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Everything posted by Holyfuture

  1. Thank you for your quick answer. I edit this line to the new code. But how can I compile it to my server? I really don't know how to do this. Is there a guide or something else? Thank you
  2. Hi guys, I start to learn questing. I have a problem with my PvP quest. If Player1 kills Player2, Player1 gets one point. If Player1 reaches 5 points, he has solved the quest with a reward. The problem is that if I killed someone, I get 2 points instead of 1 point. Besides, if I score 5 points, the quest gives me the reward, but still exists as an undeleted quest. Can someone help me? quest kill begin state start begin when login or levelup with pc.get_level() >= 15 and pc.getqf("qfset") == 0 begin set_state(killquest) end end state killquest begin when letter begin send_letter("Jäger und Sammler") end when button or info begin say_title("Jäger und Sammler") say("") say("Töte so viele dudes wie nur möglich. Töte einfach... 5!") say("") say("") say_reward("Du hast "..pc.getqf("kills").." von 5 getötet"); end when kill with npc.is_pc() begin pc.setqf("kills", pc.getqf("kills")+1) chat("Jäger und Sammler: Du hast "..pc.getqf("kills").." von 5 Leute getötet") if pc.getqf("kills") == 5 then pc.setqf("qfset", pc.getqf("qfset")+1) say("Du hast 5 Leute getötet, Glückwunsch!") say("Du erhältst jetzt etwas Gold") pc.give_gold(500) end end end end thanks
  3. Good day sir, last time that I played Metin2 was 2-3 Years ago. I have to admit, that I'm not a big fan from metin2. But I really liked to see how a metin2 server is developing with fresh and nice ideas. I want this too, but I don't know where I have to start. Can somebody explain me a few important things? Example which programminglanguages do I need? How can I program new features like a Daily bonus? Something like that Thank you for your help.
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