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  1. Did you also managed to fix the locale.lua part for the npc chats? If I start the server and login with an german client after that starting a second client with romanian for example, both clients get the german language for the npc chats.
  2. Hello fellas, I have some issues with the encoding of the hyperlinks when using special characters like umlate or diacritics, but can't figure out why is that happen. The database is storing the values right as far and the problem seems to be only on the SHOUT_CHAT. This is an example of data which is stored in log > shout_log: Dex : |cfff1e6c0|Hitem:115d8:0:6568feca:4:0|h[Schlachtenlöwen-Siegel]|h|r So how you can see everything seems to be fine, but the client is displaying a question mark instead of the right character as you can see here: Is it possible somehow that the server isn't returning it correctly so the client is rendering wrong? Kind regards, Dex
  3. Somehow the time stays static and can't be updated in realtime, do you have a solution for that? I already tried to put the function call inside the OnUpdate function, but still the same.
  4. Yes you need to use std::pair as vector as far as I remember.
  5. If you want to have all in one, you can also use Phabricator so you can manage Projects with Tasks and can also track time, it has also an integrated git.
  6. How do the arrangement of each topic works? Because as far as I implement a new Topic in the __CreateObject class, this will overwrite the first element of the list. Altough the function don't even care about the Index given. What would be the best approach to add an extra option for multi pickup or single pickup?
  7. Hello fellas, the code pasted below works perfectly with pretty much all functions beside the when function itself. I was wondering if someone can share the code or already have a solution for parsing the array in the when function. Here is the code which occurs the error mentioned on the topic. case ST_WHEN_WITH_OR_BEGIN: { assert(nested==2); current_when_condition = ""; if (t.token == TK_WITH) { // here comes Á¶°Ç½Ä next(&lexstate); ostringstream os; os << (lexstate.t); //cout << (lexstate.t); next(&lexstate); while (lexstate.t.token!=TK_DO) { os << " " <<(lexstate.t); //cout << TK_DO<<lexstate.t.token << " " <<(lexstate.t) <<endl; next(&lexstate); } current_when_condition = os.str(); check_syntax("if "+current_when_condition+" then end", current_state_name+current_when_condition); cout << "\twith "; cout << current_when_condition; cout << endl; t = lexstate.t; } if (t.token == TK_DO) { ps = ST_WHEN_BODY; nested++; } else { //error("when doesn't have begin-end clause."); ostringstream os; os << "when doesn't have begin-end clause. (" << t << ")"; error(os.str().c_str()); } } break; The switch case always return the else condition, does anyone have the missing parser code ?
  8. Thank you for the fix, in addition you should mention, that the class std::size will only work with c++17 and higher. I would like to contribute with the gui for changing the language: Download Center Flags
  9. Hello there, here is a little improvement for the characterwindow which looks like that: You will be able to switch between tabs with the MouseWheel, so lets get started. First of all you need to put this in your source, after that simply do the following changes to the uicharacter.py: Kind Regards, Dex
  10. @Owsap i can confirm the problem with the GetGlobalPosition() function @rares2017That is normal, because you neither get a notification on exp on the regular chat.
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