --chat(cmd) --bist in ner gilde? xD erst auf unserem server testen haben das doch auch danach da sonst müsste ich leveln xDok xD if cmd[1] == 'TAKE_ITEM' then if not guildstorage.get_authority(1) then syschat'Du besitzt keine Berechtigung hierfuer.' return end if pc.get_empty_inventory_count() < 3 then syschat'Du hast nicht genug Platz im Inventar, du brauchst mindestens drei freie Plaetze' return end local slot = tonumber(cmd[2])+120*tonumber(cmd[3]) local item = guildstorage.get_slot_item(slot) if guildstorage.slot_empty(slot) then syschat'Dieses Item befindet sich an einer anderen Position, oder wurde schon rausgenommen' return end guildstorage.remove_item(slot) guildstorage.give_item(item) elseif cmd[1] == 'MOVE_ITEM' then if not guildstorage.get_authority(0) then syschat'Du besitzt keine Berechtigung hierfuer.' return end --possible to store the item? antiflag/flag if cmd[2] == 'INVENTORY' then if not guildstorage.slot_empty(tonumber(cmd[4])+120*tonumber(cmd[5])) then syschat'Dieser Slot ist bereits belegt.' return end guildstorage.insert_item(tonumber(cmd[3]),tonumber(cmd[4]),tonumber(cmd[5])) elseif cmd[2] == 'GUILDSTORAGE' then if not guildstorage.slot_empty(tonumber(cmd[5])+120*tonumber(cmd[6])) then syschat'Dieser Slot ist bereits belegt, oder das Item existiert nichtmehr.' return end guildstorage.move_item(tonumber(cmd[3])+120*tonumber(cmd[4]),tonumber(cmd[5])+120*tonumber(cmd[6])) end -- [MONEY] elseif cmd[1] == 'TAKE_MONEY' then if not guildstorage.get_authority(3) then syschat'Du besitzt keine Berechtigung hierfuer.' return end local old_money = guildstorage.get_money() if old_money < tonumber(cmd[2]) then syschat'Soviel Yang ist nicht im Gildenlager.' return end local new_money = tonumber(cmd[2]) if new_money+pc.get_money() >= 1999999999 then syschat'Du kannst nicht mehr wie Yang bei dir haben.' return end guildstorage.change_money(-new_money) pc.change_money(new_money) guildstorage.add_log(pc.get_name(),'Yang','abheben',new_money) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MONEY/'..(old_money-new_money)) elseif cmd[1] == 'GIVE_MONEY' then if not guildstorage.get_authority(2) then syschat'Du besitzt keine Berechtigung hierfuer.' return end local old_money = guildstorage.get_money() local new_money = tonumber(cmd[2]) if new_money > pc.get_money() then syschat'Soviel Yang besitzt du nicht' return end pc.change_money(-new_money) guildstorage.change_money(new_money) guildstorage.add_log(pc.get_name(),'Yang','einzahlen',new_money) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MONEY/'..(old_money+new_money)) elseif cmd[1] == 'GETGUILDSTORAGEMONEY' then cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_GUILDWINDOW_MONEY/'..guildstorage.get_money()) -- [MEMBER] elseif cmd[1] == 'ADD_MEMBER' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end local members = guildstorage.get_members() if table.getn(members) >= 12 then syschat'Du kannst maximal nur 12 Member eintragen.' return end guildstorage.add_member(cmd[2]) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE MEMBER_COMPLETE') elseif cmd[1] == 'DELETE_MEMBER' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end guildstorage.delete_member(cmd[2]) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE MEMBER_COMPLETE') elseif cmd[1] == 'AUTHORITY' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end guildstorage.set_authority(cmd[2],tonumber(cmd[3]),cmd[4]) elseif cmd[1] == 'GETMEMBERLIST' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do -- id, membername, authority 1-4 cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDMEMBER '..(i-1)..' '..members[i][1]..' '..members[i][2]..' '..members[i][3]..' '..members[i][4]..' '..members[i][5]) end cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MEMBERS') elseif cmd[1] == 'UPDATE' then guildstorage.refresh_tempslots() elseif cmd[1] == 'LOAD_LOGS' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end local logs = guildstorage.load_logs() local logsLen = table.getn(logs) for i = 0, logsLen-1 do local var = (logsLen-i) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDLOG '..(var-1)..' '..logs[var][1]..' '..logs[var][2]..' '..logs[var][3]..' '..logs[var][4]..' '..logs[var][5]) end elseif cmd[1] == 'DELETE_LOGS' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end guildstorage.clear_logs() elseif cmd[1] == 'BUTTON' then if cmd[2] == "0" then setskin(NOWINDOW) game.open_mall() elseif cmd[2] == "1" then setskin(NOWINDOW) game.open_safebox() elseif cmd[2] == "2" then if not pc.has_guild() then syschat'Du benoetigst eine Gilde um das Gildenlager benutzen zu koennen.' setskin(NOWINDOW) return end if not guildstorage.has_guildstorage() then guildstorage.create_guildstorage() end if pc.is_guild_master() then cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE OPEN/1') else cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE OPEN/0') end guildstorage.refresh() pc.setqf("GUILDSTORAGE",1) setskin(NOWINDOW) end end end end end Help-me please!
