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Everything posted by Cripplez

  1. Only the dungeon should have >= 10000, so I don't think this could be a problem for me, it is fine if every dungeon has mount blocked. I'm trying to make that when you enter a dungeon you unmount the horse or mount, but i can't make it work This is working only for horse, if you are riding a mount it doesn't work when login with dungeon_test.beran_test_index(pc.get_map_index()) begin pc.set_warp_location (99, 1234, 5678) if pc.get_level() < 90 then warp_to_village() end timer ( "time_test_dungeon", 20 * 60 ) pc.unmount() horse.unsummon() d.setf("mobs_left", d.count_monster()) end EDIT: I resolved the mount problem adding timer ( "time_unmount", 6 ) above the other timer when time_unmount.timer with dungeon_test.beran_test_index(pc.get_map_index()) begin pc.unmount() end But i don't really like this solution..., i was wondering if there is something better
  2. Hi, I'd like to add in source that you can't use the mount and horse while you are in a dungeon if pc.in_dungeon() then syschat("You can't use this mount while you are in a Dungeon.") return end I used this in my quest of ride.lua, but i would prefer add this in the server source and add that you can't summon/ride the horse in dungeon and if you are riding a mount/horse you unmount it. Anyone can help me to do this? Thank you again!
  3. Thanks, I could try to replace with this int _number(lua_State* L) I'm just a little afraid that this could cause some other problems, or not? ahah i don't know Anyway I'll try and see what happens
  4. Hi, in my syser of CH i have a lot of this, i don't think this can cause crash but i wanted to ask you if it still can create problems. If it doesn't I was thinking to delete this syserr from the source so i don't see it anymore, even if I know it sill remains there SYSERR: Oct 4 02:48:02 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 1 -> 0, questlua_global.cpp 52 SYSERR: Oct 4 02:48:07 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 1 -> 0, questlua_global.cpp 52 SYSERR: Oct 4 02:48:27 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 1 -> 0, questlua_global.cpp 52 SYSERR: Oct 4 02:48:42 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 1 -> 0, questlua_global.cpp 52 SYSERR: Oct 4 02:48:57 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 1 -> 0, questlua_global.cpp 52 SYSERR: Oct 4 02:49:07 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 1 -> 0, questlua_global.cpp 52 SYSERR: Oct 4 02:49:12 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 1 -> 0, questlua_global.cpp 52 SYSERR: Oct 4 02:49:37 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 1 -> 0, questlua_global.cpp 52 SYSERR: Oct 4 02:49:47 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 1 -> 0, questlua_global.cpp 52 I tried to search where the problem is, but it is impossible to find for me... it could be anywhere Here (questlua_global.cpp 52) there is only this: ALUA(_number) { if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1) || !lua_isnumber(L, 2)) lua_pushnumber(L, 0); else lua_pushnumber(L, number((int)lua_tonumber(L, 1), (int)lua_tonumber(L, 2))); //this is line 52 return 1; }
  5. Hi, I'm doing a test and i would like to add a new bonus here: mysql player/skill_proto there are almost all bonuses, i would like to add a bonus like strong vs sura, or war or animal Do you know how i can do it? Thank you
  6. Hello, i would like to add the belt in my Fast Equip, the problem is that the belt has no WearableFlag like neck, ear, foots etc.. The Belt in the item_proto has only ITEM_BELT, how could i add it in this part then? thank you def SelectItemSlot(self, itemSlotIndex): isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() if isAttached: attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(attachedSlotPos) itemCount = player.GetItemCount(attachedSlotPos) item.SelectItem(itemIndex) itemType = item.GetItemType() itemSubType = item.GetItemSubType() if itemSlotIndex == 1 and item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_BODY): self.tokens[itemSlotIndex-1] = attachedSlotPos elif itemSlotIndex == 2 and item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_HEAD): self.tokens[itemSlotIndex-1] = attachedSlotPos elif itemSlotIndex == 3 and item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_FOOTS): self.tokens[itemSlotIndex-1] = attachedSlotPos elif itemSlotIndex == 4 and item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_WRIST): self.tokens[itemSlotIndex-1] = attachedSlotPos elif itemSlotIndex == 5 and item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_WEAPON): self.tokens[itemSlotIndex-1] = attachedSlotPos elif itemSlotIndex == 6 and item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_NECK): self.tokens[itemSlotIndex-1] = attachedSlotPos elif itemSlotIndex == 7 and item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_EAR): self.tokens[itemSlotIndex-1] = attachedSlotPos elif itemSlotIndex == 8 and item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_SHIELD): self.tokens[itemSlotIndex-1] = attachedSlotPos elif itemSlotIndex == 9 and ?????? ITEM_BELT: self.tokens[itemSlotIndex-1] = attachedSlotPos else: return
  7. Oh you are right... damn i was 100% sure that some time ago the beran used to attack and used skills lol.. well now i know that it is not a bug, thank you How exactly i can add a new vnum here? like this? if (2493 || 2499 == m_pkMobData->m_table.dwVnum)
  8. I tried to compare them with other bluedraon files but they are all the same.. I think the problem might be here: char_state.cpp: if (2493 == m_pkMobData->m_table.dwVnum) { m_dwStateDuration = BlueDragon_StateBattle(this); return; } BlueDragon.cpp: int BlueDragon_StateBattle(LPCHARACTER pChar) { if (pChar->GetHPPct() > 98) return PASSES_PER_SEC(1); const int SkillCount = 3; int SkillPriority[SkillCount]; static time_t timeSkillCanUseTime[SkillCount]; if (pChar->GetHPPct() > 76) { SkillPriority[0] = 1; SkillPriority[1] = 0; SkillPriority[2] = 2; } else if (pChar->GetHPPct() > 31) { SkillPriority[0] = 0; SkillPriority[1] = 1; SkillPriority[2] = 2; } else { SkillPriority[0] = 0; SkillPriority[1] = 2; SkillPriority[2] = 1; } time_t timeNow = static_cast<time_t>(get_dword_time()); for (int i=0 ; i < SkillCount ; ++i) { const int SkillIndex = SkillPriority[i]; if (timeSkillCanUseTime[SkillIndex] < timeNow) { int SkillUsingDuration = static_cast<int>(CMotionManager::instance().GetMotionDuration( pChar->GetRaceNum(), MAKE_MOTION_KEY(MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, MOTION_SPECIAL_1 + SkillIndex) )); timeSkillCanUseTime[SkillIndex] = timeNow + (UseBlueDragonSkill( pChar, SkillIndex ) * 1000) + SkillUsingDuration + 3000; pChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_MOB_SKILL, SkillIndex, pChar->GetX(), pChar->GetY(), 0, timeNow); return 0 == SkillUsingDuration ? PASSES_PER_SEC(1) : PASSES_PER_SEC(SkillUsingDuration); } } return PASSES_PER_SEC(1); } If I change the vnum in the char_state.cpp file, the new vnum can't attack but use skills and the vnum 2493 can now attack but it doesn't use skills But I still don't understand because the files are the same of other sources, so everyone should have the same problem..
