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Everything posted by MultiGTAMISSION

  1. Hi. I created that topic 3 weeks ago. During this time I checked if I made any mistake during implementation that system. I don't know where I should search next. Have you got any advice where to look next? Any ideas?
  2. Hello. I would like to ask about Official Inventory Expansion. I did everything exactly like in tutorial but unfortunately the system is not working. In game, when I click item "Inventory Expansion" it says that I have maximum amount of expansions. No syserr both on clientside and serverside. Could you recommend me what I should check firstly? Extract from src/common/length.h. Settings are the same in the clientside too. #ifdef ENABLE_EXTEND_INVEN_SYSTEM enum EInventory { INVENTORY_OPEN_PAGE_COUNT = 4, INVENTORY_OPEN_KEY_VNUM = 72319, INVENTORY_OPEN_KEY_VNUM2 = 72320, INVENTORY_START_DELETE_VNUM = INVENTORY_OPEN_KEY_VNUM, INVENTORY_NEED_KEY_START = 2, INVENTORY_NEED_KEY_INCREASE = 3, INVENTORY_WIDTH = 5, INVENTORY_HEIGHT = 9, INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE = INVENTORY_WIDTH*INVENTORY_HEIGHT, INVENTORY_PAGE_COUNT = INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE, INVENTORY_OPEN_PAGE_SIZE = INVENTORY_OPEN_PAGE_COUNT*INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE, INVENTORY_LOCKED_PAGE_COUNT = INVENTORY_PAGE_COUNT-INVENTORY_OPEN_PAGE_COUNT, INVENTORY_LOCK_COVER_COUNT = INVENTORY_LOCKED_PAGE_COUNT*INVENTORY_HEIGHT }; #endif
  3. Hi, @ V0lvox Thank you for your reply. Well, the problem is now resolved but this time syserr told me about the same situation here: self.inven.wndItem.RefreshSlot() I've just copied that "if" and now it works! Lastly, could you explain me why did this problem occur?
  4. Hello! I am writing because I don't know what to do. I edit Metin2 4fun and I installed Inventory Slot Marking System and 6-7th bonus. It's okay when I log in but when I want to change map, black screen occurs and syserr: 1215 13:06:23302 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 1215 13:06:23302 :: File "networkModule.py", line 247, in SetGamePhase 1215 13:06:23303 :: File "game.py", line 98, in __init__ 1215 13:06:23303 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 314, in MakeInterface 1215 13:06:23303 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 176, in __MakeWindows 1215 13:06:23303 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 274, in __init__ 1215 13:06:23303 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 422, in __LoadWindow 1215 13:06:23303 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 495, in SetInventoryPage 1215 13:06:23303 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 786, in RefreshBagSlotWindow 1215 13:06:23303 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 786, in <lambda> 1215 13:06:23303 :: File "uiAttr67Add.py", line 476, in RefreshLockedSlot 1215 13:06:23303 :: AttributeError 1215 13:06:23303 :: : 1215 13:06:23303 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'SetCanMouseEventSlot' 1215 13:06:23303 :: This is the extract from uiAttr67Add.py that contains SetCanMouseEventSlot: if app.WJ_ENABLE_TRADABLE_ICON: @staticmethod def IsSupportItem(inven_slot): dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(inven_slot) if dstItemVNum == 0: return False return dstItemVNum in Attr67AddWindow.SUPPORT_DICT def RefreshLockedSlot(self): if self.inven == None: return for i in range(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE): self.inven.wndItem.SetCanMouseEventSlot(i) for i in (self.SupportSlotIndex, self.RegistSlotIndex): if i != -1: itemInvenPage = i / player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE localSlotPos = i - (itemInvenPage * player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE) if self.inven.GetInventoryPageIndex() == itemInvenPage: self.inven.wndItem.SetCantMouseEventSlot(localSlotPos) self.inven.wndItem.RefreshSlot() self.inven.RefreshMarkSlots() def BindInterface(self, interface): from _weakref import proxy self.interface = proxy(interface) def SetInven(self, inven): from _weakref import proxy self.inven = proxy(inven) def OnTop(self): if self.tooltipitem: self.tooltipitem.SetTop() if app.WJ_ENABLE_TRADABLE_ICON and self.interface: self.interface.SetOnTopWindow(player.ON_TOP_WND_ATTR_67) self.interface.RefreshMarkInventoryBag() The line that syserr underline is: self.inven.wndItem.SetCanMouseEventSlot(i) I also want to send extract from uiRefine.py where setCanMouseEventSlot and RefreshLockedSlot are defined. def SetCanMouseEventSlot(self, slotIndex): itemInvenPage = slotIndex / player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE localSlotPos = slotIndex - (itemInvenPage * player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE) self.lockedItem = (-1, -1) if itemInvenPage == self.wndInventory.GetInventoryPageIndex(): self.wndInventory.wndItem.SetCanMouseEventSlot(localSlotPos) def SetCantMouseEventSlot(self, slotIndex): itemInvenPage = slotIndex / player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE localSlotPos = slotIndex - (itemInvenPage * player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE) self.lockedItem = (itemInvenPage, localSlotPos) if itemInvenPage == self.wndInventory.GetInventoryPageIndex(): self.wndInventory.wndItem.SetCantMouseEventSlot(localSlotPos) def SetInven(self, wndInventory): from _weakref import proxy self.wndInventory = proxy(wndInventory) def RefreshLockedSlot(self): if self.wndInventory: itemInvenPage, itemSlotPos = self.lockedItem if self.wndInventory.GetInventoryPageIndex() == itemInvenPage: self.wndInventory.wndItem.SetCantMouseEventSlot(itemSlotPos) self.wndInventory.wndItem.RefreshSlot() I don't have any idea to solve this problems. Every smaller ones I fixed but this seems to be complicated. Could you help me please?
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