  4. Hi... I have an error in my files, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but it is something that whether we like it or not, bothers me ... I've used all my tricks to try to solve it but I couldn't ... What can it be? I'm currently with 34k files created by myself, but I will update in the future depending on the need ... Does anyone have a suggestion to remove this error? Imagem:
  5. Hi... Has files/maxmi client 55k 3.6 version, I don't know much about customer, just wanted some help on which file should I move to change the photo button number 1 to the position next to the photo number 2, just so I have an idea and finish other things related to the same ... thanks from already ... Photo 01: change to: Photo 2 beside or in these open spaces Thanks
  6. Hi Someone would have the free bsd 9.3 or higher format. vdi? searched the internet and nobody was able to help me ... I need to rotate files 67 K.. Thank you
  7. Sry for my bad english... Hi, I have downloaded files into another forum warehouse guild, but implemented on the client perfectly in the topic where downloaded had no tutorial, but with my basic knowledge I found easy implementation, but I don't know if you are missing files or something wrong I did ... These files provided by the author of the post were informed that works only for 34 K, use files and the same rulez does not work and gives me this error in the image ... Files for download below too. If someone can put the part of the customer for me or do a tutorial, I appreciate immensely... Vídeo info (original topic) [Hidden Content] My implementation Photo Error: Download Archives for implementation... This Help-me
  8. I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah! was solved. But now we just need to get that error when I withdraw the weapon/armor/climb on the horse, or whatever the symbol disappears. (even when reload happens)
  9. It didn't work, the image is the same "size" the symbol GM, even tried to duplicate the symbol GM and change the extension, but the distance stays the same. Does not work. The VIP symbol is replaced by a yellow fire, but when I remove the armor or do an action he disappears. Had already been edited and the same has not been solved, I copied the mse of the GM and it didn't work :/
  10. Hello, I was wondering how do I fix the vip system in my server ... have two problems and I cite both: 1-the distance of it, compared with the symbol GM is too far away, as you can see in the image that I leave below. I copied the script. mse to try GM let equal and yet still distant ... 2-the Vip stays with the symbol, but if I use an item, remove an item or do any simple action, like for example mount/exit the horse, the symbol disappears temporarily, and same if I re-logo or even push ESC. Sorry for my bad english, i'm brasilian...
