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Nightwish last won the day on May 4 2018

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  1. Hello m2dev community, today I had the idea to make it possible to switch new bonuses like RESIST_EARTH and RESIST_ICE. (Im using an privat core powered by Vanilla, so 40k) I added the bonuses in the item_attr table. But ingame I was just able to get "Energy". If I equip the item the core goes down. Any Ideas? Any Ideas for client modification to give the boni a clientside name? (there are locale_game entrys for those bonuses) King regards Nightwish
  2. If you want to open a (promotet) big german server you have to go to voxility directly !. I have bought a server at blazingfast aka. xertonia and its really useless. The network connection is at the end cause everybody uses 5$ VPS to flood somebody else. Im going with vox cause there is no other hoster I trust in anymore (in the protecton thing), OVH has a great firewall but its not directly filtering. The swiss host (i forgot the name) is also taken down by some ppl. So back to the money, there is no other host I can take, so im paying over 700€ (962,22$) in the month. If some ppl hate you, you need this (im talking about german servers). Watchout! If you are going with voxility (or even if you not!), block the whole subnets of blazingfast! King regards
  3. Create a new item (the item you put in the belt), call it like the the original and use the same picture for it. Then you go into your root -> constinfo def GET_BELT_MATERIAL_VNUM(vnum, subType = 0): # ÇöÀç´Â ¸ðµç º§Æ®¿¡´Â ÇϳªÀÇ ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ(#18900)¸¸ »ðÀÔ °¡´É return 18900 and change the "return 18900" (the Item you put into your belt) into the fake item (i used value 18901) King regards.
  4. Hello, I have two problems. 1. The blazing purgatory quest stops at one point. Everysting works beside this part. Its the level where you have to kill all mobs spawning in one area. Here is the part of the quest wich seems buggy. [FULL QUEST, .DE Files] Here is the part : The mobs you kill getting counted just @ the NPC you speaking with, but the quest seems to not run anymore. I dont get kicked after the time when Iam at this part! I hope you have have ideas to fixx this bug. Problem2: I cant use horse skills with some mounts. Is that defined in the quest ? In the game ? Hope you can help me, king regards, Nightwish
  5. Hey, try to import your item_proto.txt into open office. You can see it then like its in navicat. I think its O and P. Try to put "limit_none" in O. I hope this will help you.
  6. Does anybody got this running with cron? It works perfect without cron. I have tried different crons and /var/log/cron shows that the cron was done but nothing happens. /usr/sbin/cron[28936]: (root) CMD (sh /usr/home/autobackup/backup.sh all) /usr/sbin/cron[29013]: (root) CMD (sh /root/backup/backupsql.sh all) ... I hope anybody get this. King regards, Nightwish
  7. Thx just run this query if you cant empty your item table (because of players) DELETE FROM player.item WHERE window=""; King regards.
  8. What do you have done exactly? I executed the query in item but the error is still there. Does the mysql-server need a reboot? King regards, Nightwish
  9. Hello m2dev community, I have a large problem using vanilla core. The dragon soul items disappear after some times if they are NOT equipped. Here is the syserr entry for the problem. I hope you can help me. King regards, Nightwish
  10. The DB core is not able to handle my item_proto without *.txt and the conf.txt option dont work. The core is always trying to use the database. Edit: now I put the config option right under the WELCOME_MSG entry, but now the core is not even start anymore. Syserr says: SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:05 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:06 :: Load: DirectQuery failed(SELECT login FROM block_exception) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:08 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:09 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:09 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:09 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:09 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:09 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:09 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:09 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:09 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:09 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:12 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:02:12 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost) SYSERR: Mar 4 20:04:50 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 27 Next Problem: There are no skills anymore, the skybox is not there anymore sometimes and sometimes hair is not displayed. I did no change on the client betweeen 2.1 and 2.2 so its a server fault. King regards. I will go back to 2.1 and Ymirs core too. I hope there is a fix for those bugs we have soon. King regards.
  11. Solved Problem with .TXT Edit2 an fixx: I copied you post where it is TXT_STARTUP: 1 but in conf.txt you have to set it like TXT_STARTUP = 1. Next problem: Server runs normal but if I buy something out of an NPC shop server goes down. Here you can see syserr: Next Problem: There are no skills anymore, the skybox is not there anymore sometimes and sometimes hair is not displayed. I did no change on the client betweeen 2.1 and 2.2 so its a server fault. King regards.
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