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About siemka256


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  1. Napisz dokladnie co chcesz po polsku i angielsku, przetlumacze Ci, nie przeklinaj Heart hurts when reading it so I translate it for him
  2. Other client is fine so that's not the case. It's just this particular one. @Edit Tried MW2 and it's fine syserr: @Edit Fixed, Dunno how and why what caused this but its fine now. i changed lv and gold from int to bigint and changed game from stripped to unstripped.
  3. syserr clean I make a video on how's this occuring in real life @Edit As I cannot start NVidia Geforce, I cannot make a demo video. I am adding more screenshots.
  4. Does anyone know why's this happening? GAME vanilla 60k client bin: 28249
  5. load: ANI directory = (null) ? What about that? Cba to create new one so I dig
  6. For other people who look for libs in the future: pkg install compat7x or cd /usr/ports/misc/compat7x && make install clean
  7. I changed port from 22, this could help. If still having brutes then I hop to Key Auth regards,
  8. Woul've liked but don't want to ruid your 1337 likes
  9. mt2:yolo localhost. To prevent from the error all you have to do is to edit config files There's a hashtag upfront locale name and column name (if I am right, i cannot connect to my pc atm.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a problem with I beg you help me someone, it's starting to piss me off. I am using a database (tested with metin for FreeBSD). I am connected over the network (externally) to the database. WELCOME_MSG = "DB Server has been started" SQL_ACCOUNT = " account mt2 yolo 0" SQL_PLAYER = " player mt2 yolo 0" SQL_COMMON = " common mt2 yolo 0" SQL_HOTBACKUP = " hotbackup mt2 yolo 0" TABLE_POSTFIX = "" BIND_PORT = 15000 DB_SLEEP_MSEC = 10 CLIENT_HEART_FPS = 10 HASH_PLAYER_LIFE_SEC = 600 BACKUP_LIMIT_SEC = 3600 PLAYER_ID_START = 100 PLAYER_DELETE_LEVEL_LIMIT = 70 PLAYER_DELETE_CHECK_SIMPLE = 1 ITEM_ID_RANGE = 2000000000 2100000000 MIN_LENGTH_OF_SOCIAL_ID = 6 NAME_COLUMN = "locale_name" LOCALE = "international" SIMPLE_SOCIALID = 1 Block "Y/QSB7omi36awq4ctpUxuiwRARM=" Please don't hack me.
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