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Everything posted by KuninoSagiri

  1. Not true, if the player has less EXP after killing an enemy compared to what he had before, the flag gets set to that new EXP instead. Quote: if current < pc.getqf("lastexp") then pc.setqf("lastexp",current) end
  2. None, its just to keep the tradition with the regular skill tree (Normal, Master, Grandmaster and Perfect Master)
  3. Leveling up the quest: - Allows you to repeat the quest in shorter intervals - Requires more monsters per quest - Wields greater rewards The user gets a mail once that informs him that the quest is available at Yang-Shin, then he can complete and repeat it at his leisure - using the "Start Rep-Quest" command on the Yang-Shin NPC
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) This quest requires you to hunt a certain enemy near your level for a certain amount of time, bring the "Animal Heart" item they obtain from killing them back to Yang-Shin once they have a sufficient amount and then allows them to play a gamble for Potion Herbs. The quest levels up and depending on level you can gamble for more rewards, or complete the quest in a shorter period of time. quest rep_herb_farming begin state start begin when login with pc.get_level() > 29 and pc.getqf("herb_farming_points") < 1 begin send_letter("REP - The cold-blooded Dinner") end when button or info begin say_title("Repeatable Quest: The cold-blooded Dinner") say("") say("Yang-Shin is in trouble, he could need your") say("help! - Pay him a visit and maybe he will") say("reward you for your troubles!") say("") end when 20019.chat."The cold-blooded Dinner" begin if pc.getqf("herb_farming_points") < 1 then pc.setqf("herblevel",1) end if pc.get_level() < 30 then say_title(mob_name(20019)) say("") say("You are not experienced enough to help me.") say("Thanks for your courage but you can not do") say("anything for me.") say("") say_reward("You need to be at least Level 30 or above.") say("") else say_title(mob_name(20019)) say("") say("Please choose an option:") say("") local t = select("Information about Rep-Quest", "Start Rep-Quest", "Display Quest-Level", "Information about Quest-Levels") if opt == 1 then say_title(mob_name(20019)) say("") say("Hello, I need your help.") say("Our family is well known for our hunting skills.") say("However, a severe desease has rendered most of us") say("incapable of going on a hunt - it is too risky.") say("Would you mind tracking down some enemies for us?") say("Bring us their hearts so can hopefully regain") say("our health soon. I will reward you with the") say("herbs some of our family members started to") say("gather as a replacement.") say("") say_reward("Do you want to help him?") say_reward("Activate the quest in the quest menu!") say("") elseif opt == 2 then if get_time() < pc.getqf("timelimit") then say_title("Rep-Quest: The cold-blooded Dinner") say("") say("You can only accomplish this quest") say("once in every "..ts_herbtime[pc.getqf("end_state")][pc.getqf("herblevel")].." hours.") say("") say("Time left: "..pc.getqf("timelimit")-get_time().." seconds.") say("") else local grade = math.floor(pc.get_level()/10) local plv = grade-2 local num_min = 1+(plv-1)*5 local num_max = 5+(plv-1)*5 local num = number(num_min,num_max) pc.setqf("target_vnum",herb_q_init_v(num)) pc.setqf("target_amount",herb_q_init_a(pc.getqf("herblevel"),num)) pc.remove_item(70022,pc.count_item(70022)) set_state(hunt) end elseif opt == 3 then say_title("Quest-Level:") say("") say("Your current quest level: "..rep_q_level[pc.getqf("herblevel")]..".") say("") say("Your current quest points: "..pc.getqf("herb_farming_points").." Points.") say("") elseif opt == 4 