  11. Hi...I tried various ways to implement "login interface" in client 55k but give ALL mistake ... someone could create just the script, with a SIMPLE design, for I edit with photoshop and put to my taste? I can not create ... it would have to be beyond the LOGIN and PASSWORD, a button to "register", "facebook" and "youtube" in the channel, show in "real time" if it is offline or online ... thank you .. Note: it would be interesting to someone teach instead of doing so would be easier for me to develop future interfaces ... thanks I use client maxmi for 55k
  12. I have download "Test Client für 402501" and have python27.dll and python22.dll in folder and the error that is : LOG Failet to load image (filename: locale/de/ui/login/status/...tga) My syserr: 0903 15:19:00693 :: ui:1901: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception 0903 15:20:00633 :: ============================================================================================================ 0903 15:20:00634 :: Abort!!!! 0903 15:20:00634 :: filename=system.py, name=RunMainScript 0903 15:20:00634 :: filename=system.py, name=<module> 0903 15:20:00634 :: filename=<string>, name=<module> in this client Synera: Have also python27.dll and python22.dll in folder My syserr: 0903 14:05:03169 :: introLogin.py(line:522) __LoadScript ui.py(line:2720) GetChild LoginWindow.__LoadScript.BindObject - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>:'ServerBoard' 0903 14:05:03169 :: ============================================================================================================ 0903 14:05:03169 :: Abort!!!! 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=exception.py, name=Abort 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=introLogin.py, name=__LoadScript 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=introLogin.py, name=Open 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=networkModule.py, name=__ChangePhaseWindow 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=uiPhaseCurtain.py, name=OnUpdate 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=prototype.py, name=RunApp 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=prototype.py, name=<module> 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=system.py, name=Run 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=system.py, name=execfile 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=system.py, name=RunMainScript 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=system.py, name=<module> 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=<string>, name=<module> --- dao two different errors because the Synera already has its own interface and the client test 40k from what I understand is error to load image ... ... Thanks
  13. kkkkkk OMG" My client is 40k (version SYNERA have other interface include) My client open and close... from already thank you to your tutorial, this time I'm downloading other customers 40K for testing ... My syserr... 0903 14:05:03169 :: introLogin.py(line:522) __LoadScript ui.py(line:2720) GetChild LoginWindow.__LoadScript.BindObject - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>:'ServerBoard' 0903 14:05:03169 :: ============================================================================================================ 0903 14:05:03169 :: Abort!!!! 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=exception.py, name=Abort 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=introLogin.py, name=__LoadScript 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=introLogin.py, name=Open 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=networkModule.py, name=__ChangePhaseWindow 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=uiPhaseCurtain.py, name=OnUpdate 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=prototype.py, name=RunApp 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=prototype.py, name=<module> 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=system.py, name=Run 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=system.py, name=execfile 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=system.py, name=RunMainScript 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=system.py, name=<module> 0903 14:05:03169 :: filename=<string>, name=<module>
  14. If you want, I record my way of installation on client version and show the 30K run, then immediately installing in 40K ...
  15. OMG, I do not know where to find this interface, but the process of adding that interface I posted for download was the same used in clients with less than 40k version, and it worked ... only 40k customers in THAT does not work. now .. I will try this ... the problem from what I understand, is that the interface does not show the online server in real time, shows that it must have different codes ... you try to implement it ...
  16. I have download the file ... could someone please inform me and baixálo 40k client that worked? tried all and none will only previous clients to this release ... [Hidden Content]
  17. Yes, but I tried to use this interface by adding "LocaleInfo" the necessary lines, they gave me error ... used as 40K test client, the client Synera, and that interface was used in the Client Invoice 2013 (before the 40k version) and worked ... I do not know what can be: /
  18. How to create a login interface? I have the knowledge base, but wanted to know the codes STANDARDS ... someone has a tutorial teaching how to create? I searched on google and no success ... I have codes of login interface created by Yoshi, but are not compatible with client 40K, only the predecessors ...
  19. I removed the line from the file "intrologin.py" call "include md5" as the picture shows, the error remains the same. images... [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] (syserr.txt) log.txt thanks anyway ...
  20. hello, I was wondering how to set up a client login interface in 40k since tried many ways and not getting results at 34K files works perfectly ... changed directories? The images below are for the files that is included in the download interface, just below the error when I try to implement in 40K files [image files that are in the download] Links: 1- [Hidden Content] 2- [Hidden Content] 3- [Hidden Content] [image informational error in SYSERR] Link: [Hidden Content] (client stay all black) My syserr.txt My log.txt Help me! Sorry for my bad english... im brasilian
  21. yes, extracts the standards files, but contains nothing there, the problem is this, or is removed, I was trying to substitute another interface, created by Yoshi, and gives me error, the first error is that opens and closes the client without showing error, the second is a black screen with nothing but INVOICE using the client works with the same method of adding ... sry for my bad english
  22. Hello friends, I wanted to know how to remove the interface from the client Synera because I developed a own interface, which works with other clients, but I see that this interface has more files in other directories, which can not identificiar ... the interface client you want to remove this is the end of the text ... if possible and who knows, tell me how do I edit the design of the item shop which is on the when I click on the "money" left side below ... thanks [Hidden Content]
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