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Posts posted by Raylee

  1. vor 6 Minuten schrieb Hik:


    Vnum	Name	Rank	Type	BattleType	Level	Size	AiFlags	MountCapacity	RaceFlags	ImmuneFlags	Empire	Folder	OnClick	St	Dx	Ht	Iq	MinDamage	MaxDamage	MaxHp	RegenCycle	RegenPercent	MinGold	MaxGold	Exp	Def	AttackSpeed	MoveSpeed	AggressiveHpPct	AggressiveSight	AttackRange	DropItemGroup	ResurrectionVnum	EnchantCurse	EnchantSlow	EnchantPoison	EnchantStun	EnchantCritical	EnchantPenetrate	EnchantBleeding	ResistSword	ResistTwoHanded	ResistDagger	ResistBell	ResistFan	ResistBow	ResistFire	ResistElect	ResistMagic	ResistWind	ResistPoison	ResistClaw	ResistBleeding	DamMultiply	SummonVnum	DrainSp	MobColor	PolymorphItem	SkillLevel0	SkillVnum0	SkillLevel1	SkillVnum1	SkillLevel2	SkillVnum2	SkillLevel3	SkillVnum3	SkillLevel4	SkillVnum4	SpBerserk	SpStoneskin	SpGodspeed	SpDeathblow	SpRevive
    101	??	PAWN	MONSTER	MELEE	1			0	ANIMAL		0	stray_dog	0	3	6	5	2	20	24	126	6	7	21	28	15	4	100	100	0	2000	175	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	70104	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
    102	??	PAWN	MONSTER	MELEE	3			0	ANIMAL		0	wolf	0	4	9	7	2	23	28	162	6	7	22	29	39	6	100	100	25	2000	175	30028	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	70104	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0


    Vnum 101 looks strange..
    MinGold = 2000
    MaxGold = 175

    That can not work.

    Best regards

  2. vor 18 Minuten schrieb rawn3cr0:

    How i can make pet window like inventory?


    Your system load the pet_ui_bg.tga file.
    I think that you have to adapt this design with Photoshop to your current one.

    Another solution is unknown to me.

    Best regards

  3. questions1.jpg


    If you have questions about the [Official] "Unpacked Updates Metin2.de", do not hesitate to ask them here!!

    This thread was created because more and more questions arise to this topic!
    It's not allowed to post here official patches!

    This thread is only for discuss about the new patches!!

    You can also ask if anyone is willing to share Official patches here.


    The official updates you can find as usual here!

    Best regards



    • Good 1
    • Love 4
  4. vor 1 Stunde schrieb BeHappy4Ever:

    Okay man...

    Tρεις και παρ'τα αρχιδια μου!XX


    vor 1 Stunde schrieb zeimpekis9:

    Δεν αναφερόμουν σε σένα αλλά εντάξει.



    §1 Language

    (1.1) Language

    The language in this board is english. If you want to post something in your own language always add an english translation. The only exception for this rule is this section: Private Servers

    Read the rules guys -.-

    Best regards

  5. vor 4 Stunden schrieb hachiwari:

    This is not event spahetii code, its shit code XD

    Why are you criticizing someone who tries to share a work for the community what he has created?
    I didn't take a look on the code..

    But why you don't give any code improvement suggestions?
    That would help the creators more to understand how to do something better!
    Your comment is meaningless in this regard!

    You have never released anything... I can't understand why you can't say just thank you ..

    @Whisy thank you for the release :)

    Best regards

    • Love 8
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