then say_title("The Quest Level") say("") say("In permanent quests you can gain new levels") say("by doing these quests more often.") say("Every quest yields points and you need") say("a certain amount of points to increase") say("the level for this quest.") say("The higher the quest level, the better") say("the reward you get each time you do it.") say("") say_white("N Level: 0-499 Points") say_white("M Level: 500-2499 Points") say_white("G Level: 2500-9999 Points") say_white("P Level: 10000+ Points") say("") end end end end state hunt begin when letter begin send_letter("Rep-Quest: The cold-blooded Dinner") end when button or info begin say_title("Rep-Quest: The cold-blooded Dinner") say("") say("Thank you so much. May the hunting god") say("bless you on your journey.") say("") say("You can find animal hearts by killing some") say(""..mob_name(pc.getqf("target_vnum"))..".") say("") say_item_vnum(70022) say("") say_reward("You require "..pc.getqf("target_amount").." animal hearts.") say("") end when 20019.chat."Abort the Rep-Quest" begin say_title("Yang-Shin:") say("") say("What, you say you can not do it?") say("") say_reward("Be aware! If you abort the quest you will") say_reward("have to wait 6 hours to try again!") say("") local abort = select("I will keep on it.", "No, I can't do it.") if abort == 2 then pc.setqf("end_state",3) pc.setqf("timelimit",ts_herbtime[pc.getqf("end_state")][pc.getqf("herblevel")]*60*60+get_time()) set_state(start) end end when kill begin if npc.get_race() == pc.getqf("target_vnum") then pc.give_item2(70022,1) if pc.count_item(70022) == pc.getqf("target_amount") then set_state(reward) end end end end state reward begin when letter begin send_letter("You have all Animal Hearts") end when button or info begin say_title("Rep-Quest: The cold-blooded Dinner") say("") say("You've collected all Animal Hearts!") say("You should go back to the Yang-Shin") say("and claim your reward!") say("") end when 20019.chat."I found all Animal Hearts" begin local i = 1 local q = pc.getqf("herblevel") local chance = 80 local offer say_title(mob_name(20019)) say("") say("Wow! That was extraordinary work!") say("Thank you for these hearts.") say("") say("Now to your reward...") say("") wait() say_title("System:") say("") say("Please choose a herb by typing the alocated number:") say("") say("1 = Peach Bloom") say("2 = Thristle") say("3 = Plumbago") say("4 = Grinderlia") say("5 = Jamul") say("6 = Ganoderma") say("7 = Lippia") say("8 = Sundew") say("") local herbnum = tonumber(input()) if tonumber(herbnum) == nil or herbnum == 0 or herbnum > 8 then say_title("System:") say("") say("Please enter a valid number.") say("") return end if herbnum > 0 and herbnum < 9 then pc.remove_item(70022,pc.count_item(70022)) while true do if i < 8 then if q < 4 then offer = 10*q+5*(q-1)+5*(i-1) else offer = 10*q+10*(i-1) end say_title("Yang-Shin:") say("") say("Alright, I offer you "..offer.." "..item_name(50720+herbnum)..".") say("Do you accept?") local answer = select("Yes!","No, I want more!") if answer == 1 then say_title(mob_name(20019)) say("") say("Alright, here's your reward!") say("") say_reward("You've received "..offer.." "..item_name(50720+herbnum)..".") pc.give_item2(50720+herbnum,offer) pc.setqf("end_state",1) pc.setqf("timelimit",ts_herbtime[pc.getqf("end_state")][q]*60*60+get_time()) pc.setqf("herb_farming_points",pc.getqf("herb_farming_points")+offer) local a = pc.getqf("herb_farming_points") if a >= 500 and a <= 2499 and pc.getqf("herblevel") < 2 or pc.getqf("herblevel") > 2 then pc.setqf("herblevel",2) syschat("You've ranked up your questlevel to level 2!") end if a >= 2500 and a <= 9999 and pc.getqf("herblevel") < 3 or pc.getqf("herblevel") > 3 