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Everything posted by Roxas07

  1. Update with a video Tested on Samsung Galaxy S3 Without the screen recorder the game working with 60FPS and the quality is more good than the recorder. When I can show you more, i make some good quality screen.
  2. C++ with OpenGL , I write all myself I prefer
  3. UPDATE - 03/01/2016 The project grown up , the game work perfectly on Android 4.0 to the last version of Android. Some screenshot Here :
  4. Yes you can do that also, the method return a boolean. I made that like this because I add a chat log for say something to the player or something other
  5. I prefer add that if (pkInstMain->IsAttacking()){ // if the player attack } else{ // if the player don't attack pkInstMain->GetGraphicThingInstancePtr()->InterceptOnceMotion(CRaceMotionData::NAME_PICK_UP); } Because use SPACE and Z at the same time, it's a very good usebug for speed attack x)
  6. MMORPG ANDROID - Jin An upheaval ! Presentation Summary: I. What famous mmorpg android? II.Sur what platform could it come to life? III. Different screen or video project? IV. Who are those who worked on the project? _________________________________________________________ I. A MMORPG ON ANDROID _________________________________________________________ Well, yes, as you may have read, it is quite possible! The idea is to make a mmorpg based on what Jin code. Available on your phone directly to your downloadable appstore. The concepts of the game is made much like WoW, that is, the camera will be in the 3rd person, 3D gaming for those who have the vision or other problems ... The game that played entirely online, the server will remain the same for each support which makes the ability to play anywhere in this game and reuse your characters. Much remains to adapt to achieve but this project will indeed life, at least we hope with all my heart! _________________________________________________________ II. PLATFORMS OF MMORPG _________________________________________________________ The starting support is Android. "Oh no, I have an iPhone ..." We can easily pass on the different platforms. So do not panic, the MMORPG will be available for iPhone, PC, PS Vita and so on! _________________________________________________________ III. WHAT LOOKS LIKE THE MMORPG? _________________________________________________________ Here are some of the famous MMORPG screen: Loading of the game: Choice selections of characters (the warrior is only used to show that 3D works): Here are three videos showing the progress son time: First video, 13 November 2015 (the beginning of the project.): Second video, Jan. 18, 2016.: 3rd video March 11, 2016: _________________________________________________________ IV. WHO IS THE CREATOR? WORKING THERE TEAM? _________________________________________________________ For those who have noticed the screens, the creator is indeed Roxas (@Jin) Jin currently working alone on the project, so a little word of support or even a small donation for the project would be welcome! Thank you for watching the project mmorpg android! PS: This presentation can beings updated at any time
  7. Old post but if you need an help: $day = 30; // for 30 days, you can make an mysql request for get a number from a table created by yourself. $timeItem = time() + (84600 * $day); add the value $itemItem in socket0, that's work for costume, pet and other. time() return the actual date into seconds. $day is equal of number of day of you want. 84600 = 24hours.
  8. For FindWing the content of the function is that: std::map<DWORD, SWing>::iterator f=m_kMap_dwWingKey_kWing.find(eWing); if (m_kMap_dwWingKey_kWing.end()==f) { if (eWing != 0) TraceError("Wing number %d is not exist.",eWing); return NULL; } return &f->second;
  9. ​You need type 3 for the item and subtype 10 you don't need to use value3 if you don't receive the right number, check your syserr client for see the id not found WING ​
  10. You need that in GameType.h after the part costume: #ifdef ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_SYSTEM const DWORD c_Costume_Mount_Slot_Start = c_Equipment_Start + 24; // [주의] 숫자(19) 하드코딩 주의. 현재 서버에서 코스츔 슬롯은 19부터임. 서버 common/length.h 파일의 EWearPositions 열거형 참고. const DWORD c_Costume_Mount_Slot_Shoulder = c_Costume_Slot_Start + 0; const DWORD c_Costume_Mount_Slot_Count = 1; const DWORD c_Costume_Mount_Slot_End = c_Costume_Mount_Slot_Start + c_Costume_Mount_Slot_Count; #endif
  11. you forget some definition in InstanceBase.h: 'AttachWing' 'ChangeWing' And in ActorInstance.h 'SetWing' 'm_eWing'
  12. DWORD work also for max level, because DWORD is an unsigned integer decimal value , the max value is 429496729. So You can use it for have 400 level and more.
  13. I add an update for model Sash. They work for this system. The link: [Hidden Content]
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