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Posts posted by boaspessoal

  1. You could always just treat that specific NPC like a PC through ::SetRace in ActorInstanceData(register all the body parts) and add the part like it's attaching an actual weapon to the model.
    Here's how I did it:

    				CGraphicThing * m_pModelThing = (CGraphicThing *)CResourceManager::Instance().GetResourcePointer(c_pAttachingData->pWeaponData->strFileName.c_str());
    				RegisterModelThing(CRaceData::PART_WEAPON, m_pModelThing);
    				SetModelInstance(CRaceData::PART_WEAPON, CRaceData::PART_WEAPON, 0);
    				AttachModelInstance(CRaceData::PART_MAIN, c_pAttachingData->strAttachingBoneName.c_str(), CRaceData::PART_WEAPON);



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  2. Hello,
    I set up recently a system to bind special effects to a slot for armor and weapon. The issue appears when I relogin or warp to another map, while the body part seems to load in, the weapon has no effect. Everything works if I unequip and equip it back, it just doesn't seem to register the parts for the weapon effect when I load in. To be clear, the slot still has the item and is reading its value like bonus etc it's just the effect itself which is attached to the part the one that isnt working.
    What might be causing this issue?


  3. perhaps a way for GMs(through some item) or NPCs to give quest rewards through mailbox(not needing to have any concerns regarding inventory/safebox space) to players so they can pick them up whenever they please, would be a nice addition to this system.

    nevertheless, an amazing contribution, as always!

  4. 5 minutes ago, Razor88 said:

    hi thank u , yes i compile vith v141 toolset but when i enable the define for compile this code when link give me this error if i disable this code all is ok and link the .exe


    if you're using a recent vs version, you should have this option when checking the properties of each project:



    use c++17 or above on UserInterface and try again

  5. 2 hours ago, Razor88 said:

    For me dont work …. i cant compile the src later i add the codes….i use vc141 can u help me please?



    15>\source\userinterface\LTiplist.h(149): error C2440: 'initialize': impossible convert from  'initializer-list' a 'std::vector<std::tuple<std::string,std::vector<int,std::allocator<_Ty>>,std::vector<_Ty,std::allocator<_Ty>>>,std::allocator<std::tuple<std::string,std::vector<_Ty,std::allocator<_Ty>>,std::vector<_Ty,std::allocator<_Ty>>>>>'15>        with15>        [15>            _Ty=int15>        ]15>        No constructor could accept the source type, or the constructor overload resolution was ambiguous


    seems like a C++ version issue, are you sure you're compiling the client using v141 toolset(instead of just having it available)?

    • Love 1
  6. Hey, recently I upgraded my client source so it could compile with the latest C++(which meant I also upgraded boost, DevIL, etc), in the process of doing so I had to change a couple variable types(for example from byte to std::byte or in some cases, to cryptopp::byte).
    At first glance, there are no new errors in the client and everything seems to be working as usual, should I be worried about something breaking? How should I check for most things being unstable/breaking?


  7. 1 hour ago, Vanilla said:

    I'm not 100% sure if you can do this on Metin2, but lua has a goto statement too.


    If that's possible there you can just use it and "return" back to the prior code. But I absolutely hate goto stuff... So use it at your own risk, I'm not even sure if Metin2 can handle it

    goto statement is only available in lua 5.2+(metin2 original source uses 5.0)

  8. Spoiler
    def BINARY_RecvQuest(self, index, name, iconType, iconName):
    		btn = self.__FindQuestButton(index)
    		if 0 != btn:
    		btn = uiWhisper.WhisperButton()
    		##!! 20061026.levites.퀘스트_이미지_교체
    		import item
    		if "item"==iconType:
    		if iconName and (iconType not in ("item", "file")): # type "ex" implied
    			btn.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/questicon/%s" % (iconName.replace("open", "close")))
    			btn.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/questicon/%s" % (iconName))
    			btn.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/questicon/%s" % (iconName))
    			if localeInfo.IsEUROPE():
    		if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
    			btn.SetToolTipText(name, 0, 35)
    			btn.SetToolTipText(name, -20, 35)
    		listOfTypes = iconType.split(",")
    		if "blink" in listOfTypes:
    		listOfColors = {
    			"golden":	0xFFffa200,
    			"green":	0xFF00e600,
    			"blue":		0xFF0099ff,
    			"purple":	0xFFcc33ff,
    			"fucsia":	0xFFcc0099,
    			"aqua":		0xFF00ffff,
    		for k,v in listOfColors.iteritems():
    			if k in listOfTypes:
    		btn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__StartQuest), btn)
    		btn.index = index
    		btn.name = name
    		self.questButtonList.insert(0, btn)


    Thank you

  9. Hello, I was thinking about upgrading the lua version from 5.0 to 5.3 but wasn't too sure how that would end up breaking the game.

    Basically what I'm asking is will upgrading the lua require me to change a huge deal of the original source(from lua_tonumber to lua_tointeger for example, in all files), or are there very few dependencies that can be worked around since it functions basically the same?


  10. Hello everyone, ever since I found this skin type in questlib and later on in the source I've been intrigued at how it works and what happened to it.

    Is it supposed to actually run cinematics or just change up the quest window to make it look "fancier"? From my tests with party.show_cinematic it works barely but it looks like either most of its code is completely missing or not working properly.

    Also, does anyone know the backstory of this skin? Why was it dropped? Definitely would've made some instances feel fresher.


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