then pc.setqf("herblevel",3) syschat("You've ranked up your questlevel to level 3!") end if a >= 10000 and pc.getqf("herblevel") < 4 then pc.setqf("herblevel",4) syschat("You've ranked up your questlevel to level 4!") end set_state(start) break elseif answer == 2 then local dice = number(1,100) if dice <= chance then chance = chance-20 if i == 1 or i == 2 then i = i+1 elseif i == 3 then i = i+2 elseif i == 5 then i = i+3 end else say_title(mob_name(20019)) say("") say("So you want to be greedy?") say("") say("Then go! As a lession I wont give") say("you anything!") say("") say_reward("You gained no herbs for this quest.") say("") pc.setqf("end_state",2) pc.setqf("timelimit",ts_herbtime[pc.getqf("end_state")][pc.getqf("herblevel")]*60*60+get_time()) set_state(start) break end end else say_title(mob_name(20019)) say("") say("Alright, here's your reward!") say("That's all I got so here, take it!") say("") say_reward("You've received "..offer.." "..item_name(50720+herbnum)..".") pc.give_item2(50720+herbnum,offer) pc.setqf("end_state",1) pc.setqf("timelimit",ts_herbtime[pc.getqf("end_state")][pc.getqf("herblevel")]*60*60+get_time()) pc.setqf("herb_farming_points",pc.getqf("herb_farming_points")+offer) local a = pc.getqf("herb_farming_points") if a >= 500 and a <= 2499 and pc.getqf("herblevel") < 2 or pc.getqf("herblevel") > 2 then pc.setqf("herblevel",2) syschat("You've ranked up your questlevel to level 2!") end if a >= 2500 and a <= 9999 and pc.getqf("herblevel") < 3 or pc.getqf("herblevel") > 3 then pc.setqf("herblevel",3) syschat("You've ranked up your questlevel to level 3!") end if a >= 10000 and pc.getqf("herblevel") < 4 then pc.setqf("herblevel",4) syschat("You've ranked up your questlevel to level 4!") end notice_all(""..pc.get_name().." is a brilliant merchant and traded his animal hearts for "..offer.." "..say_item_vnum(50720+herbnum)..".") set_state(start) break end end end end end end And this needs to be added to the questlib.lua to make it work. rep_q_level = {"Normal", "Master", "Grandmaster", "Perfect Master"} ts_herbtime = { {24,20,16,12}, {12,10,8,6}, {6,6,6,6}, } function herb_q_inf() return { -- | Level 30-40 List | Level 40-50 List | Level 50-60 List | Level 60-70 List | Level 70-80 List | Level 80-90 List | Level 90-99 List | ["vnum"] = {534,591,636,702,704,732,776,906,902,1001,1031,1101,1103,1301,2034,1106,1107,2064,2203,2204,2203,2204,2303,2304,2305,1131,1136,2314,2315,2401,2412,2403,2404,2411,2413}, ["Normal"] = {3,2,10,15,10,15,15,10,20,30,10,15,10,10,10,15,10,20,20,20,30,30,20,15,10,15,20,40,25,20,20,15,10,20,10}, ["Master"] = {5,3,15,20,15,25,20,15,30,50,15,25,15,15,15,25,20,30,30,30,50,50,30,20,15,25,30,60,40,35,40,30,20,40,20}, ["Grandmaster"] = {8,5,20,30,20,35,30,20,40,70,20,35,20,20,20,40,30,40,40,40,70,70,40,35,30,35,40,80,60,50,60,50,30,60,30}, ["Perfect_Master"] = {12,8,30,45,30,50,45,30,60,100,30,50,30,35,40,60,50,60,60,60,100,100,60,50,45,50,55,125,90,75,80,75,50,80,45}, } end function herb_q_init_v(num) local info = herb_q_inf() local vnum = info.vnum[num] return vnum end function herb_q_init_a(qlv,num) local info = herb_q_inf() local qlv = pc.getqf("herblevel") local amount if qlv == 1 then amount = info.Normal[num] elseif qlv == 2 then amount = info.Master[num] elseif qlv == 3 then amount = info.Grandmaster[num] elseif qlv == 4 then amount = info.Perfect_Master[num] end return amount end I wrote this quest a long time ago when I just started LUA so please bear with my lack of LUA skills back then so the code might be somewhat unoptimized.
  5. I'm pretty sure the 2nd weapon is supposed to be the mage's weapon (a staff.) because the 4th weapon is unmistakeably a bow.
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