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Posts posted by KingTsunamy

  1. syserr

    ui.py(line:2773) LoadScriptFile
    system.py(line:192) execfile
    system.py(line:161) Run
    system.py(line:176) __LoadTextFile__
    system.py(line:61) __init__
    LoadScriptFile1 - <type 'exceptions.IOError'>:No file or directory
    0705 20:37:21050 :: ============================================================================================================
    0705 20:37:21050 :: Abort!!!!
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=exception.py, name=Abort
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=ui.py, name=LoadScriptFile
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=uiAchievement.py, name=__LoadDialog
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=uiAchievement.py, name=__init__
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=uiAchievement.py, name=Show
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=game.py, name=__AchievementTest
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=stringCommander.py, name=__call__
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=stringCommander.py, name=__call__
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=stringCommander.py, name=Run
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=game.py, name=BINARY_ServerCommand_Run
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=prototype.py, name=RunApp
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=prototype.py, name=<module>
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=system.py, name=Run
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=system.py, name=execfile
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=system.py, name=RunMainScript
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=system.py, name=<module>
    0705 20:37:21050 :: filename=<string>, name=<module>
    0705 20:37:21052 :: 
    uiAchievement.py(line:148) __LoadDialog
    ui.py(line:2779) LoadScriptFile
    exception.py(line:36) Abort
    WaitingDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject - <type 'exceptions.SystemExit'>:
    0705 20:37:21052 :: ============================================================================================================
    0705 20:37:21052 :: Abort!!!!
    0705 20:37:21052 :: filename=exception.py, name=Abort
    0705 20:37:21052 :: filename=uiAchievement.py, name=__LoadDialog
    0705 20:37:21052 :: filename=uiAchievement.py, name=__init__
    0705 20:37:21052 :: filename=uiAchievement.py, name=Show
    0705 20:37:21052 :: filename=game.py, name=__AchievementTest
    0705 20:37:21052 :: filename=stringCommander.py, name=__call__
    0705 20:37:21052 :: filename=stringCommander.py, name=__call__
    0705 20:37:21052 :: filename=stringCommander.py, name=Run
    0705 20:37:21053 :: filename=game.py, name=BINARY_ServerCommand_Run
    0705 20:37:21053 :: filename=prototype.py, name=RunApp
    0705 20:37:21053 :: filename=prototype.py, name=<module>
    0705 20:37:21053 :: filename=system.py, name=Run
    0705 20:37:21053 :: filename=system.py, name=execfile
    0705 20:37:21053 :: filename=system.py, name=RunMainScript
    0705 20:37:21053 :: filename=system.py, name=<module>
    0705 20:37:21053 :: filename=<string>, name=<module>

