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Everything posted by MrKarpiuk

  1. MrKarpiuk


    For what im need folder metin2_map_t5 wtf...
  2. MrKarpiuk


    Me ? Yes im have
  3. MrKarpiuk


    @ TMP4 Hello, you replied to the topic above, I have a problem with this map, when I use warp 793600 0, my character is always in the corner where I checked the cords on the map and changed them to the appropriate ones for Town. What may be the problem ? I will add that I set other cords such as 13312000 0 and it is still the same, could it be a problem that the map is actually a model? Or Id map 250 in cores? Thx for help !
  4. // LOCALE_SERVICE const int FILE_NAME_LEN = 256; char szCommonDropItemFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN]; char szETCDropItemFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN]; char szMOBDropItemFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN]; char szDropItemGroupFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN]; char szSpecialItemGroupFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN]; char szMapIndexFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN]; char szItemVnumMaskTableFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN]; char szDragonSoulTableFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN]; // Start My new drop files char szMOBDropItemFileName_new[FILE_NAME_LEN]; // End My new drop files snprintf(szCommonDropItemFileName, sizeof(szCommonDropItemFileName), "%s/common_drop_item.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); snprintf(szETCDropItemFileName, sizeof(szETCDropItemFileName), "%s/etc_drop_item.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); snprintf(szMOBDropItemFileName, sizeof(szMOBDropItemFileName), "%s/mob_drop_item.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); snprintf(szSpecialItemGroupFileName, sizeof(szSpecialItemGroupFileName), "%s/special_item_group.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); snprintf(szDropItemGroupFileName, sizeof(szDropItemGroupFileName), "%s/drop_item_group.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); snprintf(szMapIndexFileName, sizeof(szMapIndexFileName), "%s/index", LocaleService_GetMapPath().c_str()); snprintf(szItemVnumMaskTableFileName, sizeof(szItemVnumMaskTableFileName), "%s/ori_to_new_table.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); snprintf(szDragonSoulTableFileName, sizeof(szDragonSoulTableFileName), "%s/dragon_soul_table.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); // Start My new drop files snprintf(szMOBDropItemFileName_new, sizeof(szMOBDropItemFileName_new), "%s/mob_drop_item_new.txt", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); // End My new drop files sys_log(0, "Initializing Informations of Cube System"); if (!Cube_InformationInitialize()) { sys_err("cannot init cube infomation."); thecore_shutdown(); return; } sys_log(0, "LoadLocaleFile: CommonDropItem: %s", szCommonDropItemFileName); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().ReadCommonDropItemFile(szCommonDropItemFileName)) { sys_err("cannot load CommonDropItem: %s", szCommonDropItemFileName); thecore_shutdown(); return; } sys_log(0, "LoadLocaleFile: ETCDropItem: %s", szETCDropItemFileName); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().ReadEtcDropItemFile(szETCDropItemFileName)) { sys_err("cannot load ETCDropItem: %s", szETCDropItemFileName); thecore_shutdown(); return; } sys_log(0, "LoadLocaleFile: DropItemGroup: %s", szDropItemGroupFileName); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().ReadDropItemGroup(szDropItemGroupFileName)) { sys_err("cannot load DropItemGroup: %s", szDropItemGroupFileName); thecore_shutdown(); return; } sys_log(0, "LoadLocaleFile: SpecialItemGroup: %s", szSpecialItemGroupFileName); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().ReadSpecialDropItemFile(szSpecialItemGroupFileName)) { sys_err("cannot load SpecialItemGroup: %s", szSpecialItemGroupFileName); thecore_shutdown(); return; } sys_log(0, "LoadLocaleFile: ItemVnumMaskTable : %s", szItemVnumMaskTableFileName); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().ReadItemVnumMaskTable(szItemVnumMaskTableFileName)) { sys_log(0, "Could not open MaskItemTable"); } sys_log(0, "LoadLocaleFile: MOBDropItemFile: %s", szMOBDropItemFileName); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().ReadMonsterDropItemGroup(szMOBDropItemFileName)) { sys_err("cannot load