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Posts posted by Aliano

  1. Am 29.8.2017 um 23:00 schrieb Vanilla:

    This weekend I'll release the next rev. Expect some great additions like I mentioned before. Also thanks to the community this new build will have a lot of minor bugs fixed. Going open source was the best decision in my opinion, I'd never have found them since some of them require a special setup which I'd never do. So yeah, I'd like to thank the community for it's suggestions and fixes. Even though I have very limited spare time to work with the core these days I was able to make big steps with the core and that's all thanks to the community. So yep: Thank you.

    Sers Vanilla,


    auch wenn alles nicht gleich auf anhieb funktioniert hat, ist es uns doch zuletzt immer gelungen das ganze zum laufen zu bringen. Deshalb Danke erst einmal für deine Mühe. am 29.08 hast du geschrieben das du eine neue Rev am Wochenende veröffentlichen möchtest. Seit dem schaue ich täglich nach. Hast du eine grobe Vorstellung wann die neue Rev Online kommt ?

  2. Hello,

    always when i try to create a guild. the Server goes down. channel Syserr:

    socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect.


    all syserr the same. the db syserr:

    SYSERR: Aug 22 22:22:31 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 8523
    SYSERR: Aug 22 22:22:31 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default



    connect: Connection refused


    mysql is still running

  3. vor 16 Minuten schrieb Vanilla:

    The error appears when you compile with -Ofast. Try lowering it to -O3 and if that doesn't hit it, then go with -O2. IT happens only on game, not db :)

    I recommend not removing -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib32/metin2 since this specifies the path where libraries are loaded. Of course, that's a typo of mine in the public release (which will be fixed in next version too). It'd be -rpath and not just rpath, which is why you get the error.

    Hey Vanilla,

    thanks for your answer, unfortunately -o3 and -o2 doesnt solve the problem. Do you have any other ideas ?

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