    and this is uiachievement.py

    import ui
    import snd
    import systemSetting
    import net
    import chat
    import app
    import localeInfo
    import chrmgr
    import uiWhisper
    import interfacemodule
    import time
    import wndMgr
    AchievementPoints = 0
    class AchievementDialog(ui.ScriptWindow):
    	def __init__(self):
    	def __del__(self):
    	def Destroy(self):
    		return TRUE
    	def __Load_LoadScript(self, fileName):
    			pyScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
    			pyScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName)
    			import exception
    	def __Load_BindObject(self):
    			self.AchievementText = self.GetChild("Achievement_Text")
    			self.AchievementTextFiller = self.GetChild("Achievement_Filler")
    			self.AchievementCountText = self.GetChild("Count_Achievement_Text")
    			self.AchievementCountTextFiller = self.GetChild("Count_Filler")
    			self.AchievementPointsText = self.GetChild("Achievement_Points_Text")
    			self.AchievementInfoTextPage1 = self.GetChild("Achievement_Info_1")
    			self.AchievementInfoTextPage2 = self.GetChild("Achievement_Info_2")
    			self.AchievementInfoTextPage3 = self.GetChild("Achievement_Info_3")
    			import exception
    	def __Load(self):
    		width = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()
    		height = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()
    	def Show(self, wahl, archivement):
    		global AchievementPoints
    		if wahl == 1:
    			self.WarteSchleife = WaitingDialog()
    		elif wahl == 2:
    	def AchievementSetText(self, archivement):
    		global AchievementPoints
    		if archivement.find("_") != -1:
    			archivement = archivement.replace('_', ' ')
    		if archivement.find("%") != -1:
    			AchievementSplit = archivement.split("%")
    			archivement = AchievementSplit[0]
    			AchievementPoints = AchievementSplit[1]
    		if archivement.find("#") != -1:
    			Splittext = archivement.split("#")
    			Achievement = Splittext[0]
    			Count = Splittext[1]
    	def ShowAchievementPoints(self):
    		global AchievementPoints
    		self.AchievementTextFiller.SetText("Punctele dumneavoastra de Achivement")
    		self.AchievementPointsText.SetText("cresc la:")
    		self.WarteSchleife = WaitingDialog()
    	def Information(self):
    		self.AchievementInfoTextPage1.SetText("Aveti posibilitatea sa utilizati punctele")
    		self.AchievementInfoTextPage2.SetText("in Achievement-Shop")
    		self.WarteSchleife = WaitingDialog()
    	def AchievementWindow(self, points):
    		self.AchievementTextFiller.SetText("Punctele dumneavoastra de Achivement")
    		self.AchievementPointsText.SetText("   sunt:")
    		self.WarteSchleife = WaitingDialog()
    	def Close(self):
    		return TRUE
    	def OnPressEscapeKey(self):
    		return TRUE
    class WaitingDialog(ui.ScriptWindow):
    	def __init__(self):
    		self.eventTimeOver = lambda *arg: None
    		self.eventExit = lambda *arg: None
    	def __del__(self):
    	def __LoadDialog(self):
    			PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
    			PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/WarteSchleife.py")
    			import exception
    	def Open(self, waitTime):
    		curTime = time.clock()
    		self.endTime = curTime + waitTime
    	def Close(self):
    	def Destroy(self):
    	def SAFE_SetTimeOverEvent(self, event):
    		self.eventTimeOver = ui.__mem_func__(event)
    	def SAFE_SetExitEvent(self, event):
    		self.eventExit = ui.__mem_func__(event)
    	def OnUpdate(self):
    		lastTime = max(0, self.endTime - time.clock())
    		if 0 == lastTime:
    	def OnPressExitKey(self):
    		return TRUE

