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Everything posted by ionutxp

  1. Sent some changes. You can take a look Ira, PHPStorm is the best php IDE by far
  2. Do you accept contributions?
  3. Meh, It would have been great if someone wanted to help with the project but nobody got involved For a metin2 page it's a great effort what you've done. Exynox It's quite hard nowadays to make applications that works out of the box on a shared environment with namespaces, autoloading or even frameworks as all of them needs composer that will not work without a shell access.
  4. void LocaleService_LoadExpTable(const string& dir) { string file = dir + "/exp_table.txt"; FILE* f = fopen(file.c_str(), "r"); if (!f) { fprintf(stdout, "Can't load players exp_table file. Using defaults.n"); return; } DWORD level; DWORD exp; fprintf(stdout, "Loading exp_table file from %sn", file.c_str()); while (!feof(f)) { fscanf(f, "%u: %u", &level, &exp); if (level > 0 && level <= PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX) { exp_table[level] = exp; fprintf(stdout, "Level %u = %u EXP.n", level, exp); } } fclose(f); } LocaleService_LoadExpTable(g_stServiceBasePath); Exp files: 1: 1000 2: 132131231 3: 131231 And so one
  5. I haven't received a response from them since I requested student account in Oct 2014. Please do not compare subversion to GIT? Subversion is far superior. And I'll tell you why if you want. Then, just tell us why is far superior. I like git because is very friendly with open-source or commercial projects that are made by a big number of contributors. Like Sanchez said it has a lot of useful features like local branches commits and the amount of control you can have with commit reverts / changing from one branch to another in the same directory almost instantly. It can suck only when you store huge binaries, but who does that? SVN will slowly die. Amen!
  6. Or you could simply use GIT which is sexier. You'll have bitbucket with provides free private repos, even github if you're a student.
  7. I hope that you work with the launcher in the debug mode, because you'll have another log file with more info about the errors and even in the console you'll see an error right before it will close. Also, on the server part, it's quite strange that you assign a c style string with `=`. You should use strcpy/strdup or something.
  8. That (i) from Py_BuildValue stands for integer Check this site [Hidden Content] available formats.
  9. Here is my old version of official script: https://github.com/ionutmilica/metin2fw . It's easy to change the design. I should search in my files because I've made even an itemshop and an admin panel for it.
  10. Maybe WEAPON_SWORD and COSTUME_SWORD points to the same integer value. It will be like: switch (number) { case 1: case 1: .................. }
  11. Also we can use something like this: [Hidden Content] replace entirely mysql`s builtin password function.
  12. Smarty it is no longer the prefered template engine. Twig (http://twig.sensiolabs.org/) it's prefered by the most. Anyway you can use plain php as many frameworks only offer to you Views (V from MVC). Don't get me wrong: <html> <head> <title><?php echo $title; ?></title> </head> <body> <h1><?php echo $categoryName; ?></h1> <?php foreach ($articles as $article) { ?> <article> <h2><?php echo $article['title'] ?></h2> <p><?php echo $article['content'] ?></p> </article> <?php } ?> </body> </html> It is very ok. But not to make db interogation & data procesing in there, only formating. At this point i've wanted to get. A simple example for a view class: https://github.com/kohana/core/blob/3.3/master/classes/Kohana/View.php
  13. Yup, Wordpress scripts are shit from coding standards point of view. How to not mix php & html ? Just don't put logic where you display things. For example the framework I use, has a nice templating engine called Blade: Ex: https://github.com/ionutxp/blogging-platform/blob/master/themes/default/home.blade.php All the logic i've made it's in https://github.com/ionutxp/blogging-platform/tree/master/srcdir Also it's crazy to force the player to have a 8 chars account name and 9102391 char passwords. Anyway, After I'll release Metin2CMS , world will be a better place.
  14. For me the god is the universe (the nature here on earth) himself that needs to be discovered. As for religion, it's a tool made by man to control the man. We can and should be better persons without the fear or a imaginary creator. It's all about the common sense. Also, Einstein was agnostic.
  15. I've already done something similar like many other from here. Just treat the locale from the common.locale as the directory you want to use. But you'll also need to add a new CHARSET row in common.locale (db). Also, no one will make a tutorial about this as this change include a lot of changes.
  16. If you look close, they give you hint how to fix it. It's similar, if not same thing with this: [Hidden Content] Check the diff they released.
  17. If you deploy a php site, use Nginx. It's way faster. For apache, you'll find lots of resources like: [Hidden Content]
  18. Now, i'm searching a new virtual machine for the compilation and testing. When I'll find something ok, I'll make the wanted changes and I'll post the resources to run the server and client because many had problems (to hard, no info?) using the files
  19. Yeah. I'll try to speed up the updates but i've have a full-time job and a project for a client on the way.
  20. Hello, I've used yaml-cpp 0.5.* and build it with c++11 flag to match the source. The only con is the overhead caused by boost lib. Yes, I'll consider gettext for the next update as it's an easy change, but I have in mind to get that language from user lang field in the DB to make support for a fully international server. Adding now config options it's delayed till the source is clean, but yes, the options will be there. Mersi
  21. New small update: - Minor code tweeks - Added guild_exp_table - Changed [guild_]exp_table to YAML. Now, it's not mandatory to use /share/locale/<country>/exp_table.txt and guild_exp_table.txt. The core have default values and now you can overwrite these values in your .txt exp file. Eg (for exp_table.txt and guild_exp_table.txt) : 1: 100000 2: 95 3: 31239 105: 99000000
  22. New update: Changed default config parser to yaml-cpp. I also added new config.yml files to the zips. * New you can't de-attach stones if the items are equipped. Todo: Make a documentation for available config options.
  23. This looks like going backwards more than forward. Besides that, it looks pretty nice. Keep up Using csv is more error-prone to me than just using sql. Thx. PS: I've changed old config files with YAML files, but there are many test to be done and I need to organise the settings in a better way. Also, i removed more code and I'll drop support for japanese/chinese languages. Only after I clean all the code, I'll add new features. Also, what is the bug with metin stones ? o.O
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