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  1. tmoitoi's post in Problem about compiling an older client source was marked as the answer   
    Problem fixed, recompiling was not the solution for this project so I just added this sequence in the JpegFile.cpp in EterLib and that's well now, thanks guys.
    extern "C" { FILE __iob_func[3] = { *stdin,*stdout,*stderr }; } //Fix  
  2. tmoitoi's post in Unknown packet header: 100, last: 32 17 With Binary problem was marked as the answer   
    You've to use an comparer and compare packet.h from client and packet.h from server and then you've to see if all is the same like "long long" "long" etc.
    If you want any help add me on skype vamos.vamosmt2
  3. tmoitoi's post in Regen when disable/enable auto potion and mounting horse was marked as the answer   
    Line 2444 char.cpp
    //ch->PointChange(POINT_HP, MAX(1, (ch->GetMaxHP() * regenPct) / 100)); //@Fix HP cc: https://vamosmt2.org/svn Just comment this line
  4. tmoitoi's post in Speak with trade again was marked as the answer   
    Problem fixed.
    comment these things.
    /*int processReturn = ProcessTextTag(ch, buf, buflen); if (0!=processReturn) { if (ch->GetDesc()) { TItemTable * pTable = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetTable(ITEM_PRISM); if (pTable) { char buf[128]; int len; if (3==processReturn) //교환중 len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), LC_TEXT("사용할수 없습니다."), pTable->szLocaleName); else len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), LC_TEXT("%s이 필요합니다."), pTable->szLocaleName); if (len < 0 || len >= (int) sizeof(buf)) len = sizeof(buf) - 1; ++len;  // 0 문자 포함 TPacketGCWhisper pack; pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER; pack.bType = WHISPER_TYPE_ERROR; pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper) + len; strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom)); ch->GetDesc()->BufferedPacket(&pack, sizeof(pack)); ch->GetDesc()->Packet(buf, len); sys_log(0, "WHISPER: not enough %s: char: %s", pTable->szLocaleName, ch->GetName()); } } // 릴래이 상태일 수 있으므로 릴래이를 풀어준다. pkDesc->SetRelay(""); return (iExtraLen); }*/ /*int processReturn = ProcessTextTag(ch, chatbuf, len); if (0!=processReturn) { const TItemTable* pTable = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetTable(ITEM_PRISM); if (NULL != pTable) { if (3==processReturn) //교환중 ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("사용할수 없습니다."), pTable->szLocaleName); else ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("%s이 필요합니다."), pTable->szLocaleName); } return iExtraLen; }*/ //    
  5. tmoitoi's post in Warrior automaticaly disconnected without reasons was marked as the answer   
    Hi, I've disabled all the hack security about it, have you idea of some things who can do it ?
    About sync what you want to say ? :x
    PS: Only players get disconnected, my warrior GM doesn't.
    Edit: I think it's skill hack ?

    How to disable it ?
  6. tmoitoi's post in Server doesn't give servers statu was marked as the answer   
    Solved, it was from firewall rules error.
  7. tmoitoi's post in Problem with quest begin " ( " was marked as the answer   
    Problem fixed
    struct packet_script { BYTE header; WORD size; BYTE skin; WORD src_size; //BYTE quest_flag; //comment this line };  
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