    and I use 40k client

    pls help

  2. this is my quest

    quest ride_mystery_boxes begin
    	state start begin
    		function Ride( vnum, remain_time )
    			ride_info = {
    				[71124] = { 20114,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED,	0,	1,	false	},
    				[71125] = { 20115,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER,	20,		20,	false	},
    				[71126] = { 20116,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.CRITICAL_PCT, 10,	20,	false	},
    				[71127] = { 20117,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.CRITICAL_PCT,	10,	20,	false	},
    				[71128] = { 20118,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MALL_DEFBONUS,	10,	20,	false	},
    				[71137] = { 20120,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[71138] = { 20121,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[71139] = { 20122,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[71140] = { 20123,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[71141] = { 20124,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[71142] = { 20125,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7500] = { 20176,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7501] = { 20177,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7502] = { 20178,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7503] = { 20179,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7504] = { 20180,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7505] = { 20181,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7506] = { 20182,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7507] = { 20183,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7508] = { 20184,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7509] = { 20185,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7510] = { 20186,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7511] = { 20187,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7512] = { 20188,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7513] = { 20189,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7514] = { 20190,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7515] = { 20191,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7516] = { 20192,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7517] = { 20193,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7518] = { 20194,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7519] = { 20195,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7520] = { 20196,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7521] = { 20197,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7522] = { 20401,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7523] = { 20402,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7524] = { 20408,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7525] = { 20409,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7526] = { 20411,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7527] = { 20416,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7528] = { 20417,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7529] = { 20419,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7530] = { 23456,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7531] = { 23456,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7532] = { 23456,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7533] = { 23456,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7534] = { 23456,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7535] = { 23456,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7536] = { 23456,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7537] = { 23456,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    				[7538] = { 23456,	item.get_socket(2)*60,	apply.MOV_SPEED, 0,	1,	false,	false,	false},
    			if pc.level < ride_info[vnum][5] then
    				if 112 == pc.get_map_index() then
    				if ride_info[vnum][2] == 0 and remain_time != 0 then
    					pc.mount( ride_info[vnum][1], remain_time*60 )
    					pc.mount_bonus( ride_info[vnum][3], ride_info[vnum][4], remain_time*60 )
    					pc.mount( ride_info[vnum][1], ride_info[vnum][2] )
    					pc.mount_bonus( ride_info[vnum][3], ride_info[vnum][4], ride_info[vnum][2] )
    				if true == ride_info[vnum][6] then
    					pc.remove_item(vnum, 1)
    		when login begin
    			local vnum, remain_time = pc.get_special_ride_vnum()
    			if  vnum != 71124 and vnum != 7500 and vnum != 7501 and vnum vnum != 7502 and vnum != 7503 and vnum != 7504 and vnum != 7505 and vnum != 7506 and vnum != 7507 and vnum != 7508 and vnum != 7509 and vnum != 7510 and vnum != 7511 and vnum != 7512 and vnum != 7513 and vnum != 7514 and vnum != 7515 and vnum != 7516 and vnum != 7517 and vnum != 7518 and vnum != 7519 and vnum != 7520 and vnum != 7521 and vnum != 7522 and vnum != 7523 and vnum != 7524 and vnum != 7525 and vnum != 7526 and vnum != 7527 and vnum != 7528 and vnum != 7529 and vnum != 7530 and vnum != 7531 and vnum != 7532 and vnum != 7533 and vnum != 7534 and vnum != 7535 and vnum != 7536 and vnum != 7537 vnum != 7538 and and != 71125 and vnum != 71126 and vnum != 71127 and vnum != 71128 and vnum != 71137 and vnum != 71138 and vnum !=71139 and vnum !=71140 and vnum !=71141 and vnum !=71142  then
    			if 0 != vnum then
    				ride_mystery_boxes.Ride(vnum, remain_time)
    		when 71124.use or 71125.use or 71126.use or 71127.use or 71128.use or 71137.use or 71138.use or 71139.use or 71140.use  or 71141.use or 71142.use or 7500.use or 7501.use  or 7502.use  or 7503.use  or 7504.use  or 7505.use  or 7506.use  or 7507.use  or 7508.use  or 7509.use  or 7510.use  or 7511.use  or 7512.use  or 7513.use  or 7514.use  or 7515.use  or 7516.use  or 7517.use  or 7518.use  or 7519.use  or 7520.use  or 7521.use  or 7522.use  or 7523.use  or 7524.use  or 7525.use  or 7526.use  or 7527.use  or 7528.use  or 7529.use  or 7530.use  or 7531.use  or 7532.use  or 7533.use  or 7534.use  or 7535.use  or 7536.use  or 7537.use  or 7538.use   begin
    			 if pc.is_polymorphed() then
    			elseif false == pc.is_riding() then
    			 	if true == horse.is_summon() then
    				 ride_mystery_boxes.Ride(item.vnum, 0)





  3. 0704 08:21:23537 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:171] Mesh "Sphere02:17" has no vertices.
    0704 08:21:23537 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:303] Mesh "Sphere02:17" has no indices.
    0704 08:21:23540 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:171] Mesh "Sphere02:17" has no vertices.
    0704 08:21:23540 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:303] Mesh "Sphere02:17" has no indices.
    0704 08:21:23594 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:171] Mesh "Plane03" has no vertices.
    0704 08:21:23594 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:303] Mesh "Plane03" has no indices.
    0704 08:21:23599 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:171] Mesh "Plane03" has no vertices.
    0704 08:21:23599 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:303] Mesh "Plane03" has no indices.
    0704 08:21:23607 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:171] Mesh "Object03" has no vertices.
    0704 08:21:23607 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:303] Mesh "Object03" has no indices.
  4. Hi I implemented 3 new sets of armors but in game look like this https://metin2.download/picture/3I3hCqR0927bU2nk8dshRmV23bmmbtKY/.jpg


    I change my granny with the last version that I find here and I convert them with bulkconverter but nothing change and the syserr now look like this


    0704 07:12:54498 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54523 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    0704 07:12:54525 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54526 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    0704 07:12:54529 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54530 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    0704 07:12:54532 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54537 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    0704 07:12:54542 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54543 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    0704 07:12:54548 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54682 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    0704 07:12:54683 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54689 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    0704 07:12:54719 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54739 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    0704 07:12:54739 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54740 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    0704 07:12:54741 :: GRANNY: [c:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp:81] File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
    0704 07:12:54754 :: GRANNY: [Granny2.dll v.3.1 by Elsa for .Keyto:914] File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7)
    (292kb syserr)
    TC thx to  RatedR203
    • Love 1
  5. I get error to connect to the server :| so it affect

