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Ayaka last won the day on May 11 2015

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About Ayaka

  • Birthday 02/13/1990


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  1. From what I see, i would say the detection on Baidu is false positive.
  2. If you want to turn off all deprecated warnings including them from mysql_* you have to add: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED); in a global php file (config.php for example). Attention: By updating your php version to 7 or higher, your mysql querys will not working anymore. So make sure to update your deprecated code before updating your system (in the future).
  3. Give it a last try: Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter. Type netsh int ip reset and press Enter. Type ipconfig /release and press Enter. Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. and maybe this netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off because of your hint with the firewall program. (dont forget to turn it on again after check) [Hidden Content]
  4. 8 adapter, i have only 3. You have a lot of configuration O,o I don't have that much knowledge to figure out what exactly the problem is. But this is the right way. Maybe someone read this and can help you. Im out, sorry.
  5. hm try to get more informations about your connection. I think that this is a DNS configuration problem on your machine OR your router. Type ipconfig /all and route print -4 in your CMD. Maybe there you can see some strange entries.
  6. Strange behavior. What happens when ping an ip via cmd? Is this working by the first try? Edit: connected via WLAN or LAN?
  7. Maybe you are using outdated credentials for RDP? WinKey + R and run rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr i bet there is a lot of old stuff. Delete all and restart your machine.
  8. maybe not the /usr/src/best_source/Srcs/Server/game/src (joke ) Is this all?: gmake[1]: *** [dep] Error 127 gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/best_source/Srcs/Server/game/src' gmake: *** [all] Error 2
  9. nice! If you want to create a new password use this instead of md5 generator: [Hidden Content] Note: Edit your thread and mark it as solved to let other people know that this is successful answered and for a better overview in general.
  10. md5? isnt it MySQL Password() ? *676243218923905CF94CB52A3C9D3EB30CE8E20D
  11. in general: [Hidden Content] So what is the error? Or do you have row, column mapping or charset problems? What exactly is the problem? Do you have define an XML Schema?
  12. ok thats strange, i was so sure that this is working xD I would check if this is really the right place to change code. Whats happen if you change the "[" and "]" like: "%s<Prestige %d>" if the output isn't <Prestige 1>EbeEbe then this function isn't rendering for your output.
  13. from reading this [Hidden Content] i think this is the solution. %s is a character string (name) and %d a signed integer (level) so i changed the position in the first snprintf function. Hope this works, never coded in C++. i can only write php but from a logical point of view it should work: if (pCharacterInstance->GetPrestigeLevel() < PRESTIGE_MAX) snprintf(szNameTextTail, sizeof(szNameTextTail), "%s[Prestige %d]", pCharacterInstance->GetNameString(), pCharacterInstance->GetPrestigeLevel()); else snprintf(szNameTextTail, sizeof(szNameTextTail), "%s[Prestige Master]", pCharacterInstance->GetNameString());
  14. indeed the wrong category. You posted this in "Releases > Programming". Next time -> questions in "Metin2 > Questions and Answers" Read for more informations:
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