  9. Hello, I have a problem with the mob 2493 Beran-Setaou, it only use skills and never use the normal attack with his claw, but if i create a copy of 2493 (and i make for example 2499) it will use only his normal attack with claw and never use the skills, do you know how i can fix this? Thank you
  10. Hi, i'm trying to make the metin stones stackable. If i pick up the stone from the ground it stacks normally on the other stone I have in my inventory, but if I split them and then i try to stack I receive the error that i can't use the stone on this item, like it would be a necklace, bracelet etc.. Do you know what should I change to fix this? Thank you
  11. Hello, I'd like to remove the option shinsoo from this part of the quest I think my problem is here "local ret = pc.change_empire(emp)" because i can't simply remove shinsoo from le local select emp when 71054.use begin say("Select new empire:[ENTER]") local emp = select("Shinsoo","Chunjo", "Jinno", "Exit") if emp == 4 then return end local ret = pc.change_empire(emp) if ret == 999 then pc.remove_item(item.get_vnum(), 1) say("you changed empire") elseif ret == 1 then say("You can't change empire") elseif ret == 2 then say("You can't change empire") elseif ret == 3 then say("You can't change empire") end end
  12. Hi, i'd like to add the symbol " % " in my Bonus Page. For example i have this line and in game i see the result of bonus 45*2, how can i add the symbol % at the end of the result? Thank you self.GetChild2("Text_Slot29").SetText(str((player.GetStatus(45)*2)))
  13. Hi, i need to make this result with decimals in char_battle.cpp dam *= 1.2 + (iTestDamage / 100); if the result of (iTestDamage/100) is 0 then the damage is applied correctly for 1.2, but if the result of iTestDamage is 0.3, the dam will not be 1.5 but it is still 1.2 If the result of iTestDamage is 1.0 then the dam is 2.2 How can i make that the result of (iTestDamage/100) is applied with decimals and not truncated to 0 ? Thank you EDIT: solved, i just needed to use 100.0f
  14. Do you have this .dds file for the Shaman Male?
  15. I noticed that I have this syserr only when i click on the "bugged scroll", if I don't click on it the client doesn't give me any syserr
  16. How can i make this system to show ONLY if i press a key (CTRL or ALT), because if it is always active it is kinda annoying ? And I have a small problem too, if I am a male Ninja or female Warrior for example in the preview of a Sword I see a Male Ninja or a Female Warrior with the Sword, but if want to see a Bow, Dagger or Armors it will show me a Female Ninja or Male Warrior, how can i fix this? Maybe the problem is here?
  17. delete 1 [tab] from "if test == 1" and the other 7 lines below too renderTarget renderTarget rendertarget.SelectMode1(RENDER_ if test == 1 renderTarget.SetHair elif
  18. Thank you, the code is almost the same, I tried 1/2 changes but it still doesn't work Aug 30 00:30:15 :: QUERY_FLUSH: REPLACE INTO item (id, owner_id, `window`, pos, count, vnum, socket0, socket1, socket2) VALUES(10000052, 6, 1, 17, 1, 85006, 1, 0, 0) Even in Item of my Mysql doesn't create the apply_max_hp 10000
  19. Yes i added the new files, I copy/pasted the files in the right folder, do I have to do something else too other than add them in the folder?
  20. Yes I did both of these: //1.1 Search: #include "MovieMan.h" //1.2 add after: #include "../eterLib/CRenderTarget.h" #include "../eterLib/CRenderTargetManager.h" //2.1 Search: CPythonSystem m_pySystem; //2.2 Add after: CRenderTargetManager m_kRenderTargetManager;
  21. Could you send me your item.cpp ? So i will check if there are some difference in CItem::ModifyPoints(bool bAdd) and in the ENABLE_ACCE_SYSTEM thank you
  22. Yea exactly, I don't understand why it doesn't work.. I did this but when i equip it i don't receive the HP Bonus, could you maybe try it too and see if it works for you?
  23. When I try to compile I get this errors Do you know how I could fix it?
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