    IN ch1/ch99 i have this errors 

    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:40:29 :: ReadDropItemGroup: ReadDropItemGroup : Syntax error locale/romania/drop_item_group.txt : no vnum, node ????_????
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:40:29 :: Boot: cannot load DropItemGroup: locale/romania/drop_item_group.txt
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:40:30 :: pid_deinit: 
    End of pid
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:16 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1196
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:18 :: ReadDropItemGroup: ReadDropItemGroup : Syntax error locale/romania/drop_item_group.txt : no vnum, node ????_????
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:18 :: Boot: cannot load DropItemGroup: locale/romania/drop_item_group.txt
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:19 :: pid_deinit: 
    End of pid
    but i replace drop_item_group.txt with the first drop_item_group.txt that come with SF and I still can't login in game
    Last syserr
    SYSERR: Jun 28 21:06:47 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1196
    SYSERR: Jun 28 21:27:45 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1199
    SYSERR: Jun 28 21:46:14 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1210



    TC/I delete a lof of quest and drop_item_group.txt and a map and now i can login

    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:06 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1183
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:06 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:14 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:17 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:17 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
    SYSERR: Jun 28 19:58:19 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 23
    SYSERR: Jun 28 20:36:41 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1233
    SYSERR: Jun 28 20:36:41 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default
    SYSERR: Jun 28 20:36:53 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
    SYSERR: Jun 28 20:36:53 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
    SYSERR: Jun 28 20:36:53 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
    SYSERR: Jun 28 20:36:53 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 23
    SYSERR: Jun 28 20:36:53 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
    SYSERR: Jun 28 20:36:54 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 24
    How to fix?
    Last syserr
    SYSERR: Jun 28 21:06:47 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1196
    SYSERR: Jun 28 21:27:45 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1199
    SYSERR: Jun 28 21:46:14 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1210


    • Metin2 Dev 1
  7. Hi I try to implement 4 different maps and I always when I login in client I get error.

    So I -put in atlasinfo map_name  and his base position and his dimensions( 1   1)

           -I put the archive in client and in index I put the name of the archive

           -In SF I put a folder with the map name.In folder a put atr,town,settings

           - In index I put a number and the map  name

           - in game99 I put the index number in config and in ch1 core1/2/3 I put in config the index number




