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Everything posted by Krixius

  1. for all libs¿ Can u take a photo of ur makefile please? i have this: Regards Akroma
  2. Hi dev, i need to put all libs of game in a folder like: /usr/common. How can i do this? Regards Akroma
  3. penger, can u put a example of quest, with your pet.is_mine? Regards Akroma
  4. Hi, dev actually i have a problem with my selfmaded game. When i try to start my server with the selfmaded revision, the server don't start. Only say me this: Undefined symbol "_ThreadRuneLocale" Any idea of how to fix this in source? Regards Akroma
  5. Kaneki kills Jason in the last of the season, so "he is a ghoul now".
  6. Hi dev, actually im trying to compile binary in freebsd, but i dont find it on my mainline like /db or /game im using the VDI posted here with the source. As i think is do the same than in db or game (gmake), but i dont find it. Regards Akroma
  7. First of all thnks mr.libya. i think about put a .txt for block the items in each map. Your option is good, but this requires a selfmaded version for do the changes in the vnums. I hope if anyone of you can do a .txt or a .lst for block the items, its more good.
  8. Hi dev, actually im searching a how to about create a file for block items in maps like this: locale/common/block_items.txt structure of block items: indexmap[TAB]listofitemsblocked 113 19,20,21,22 Any idea¿
  9. Hi dev, actually im searching the guild storage, i tryed to search it in google, but i don't found it, or if i found, all the links are down. i hope anyone of you can upload it for 34k or 40k (python & lua). Regards Akroma
  10. Hi dev, im searching the folder locale 40k of gameforge, i think its in this forum, but, i don't find it. Regards. Akroma
  11. yes, i read about strcmp yesterday, for that i don't undestand why the code don't work, but i try with the != 0. Thnks penger. Regards Akroma
  12. i tryed code of marty sama in my core, and as deadman says, the core never starts (ofc, i put a public ip good). So, i hope marty sama or other C++ scripter read this, and put a good code for protect the core.
  13. martysama, as i see in your code, if i put the same ip of the dedicated machine, the game never starts. so, i think we need to put the ! for put a diference in the condition im right ? Regards Akroma PD: As i see in the first comment, deadman, is trying to block other IPS not, the ip of the dedicated. PD2: my fault, as i see the strcmp, is for compare, btw i don't understand why this dont run.
  14. Well dev, im doing my selfmaded game, and today when i test it in a VirtualBox, i see the game don't start. How can i fix this, for use it in dedicated servers & hamachis & virtual box ??? Kind Regards Akroma
  15. i send you a message about this. Reply, me when you have time Regards. Akroma
  16. Well dev, actually i have the next problem: I need to put a maximum time on a mount, when i add time to the seal, with the food of the mounts. Btw i dont know how to do. This is my quest: local comida_monturas = { {38100, 7}, {38101, 15}, {38102, 30}} if item.get_socket(0) == 1412419200 then say("Lo siento, tienes el maximo de tiempo en la montura, espera a que descienda") else say_title("SuperComidas:") ---say(" "..item.get_socket(0)) say("") say("Con esta comida, podras ampliar el tiempo de Vida de tu montura ") local prueba = select("SuperComida 7 Dias", "SuperComida 15 Dias", "SuperComida 30 dias", "Salir") if prueba != 4 then local a = comida_monturas[prueba][2] local c = comida_monturas[prueba][1] local b = 60*60*24 local d = item.get_socket(0) if pc.count_item(c) >= 1 then if item.get_socket(0) + (comida_monturas[prueba][2]*(60*60*24)) <= 1412419200 then say("Con esta comida, tu montura ") say("") say("aumentara su vida por "..a.." Días") say("") say("¿Quieres continuar?") local e = select("Si", "No") if e == 1 then item.set_socket(0, d + a* pc.remove_item(c, 1) say("Completado!") say("Tu montura , tiene "..a.." Días más de Vida.") elseif e == 2 then return end else say("Lo siento, el tiempo actual con el de el objeto supera el limite") end else say("Lo siento, requieres de comida para continuar") end end end end Any idea? PD: this don't work, so help me
  17. okay, a space, but where is the query in the source, i searched in char.cpp and i dont found it. Regards Akroma
  18. i dont try nothing, this is the sysser, when i try to delete a character with my personal core. If i use 40k of ymir, i dont have problems for delete a character. So i think i have a bug in the delete character of my source. I use mainline
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