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Posts posted by Crystal™

  1. Hello again dear community,

    I've seen in many hosters for doing reset mysql need money ,so I'll release a way how to do it easy by your self.

    Here are the commands:

    /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server stop

    mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

    mysql -u root

    use mysql

    update user set password=PASSWORD('yourpassword') where user='root';

    flush privileges;


    service mysql-server restart


    Note:Replace the password that you want with the text yourpassword and if you're using another user replace root.

    Hope I've helped you , if you have any problems please let me know.



    • Metin2 Dev 1
    • Love 3
  2. 5 hours ago, charparodar said:

    How can I get gdb file?

    Syserr: don't have nothing related with this...


    Sep 11 22:45:23.317063 :: USE_ITEM Sapatos de Vento+ (N), Inven 0, Cell 65535, ItemType 16, SubType 0
    Sep 11 22:45:24.316843 :: UNIQUE_ITEM: expire Sapatos de Vento+ (N) 50006904
    Sep 11 22:45:25.476910 :: GLOBAL_TIME: Sep 11 22:45:25 time_gap 0

    Servertime right now: Sun Sep 11 22:45:57 WEST 2016 (normal time computer: 2016-09-13 13:32)

    I don't know how to keep the virtual machine time updated...

    cd ../.core file


    file linkingpath (you must have a linking path for ex game that is linking in gamefile if the error is game.core , if the core file is db write a linking link for db)

    core xx.core

  3. On 9/6/2016 at 2:25 AM, charparodar said:

    As for the login failures, I have the table ipcountry empty, and I hadn't touched on anything that could cause this...

    I don't change nothing on the game since a a month ago probably, and I hadn't problems login, just used the client source and hadn't edited nothing especial, just some code here and there about somethings ingame...

    This problem started just yesterday, it's because that I changed to VMware Workstation 12 Pro? I changed a week ago and I had no errors, just yesterday...

    About the real time, could you be more specific please? I don't remember to change anything about that...

    I seen the item_proto.txt and I noticed REAL_TIME don't work, but REAL_TIME_FIRST_USE works, but doesn't have any time, just 0...


    EDIT: Login problem solved, I went back do virtual box and now there is no problems with connections...

    Post sysser/sysslog and gdb

  4. Go in mysql.user and check your password from CONFIG and generate a hash for it , after add a user in mysql.user with all privileges with the id and has-pw...If you still having problem feel free to send me a PM to fix it for u.

    9 hours ago, Mind Rapist said:

    These errors are from failed connection to mysql tables. They don't have the required permissions. Fix:

    Go to var->db->mysql and give a permission of 777 (0777 if you work on WinSCP) to all game folders. Those folders are:

    • account
    • common
    • hotbackup
    • information_schema (not included in some serverfiles)
    • log
    • mysql
    • performance_schema (not included in some serverfiles)
    • player
    • test (not included in some serverfiles)

    Once done, get into each one of those folders, select all files inside and again, give 777 permissions.

    Reboot your server and it should work :)

    That's not true , the problem isn't with permissions as far I know , it has with the game's user elements :D .

    • Love 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, VegaS said:

    Thank you share, but it is a small inconvenience.

    • It loads very hard, here you will find a small video.



    Thanks for share bro.

    Secret area:

    Free Porn, Sex, Tube Videos, XXX Pics, Pussy in Porno Movies...

    Nice bruv

  6. On 23/8/2016 at 8:31 PM, Mind Rapist said:

    Hello devs,

    Looks great but you all forgot 2 things about this:

    1. Timer - I'm not a professional programmer but I believe that with timer somebody is gonna get DDoS-ed especially with lots of players in the server I mean come on 10 minuets check for refresh inventory for each of them? Are you trying to kill your server? It's a great system but let's face it it could lead to a memory leak of the server just the quest by itself. I may be wrong, I said I'm not a professional programmer but it seems right to me to warn you about this

    2. Privacy - I think this is the most important part right? Your server needs advertising and people do that by uploading some awesome videos on youtube about the PvPs and guild wars they did last night right? But some players may don't want to show people how many coins they have, in fact they may don't want people to know that they pay for this game at all. Their bussiness to deal with but by implementing this affects your server because these people will not do any video advertising on your server with this privacy flaw... And you may regret this because you never know who can make awesome videos. I would suggest a button that hides and shows this coin field.

    Hope I helped :)

    Kind regards ~ Mind Rapist

    Are you serius the quest is ddosing the server?Also if you are genius you can make it without lag like yang...

  7. Spoiler

    0816 15:03:36447 ::   File "networkModule.py", line 234, in SetGamePhase

    0816 15:03:36447 ::   File "game.py", line 271, in __init__

    0816 15:03:36448 ::   File "game.py", line 2387, in __ServerCommand_Build

    0816 15:03:36448 :: AttributeError
    0816 15:03:36448 :: : 
    0816 15:03:36448 :: 'GameWindow' object has no attribute 'costume'
    0816 15:03:36448 :: 

    I'm getting this error but I've added everything correctly as far i know...Can anyone help me?

    Line 2387:


                "costume"                : self.costume,

    In    def __ServerCommand_Build(self):

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