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Posts posted by DemoroCZ

  1. Hello,


    for few weeks, i'm doing my best to solve problem with something i call "Ghost UI".

    What is the problem? For example, if i warp using quest function pc.warp, and i have Inventory a DSS UI opened right before warp, these UI windows just become invisible.

    I've tried to find the problem in debug binary, unsuccessfully, i've tried to disable all new UIs, i've tried to just simply check all python files if there is any mistake, i did not find anything..


    Did anybody had same problem? If so, how did you fix it? Or where exactly is the problem?


    Thank you

  2. Hello Devs,


    some weeks ago, we implemented offline shops to our server, but i have noticed problem - core where are all shops (CH1) randomly crashing (its caused by offline shops, it never crashed before).

    Does anybody had same problem?


    Syserr is clean.

    We have about 250 - 300 offline shops on our server.


    I already fixed all known exploits (yang duplicating, alpha chars etc..), but i can't find where is problem with crashing.

    I personally think its something with time limit of offline shops (its crashing much more after restricting shops to only time-limited (after removing permanent option)).


    I'm already out of ideas.. I can pay for good fix (or just telling me what i should fix, where exactly is the problem).


    Best regards,


  3. Hello,

    i really don't know why, but on my new map, NPCs spawns multiple times, for example, i have only 1 NPC 9012, but it spawns multiple. I'm really out of ideas..

    My npc.txt:


    m    123    100    0    0    0    1    120s    100    1    9003
    m    115    100    0    0    0    1    120s    100    1    9012





    Best regards,




    The error is clearly a failed assertion.

    assertion means that you declare a statement that must be true, otherwise the game crashes. In your code, it's the assert(iSlot < SQL_MAX_NUM) part.

    So, the argument iSlot is bigger than SQL_MAX_NUM. SQL_MAX_NUM is defined in DBManager.h

    enum eSQL_SLOT
    I guess that should help you find the error. you can trace it back and fix it then ;)
    If you're using source, make sure that all the packets are in sync, that'll also fix the header mismatch errors ;) mainline_released serverside + novaline clientside does work (or one of those clean client sources) without those errors :)


    Thanks :)

  5. Hello,

    i have few problems with my server..

    1) Sometimes when player warp, NPCs disappear, player needs relog..

    2) Using table item_awards crashing DB core (error: *)

    3) socket2 don't work in item_awards

    4) Lots of packet errors in syserr (error: **)


    I'm using 40k core (compiled from source, so i need c++ fix)



    Asseration failed: (iSlot < SQL_MAX_NUM), function AsyncQuery, file DBManager.cpp, line 155

    DBManager.cpp, line 155:

    void CDBManager::AsyncQuery(const char * c_pszQuery, int iSlot)
    	assert(iSlot < SQL_MAX_NUM);


    SYSERR: Apr  2 12:05:17 :: Process: SEQUENCE 39a84280 mismatch 0xaf != 0x64 header 254
    SYSERR: Apr  2 12:05:17 :: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [UNKNOWN]-------------
    	[254 : 0xaf]

    Thanks, best regards,





    Hi, me server have hacked mysql base del.. I change pass hard but again Hacked..how to fix



    They hacked by website?

    Which website are you using?



    In my country was deleted 6 servers.


    Really? lol.



    We have self-coded secured website, we have strict rules in firewall, and someone still dropping 3 DBs (player, common and log), we don't know how, we don't know who... Maybe any backdoor in core (we have 40k core mainline)? We have spent lots of hours to find backdoor or something like that, and we didn't found anything... We are working with few servers together to fix this problem... Still not fixed..

  7. Hello,

    i have problem, DB cache randomly crashing... Syserr is clean, but in SSH console is problem:

    ITEM_AWARD load id 261 bMall 1
    ITEM_AWARD load id 262 bMall 1
    Asseration failed: (iSlot < SQL_MAX_NUM), function AsyncQuery, file DBManager.cpp, line 155
    connect: Connection refused
    connect: Connection refused
    connect: Connection refused


    void CDBManager::AsyncQuery(const char * c_pszQuery, int iSlot)
        assert(iSlot < SQL_MAX_NUM);



    Open uiCharacter.py and search:

    	def __CanUseHorseSkill(self):
    		slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(player.SKILL_INDEX_RIDING)
    		if not slotIndex:
    			return FALSE
    		grade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex)
    		level = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex)
    		if level < 0:
    			level *= -1
    		if grade >= 1 and level >= 1:
    			return TRUE

    And change it to:

    	def __CanUseHorseSkill(self):
    		slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(player.SKILL_INDEX_RIDING)
    		if not slotIndex:
    			return FALSE
    		grade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex)
    		level = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex)
    		if level < 0: return False
    		if level >= 4: return True
    		return FALSE	

    Díky, teď mam sice ve skillech ukázanou i tabulku se skillama na koně, ale když chci nějakej skill použít, kliknu na něj, tak se nic nestane... Všechny skilly koně mam na úrovni 10.

    EDIT: Jen dodám, že v syserr není nic ohledně skillů..

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