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Posts posted by lolor2

  1. General questions;

    1. Which system do you like more? (generally) => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?

    Windows Server2012 Datacenter Edition, Easier more Complicated :D better MultiServer management, more compatible advanced software

    2. Your opinion: Which system does fit more to Metin2? => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?

    none of both CentOS linux for datacenters



    Personal questions;

    1. You are a server administrator of a big server. In which system would you feel more safety? => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?

    None of both again, Centos XEN for virtualization, completly locked down datacenter running on vms(not hackable)

    2. Which system is easier to control / manage for you? => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?

    Win, Centos 

    3. Which advantages and disadvantages are there? => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?


    Windows: puts cpu cores into nodes and a program can just be associated to one

    Freebsd: hard to getin, hard to find fixes to more difficult system bugs

  2. Since no one ever decided to help me (even when I was asking) I'm now fully convinced that the community either has no plan on anything (and I really doubt that) or no one WANTS to help anyone. I'm still working on it, so please, don't ask the same question again and again, I'm still working. And since no one ever decided to help, it'll take more time.

    I'm still thinking of reverting back the lua version and making no further additions, only bug fixes to vanilla core. I'm not in the mood to spent one hour after another on a game core I literally got nothing, not even help or anything. If I'm reverting, it'll take less time and then It'll stay on lua 5.0 and NOT be upgraded anymore (though I'll still develop on a core that'll run 5.2 and that may used for private purpose. I'm still not certain).


    So please, don't ask the same question "when next version" or report the same "bug" (that only leads to misconfiguration) over and over. I understand that you want the new core, I want it too, but since those who know about the stuff decided to not help it'll just take more time. And I thought this project was a project FROM the community FOR the community, but now I clearly see that it's a project from me for the community.

    some people decided to help you days/weeks/months ago we just never got an response or?

    but keep up your work you doin it really gread


    best regards Xunil/Lolor2

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