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Everything posted by monarchis2

  1. P2PJoin: member is not in same channel PID: 2553 channel 4, this channel 1 Any fix?
  2. Hey! I install this sytem pastebin.com/NEMmW5Fs but after 5 minutes the client close and windows says: "The Metin2 Client accidently closed." The problem is in this system.
  3. Can someone fix this for me? I want to make a quest and the player doesn't getting banned. Here's the mysql_query command: mysql_query("UPDATE account.account SET status ='BLOCK' WHERE id =(SELECT account_id FROM player.player WHERE name ='"..pc.get_name().."');") I test this too and didn't work : mysql_query(string.format("UPDATE account.account SET status = 'BLOCK' WHERE id = %d;", pc.get_account_id())) What's wrong?
  4. Can someone fix this for me? I want to make a quest and the player doesn't getting banned. Here's the mysql_query command: mysql_query("UPDATE account.account SET status ='BLOCK' WHERE id =(SELECT account_id FROM player.player WHERE name ='"..pc.get_name().."');")I test this too and didn't work : mysql_query(string.format("UPDATE account.account SET status = 'BLOCK' WHERE id = %d;", pc.get_account_id()))What's wrong?
  5. Hi Community. I have problem with my texture. I recently changed LZO and Xtea key, from Packer and Starter. Everything works perfect, but the only problem is the texture is like the old one. I pack it with Eter Manager. Here's a photo:
  6. I test it but i have this problem. If the player wont answer in time limit nothing happens until he press something to close the text. After he get's disconnect. Can anyone help?
  7. Because the target is Bots, can you tell me if the player must click on to work? Or it works the same time with the say"20 seconds to answer have passed.")?
  8. Can you explain how that function works? I'll try it.
  9. Hey community. I try to make a quest to check if a player is a bot. I want to make the system that if the player doesn't answer after some seconds the game will automatic close. Here's the quest ---------------------------------- -- ANTI_BOT_CAPTCHA -- anti_bot_CAPTCHA ---------------------------------- quest anti_bot_captcha begin state start begin when login begin timer("timer1", 10) end when timer1.timer begin timer("timer2", 10) pc.setqf("check_for_answer",get_time()+15) local captch = math.random(1001,9999) say_title("Anti Bot System ") say("Enter the numbers: ") say("") say_reward(captch) local ingre_cap = input() ingre_cap=tonumber(ingre_cap) if get_time() > pc.getqf("check_for_answer") then ---If the player doesn't answer in 30 seconds the game will close. cmdchat("anti_bot_exit_now") return end if ingre_cap == captch then return else cmdchat("anti_bot_exit_now") --- If the player answer wrong captcha the game will close. end end when timer2.timer begin timer("timer1", 10) pc.setqf("check_for_answer",get_time()+15) local captch = math.random(1001,9999) say_title("Anti Bot System ") say("Enter the numbers: ") say("") say_reward(captch) local ingre_cap = input() ingre_cap=tonumber(ingre_cap) if get_time() > pc.getqf("check_for_answer") then ---If the player doesn't answer in 30 seconds the game will close. cmdchat("anti_bot_exit_now") return end if ingre_cap == captch then return else cmdchat("anti_bot_exit_now") --- If the player answer wrong captcha the game will close. end end end end
  10. Is there anyway to make a quest auto close after some time? For example say"Some text." (If the player doesn't click anything or he's afk the quest auto closes) I try to write it but i can't find any way.
  11. In ssh_config we must have Port 22 like this? "# Port 22"
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