MOBDropItemFile: %s", szMOBDropItemFileName); thecore_shutdown(); return; } sys_log(0, "LoadLocaleFile: MapIndex: %s", szMapIndexFileName); if (!SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().Build(szMapIndexFileName, LocaleService_GetMapPath().c_str())) { sys_err("cannot load MapIndex: %s", szMapIndexFileName); thecore_shutdown(); return; } sys_log(0, "LoadLocaleFile: DragonSoulTable: %s", szDragonSoulTableFileName); if (!DSManager::instance().ReadDragonSoulTableFile(szDragonSoulTableFileName)) { sys_err("cannot load DragonSoulTable: %s", szDragonSoulTableFileName); //thecore_shutdown(); //return; } // Start My new drop files sys_log(0, "LoadLocaleFile: MOBDropItemFile: %s", szMOBDropItemFileName_new); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().ReadMonsterDropItemGroup(szMOBDropItemFileName_new)) { sys_err("cannot load MOBDropItemFile: %s", szMOBDropItemFileName_new); thecore_shutdown(); return; } // EndMy new drop files Hello im need add more files like mob_drop_item like mob_drop_item_new im add new code like similarly but item not drop im think its becouse item is this same line on two files its correct issue?
  5. Any one cane help me problem is : WarpSet: Invalid map inedx 4250000, must be child of 421 Wher two map start with this same cord but earlier work good mark on black any advice?
  6. And im change cords to 742000 1843200 and not work correct...
  7. Then whay map before work correct ? Im know what you mean... but then whay map before work correct ?
  8. Whay map dont work corect On map checked up map work but below im see respawn ston on map up and dont work correct? 1 map map/gipfel_ork_map 748000 1815000 2 1 2 map map/map_epvp2 748500 1842000 2 2 cords @ Exygo
  9. Hello, I have a problem with the models on the map, I can't see them even though on world edit running normally, do you know what it is? CArea::LoadObject Property(1416345471) Load ERROR the model being in the directory in the zone and the specified reference address. Any tip ^^ ?
  10. weapon set set_018_snake What you think? City one monster weapon set M1 City two monster weapon set M2 Weapon set Orc Weapon set set_000_wow Weapon set: set_000_wow_2 Weapon set: 334
  11. Hi all How will be in quest_function "function give_item_bonus(vnum)"?? give_item_bonus(vnum) give_item_bonus give.item_bonus give.item_bonus(vnum) ? Thx for any help!
  12. Search files "ydragon" on catalog zone will be gr2 models etc
  13. Hi all im have problem with hair on 2 recolor. Only reed 1source How make to work 2 source? Model "valentin_16/warrior_f_h.gr2" SourceSkin "valentin_16/hair_f_1.dds" TargetSkin "valentin_16/hair_f_1_4.dds" SourceSkin2 "valentin_16/hair_f_2.dds" this recolor im cant see TargetSkin2 "valentin_16/hair_f_2_4.dds" this recolor im cant see if (TextFileLoader.SetChildNode("hairdata")) { std::string strPathName; DWORD dwHairDataCount = 0; if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenString("pathname", &strPathName) && TextFileLoader.GetTokenDoubleWord("hairdatacount", &dwHairDataCount)) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwHairDataCount; ++i) { if (!TextFileLoader.SetChildNode("hairdata", i)) { continue; } ///////////////////////// // Temporary - ŔĚşĄĆ®¸¦ Ŕ§ÇŃ Ŕӽà ±â´É TextFileLoader.GetTokenString("specialpath", &strPathName); ///////////////////////// DWORD dwShapeIndex; if (!TextFileLoader.GetTokenDoubleWord("hairindex", &dwShapeIndex)) { continue; }
  14. Hi im make new weapon for lican im beginer on this and have like that visual effect How make without this blue line ?
  15. @Paike im cant see new sash on id 86300 I
  16. Hi all how add sash for work on id 86200+ and more?
  17. Hi all im have small problem with armor... Im have different color on armor its my msm down, and all armor color is red what is wrong? Group ShapeData444 { ShapeIndex 43500 # toga / blue Model "toga/toga.gr2" SourceSkin "toga/toga_red.dds" TargetSkin "toga/toga_blue.dds" } Group ShapeData445 { ShapeIndex 43501 # toga / red Model "toga/toga.gr2" SourceSkin "toga/toga_red.dds" TargetSkin "toga/toga_red.dds" } Group ShapeData446 { ShapeIndex 43502 # toga / yellow Model "toga/toga.gr2" SourceSkin "toga/toga_red.dds" TargetSkin "toga/toga_yellow.dds" }
  18. Hi all Im search a program to delete some object on Mesh List. Thx for Help
  19. You dont upload effect loop ;/
  20. Great works, professional services and more expect what you need
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