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Everything posted by MRodrigoXx

  1. Hey guys, i have been searching for a Client Interface with taskbar etc... but they all look the same or they have missing files. Do you guys know any cool interface? I write metin2 interface... search on the bigger forums but i only find "login interface" and wierd taskbars. If you don't know any free one do you recommend anyone who sells them?
  2. I mean really is it impossible to crack a protected password file with 5 letters? REALLY? Would it take years to crack with brute-force...? We crack windows, games but not a .rar file?
  3. I can feel your pain bro. ----- Well i saw the worst WWE Movie Leprechaun: Origins http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2345613/
  4. Does the 34k game have an internal ip, and if so how can i fix it? I can only use hamachi and never no-ip. I can't find anything related to it is there a diff?
  5. Do you know anyone that sells metin2 files?
  6. Can i create a server with the game 34k using no-ip? If yes then what do i have to do? I have tried to create with no-ip but i can't but some people said that it's possible and that they have made it! I just want to know if you guys could help me out
  7. You can use the item or button should appear near energy system(old interface) Ok but the dowload link for the button is down It's just an icon. You can use any. But i would like to use that can you pls give me in PM? I'm busy for the next 6 hrs. After that, i'll solve the link. If you can PM me the link or post here i would apreciate it
  8. You can use the item or button should appear near energy system(old interface) Ok but the dowload link for the button is down It's just an icon. You can use any. But i would like to use that can you pls give me in PM?
  9. You can use the item or button should appear near energy system(old interface) Ok but the dowload link for the button is down
  10. Hi, so i have put the quest, the navicat, the item_proto, item_list, the tga how put i can open the box what do i have to do? I'm using game 2089
  11. I really need help please. Add me on skype: turnitoff_rodrigo And please help me i have tried everything. Please
  12. Hi, first of all yes i have searched in the forum for files. But do you have any sugestions for an updated good metin2 files?
  13. I have no ideia what that is :s I installed the game 40k in Rain files. Edit: resolv.conf domain servegame.com nameserver
  14. Hi, is there a way i can create a metin2 server using the new game 40k with no-ip? When i create with hamachi it works perfectly but when i use no-ip it gives me core erros. How do i create with no-ip?
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