    SYSERR: Jun 27 14:26:34 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1226
    SYSERR: Jun 27 14:27:28 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
    SYSERR: Jun 27 14:27:28 :: heart_idle: losing 50 seconds. (delay occured)
    SYSERR: Jun 27 16:22:22 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1287
    SYSERR: Jun 27 16:38:52 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1370
    SYSERR: Jun 27 16:41:58 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1425
    SYSERR: Jun 27 17:04:30 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1499
    SYSERR: Jun 27 17:18:09 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 1568
    SYSERR: Jun 27 17:19:06 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
    SYSERR: Jun 27 17:19:06 :: heart_idle: losing 46 seconds. (delay occured)
    map_a2	256000	665600	6	6
    map_b2	102400	51200	6	6
    map_c2	665600	281600	6	6
    map_n_snowm_01	358400	153600	6	6
    metin2_map_a1	409600	896000	4	5
    metin2_map_a3	307200	819200	4	4
    metin2_map_b1	0	102400	4	5
    metin2_map_b3	102400	204800	4	4
    metin2_map_c1	921600	204800	4	5
    metin2_map_c3	819200	204800	4	4
    metin2_map_deviltower1	128000	793600	3	3
    metin2_map_milgyo	537600	51200	4	4
    metin2_map_n_desert_01	204800	486400	6	6
    metin2_map_n_flame_01	588800	614400	6	6
    metin2_map_spiderdungeon	51200	486400	3	3
    metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02	665600	435200	4	4
    metin2_map_t1	0	25600	3	3
    metin2_map_t2	6400	0	1	1
    metin2_map_t3	32000	0	1	1
    metin2_map_t4	57600	0	1	1
    metin2_map_t5	793600	0	1	1
    metin2_map_monkeydungeon	819200	51200	3	3
    metin2_map_monkeydungeon	768000	435200	3	3
    metin2_map_monkeydungeon	844800	435200	3	3
    metin2_map_monkeydungeon	921600	435200	3	3
    metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02	128000	640000	3	3
    metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03	128000	716800	3	3
    metin2_map_wedding_01	819200	0	1	1
    metin2_map_guild_01	128000	0	2	2
    metin2_map_guild_02	179200	0	2	2
    metin2_map_guild_03	230400	0	2	2
    metin2_map_trent	281600	0	2	2
    metin2_map_trent02	1049600	0	4	4
    gm_guild_build	83200	0	1	1
    metin2_map_duel	844800	0	1	1
    season1/metin2_map_WL_01	1049600	716800	6	6
    season1/metin2_map_nusluck01	819200	716800	4	4
    season1/metin2_map_oxevent	870400	0	2	2
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi	921600	0	2	2
    metin2_map_bf		972800	0	2	2
    metin2_map_bf_02       	921600	51200	2	2
    metin2_map_bf_03       	972800	51200	2	2
    metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass01		1024000	102400	4	4
    metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass02       	1024000	204800	4	4
    metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass03       	1024000	307200	4	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01	1126400	102400	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02	1126400	204800	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03	1126400	307200	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow	 	1152000	0	3	3
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 	1177600 102400	2	4	
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02	1177600	204800	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03	1177600	307200	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01	1228800	0	4	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01	1228800 102400	2	4	
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02	1228800	204800	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03	1228800	307200	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo	1331200	0	3	3
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi	1408000	0	3	3
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow	1484800	0	3	3
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01	1561600	0	3	3
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass01	1280000 102400	2	4	
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass02	1280000	204800	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass03	1280000	307200	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01	1331200 102400	2	4	
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02	1331200	204800	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03	1331200	307200	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01	1382400 102400	2	4	
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02	1382400	204800	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03	1382400	307200	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01	1433600 102400	2	4	
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02	1433600	204800	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03	1433600	307200	2	4
    season1/metin2_map_ew02	256000	51200	4	4
    season2/metin2_map_empirewar01	972800	102400	2	2
    season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 	921600	153600	2	2
    season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 	972800	153600	2	2
    season2/map_n_snowm_02	0	1049600	6	6
    season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a	153600	1049600	4	4
    season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02	307200	1049600	6	6
    season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02	460800	1049600	6	6
    season2/metin2_map_a2_1	614400	1049600	6	6
    season2/metin2_map_trent_a	768000	1049600	2	2
    season2/metin2_map_trent02_a	921600	1049600	3	3
    season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01	0	1203200	6	6
    metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02	153600	1203200	6	6
    season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01	0	1356800	6	6
    season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01	0	1510400	6	6
    season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01	0	1664000	6	6
    metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02	153600	1356800	6	6
    metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02	153600	1510400	6	6
    metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02	153600	1664000	6	6
    season2/metin2_map_empirewar01	665600	230400	2	2
    season2/metin2_map_empirewar02	716800	230400	2	2
    season2/metin2_map_empirewar03	768000	230400	2	2
    season1/metin2_map_oxevent	742400	0	2	2
    metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss	819200	1049600	2	2
    metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss	819200	1100800	2	2
    metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss2	819200	1152000	2	2
    metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss	819200	1203200	2	2
    metin2_map_devilsCatacomb	307200	1203200	8	8
    metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03	51200	563200	3	3
    Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead	1024000	1664000	6	6
    metin2_map_Mt_Thunder	1126400	1510400	4	6
    metin2_map_dawnmistwood	1177600	1664000	7	4
    metin2_map_BayBlackSand	1049600	1510400	3	6
    metin2_guild_village_01	204800	204800	2	2
    metin2_guild_village_02	614400	384000	2	2
    metin2_guild_village_03	256000	819200	2	2
    metin2_map_n_flame_dungeon_01	742400	614400	3	3
    metin2_map_n_snow_dungeon_01	512000	153600	4	3
    metin2_shivax_map		74800	74800	1	1
    metin2_map_secresy 		111200	111200	1	1


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