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Mind Rapist

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Posts posted by Mind Rapist

  1. Hey guys so I have some other SF now and I have exactly the same problem as @icewolf... The is loaded from ymir work\item\wing in the msm records. There are no special GR2's for each character only one common GR2 for all characters for each sash. All links are down and the sash is attached properply only on Wolfman. Can someone give me some other files or tell me how to fix that?

  2. Well I just saw Vegas' reply in a topic about the buffs so I did it and then I started playing with the IsGM() bool around the files. I tried to block any item/help interraction between a GM player and a normal player without affecting interraction between a GM with another GM or a player with another player. GMs exist to answer questions and solve problems not to help others cheat. I didn't had offline shop so thanks @ladcatalin for your function if I forgot anything else just post it here :)


  3. Hello guys it's been a while since I visited the forum :P

    Today I have an easy to answer question (hopefully) about a database table.

    I want to learn how to understand when a quest is incomplete or completed by looking the records at player.quest

    What I know about this table is:

    • dwPID = pid of the character
    • szName = the name of the quest given by the system (e.g: collect_quest_lv30)
    • szState = the state of the quest given by the LUA file according to the steps completed

    What I need to learn:

    • What is lValue? Does it have to do something about what I want to learn?
    • How can I know if a Biologist quest (or generaly a quest) is incomplete, started or completed based on what I see in the row (row e.g: dwPID: 1, szName: collect_quest_lv30, szState: _status, lValue: 695801987)

    I appreciate any help on the topic and a big thanks to the responders :)

  4. 11 minutes ago, metin2team said:

    If I understood it right.. you should do it the other way around.

    Windows server -> FreeBSD (game) server.

    which means .. Windows server requests the channels data and the FreeBSD returns the values or an xml file which will be saved by the windows server.

    and you can use the API for that :)

    good luck.

    Actually I want to make the FreeBSD request an edit to the XML from the Windows server every time a channel starts or stops. What API can I use for this?

  5. Hello devs it's been a while... Today I have a very strange question: how can I send a request from the gameserver (FreeBSD) to an external server (Windows)? I want to create an XML file that contains the status of the channels (Auth, DB, Ch1,2,3,4,5,6, World server (game99)) and I want my gameserver to send a request that changes the values in the XML on the other server every time a channel is launched or shut down. I know it can be done with the shell files I just don't know how to do it. I appreciate any help :)

  6. Well I'm not an expert but it seems you have a problem with the REAL_TIME in your item_proto, should be on serverside files, but try to create a new one for your packs before searching the txt's. As for the login failures, check out your source. Focus on the keywords ip, ban, conn and other similar (check server & client source). Also check your account.iptocountry table in mysql and make sure that everything is NULL. If that does not help I wish someone with more experience than me reply.

    Kind regards ~ Mind Rapist

  7. These errors are from failed connection to mysql tables. They don't have the required permissions. Fix:

    Go to var->db->mysql and give a permission of 777 (0777 if you work on WinSCP) to all game folders. Those folders are:

    • account
    • common
    • hotbackup
    • information_schema (not included in some serverfiles)
    • log
    • mysql
    • performance_schema (not included in some serverfiles)
    • player
    • test (not included in some serverfiles)

    Once done, get into each one of those folders, select all files inside and again, give 777 permissions.

    Reboot your server and it should work :)

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