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Everything posted by HisaoShou

  1. Thank you, it worked. Though I had to add pc.set_level in quest functions
  2. Hello everyone. I'd like to know how to decrease player's level with a quest. I have tried something like "pc.give_exp2(-9999999999)" but it didn't work Can someone help me please? (I had another idea to use "command" function but it works only for GM. If it had worked with players too but only via quest that would've be awesome for my problem)
  3. Good evening everyone. I'd like to know how to change these buttons from the quest window I want to replace them with another images
  4. I have no ideea how to do this in C++ something like: if (GetEmpire() != pkVictim->GetEmpire()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO,LC_TEXT("You can't attack player %s because is from another kingdom!"),pkVictim->GetName()); return false; if HowToCheckMap() == mapId('MapNumber') { return true; } } ?
  5. I have a question.... Won't this block attacks from empire war too?
  6. I know english and I also know some C# and javascript, but not C++ Yes, they are alike, but I don't know how to write C++ code for server. And that code from the image should be put in... char.cpp , right?
  7. This doesn't mean that I should simply give up. I don't know what to edit from there, I need more clues or something.
  8. It would be really useful if there would be an tutorial doing all this. Like adding stuff in CONFIG and Sql Tables
  9. So... this is NOT a serverfile, but a core? Like... those cores from Ch1, Ch2, and so on...? And this works on any serverfile over 2010? How do I install this? And why the download link is not working (v2.4.1) ? - nvm. I looked on the wrong topic
  10. What are the features of this core? Like... pet system, mounts, so on... And what client do I need for this to run with full actual features?
  11. Thanks everyone for your support, its been really useful for me. Solved.
  12. What errors? How should I compile it? Edit: I have NO IDEA why it is not working. The quest seems fine to me.
  13. Right now I compiled it again, and still nothing. And yes, after this I reloaded them again
  14. I reloaded. Still nothing. When I try to use the item, nothing happens. No quest appears or something (I need to know if is my serverfile to fault or my quest)
  15. It doesn't work. Here is my quest: quest Quester begin state start begin when 30089.use begin set_state(information) end end state information begin when letter begin send_letter("Quest de test") end when info or button begin say("Quest de test") say("lalalal it is only a text") say("lalalalalala") say(""") say_reward("hahahahahhaaah") pc.setqf("state", 22) q.set_counter("Lupusor", 22) end when 102.kill begin local count = pc.getqf("state") - 1 if count <= 22 then pc.setqf("state", count) q.set_counter("Lupusor", count) end if count == 0 then say_title("Quest de test") say("Ai finalizat cu succes misiunea!") say("Recompensa:") say_reward("Rahatt") say_reward("Alte informatii:") say_reward("") say_reward("Alte informatii:") say_reward("Ai primit Yang") say_reward("Ai primit experienta") pc.change_money() pc.give_exp2() pc.give_item2(1, Rahatt) horse.set_level("") clear_letter() set_state(__COMPLETE__) end end end state __COMPLETE__ begin end end Here is my item:
  16. Will it work even if i modify an existent item (like Yety fur+) ?
  17. What kind of item type do I need for the "when ITEM.use begin" to work?
  18. Won't that happen only when I talk with a npc? I need it without talking with npc or something, the item to activate the quest
  19. Can't you make it like "when pc.count_item(50602) begin" ?
  20. How can I check if a player has an item in inventory? Something like: when 40002.inventory begin quest_happens end
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