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Everything posted by Crystal™

  1. Are there any countries that their law isn't such strict?
  2. This is an internal error in the Python C++ code. Something more heinous is going on here, I don't think this is an error in my Python code. Does anyone knows where should i look? The error is when i call this function: RefreshBagSlotWindow uiinventory.py
  3. I want to write a quest that uses party.get_member_pids and gives to every party member an item or exp for example. How can i do this? *i dont know lua
  4. The difference between dynamic vs static is that the ip does not change?I think all host have static.Or you mean mine IP? 2gb ram are enough I think,i check how much ram is used and i see that the ram percentage is goes abruptly up and swap memory is used. P.S. the scary about this event is that my metin server is not even public,it's just a vps test server and there are bots that have many ips saved and are scanning for opened ports and try get access lol...
  5. Are the proofs i have enough about be sure that i get bruteforce? Do you have any ideas why swap memory is used?Also by changing my default SSH port I think wouldn't be useful because the ip could be scanned and the opened ports be found. Thanks
  6. I have a test server on a vps and always once my core goes offline.There are no any game.core generated.I think i get bruteforced ,does anyone know what goes on here?Why does the swap memory is use and goes full?
  7. Ok , i didn't find anything so i removed the folder from the monsters.. now, i dont know why but i got spam in sysslog with this for this specific monster: Aug 5 01:20:01 :: SpawnMob: BAN_PK position for mob spawn ?????? ??? 2960 at 9305291 9300081 Also which table stores the states that have been completed in quests?
  8. Could someone please share with us the data of models (motlist) please? I've searched on official patch and on public serverfiles but didnt find them complete.
  9. I search for someone help me handle some things with c++
  10. My test player gets kicked and i get these errors. SYSERR: Aug 1 16:48:11 :: SyncPosition: Too often SyncPosition Interval(1ms)(mob) from Name(killerz) VICTIM(480360,975720) SYNC(480299,975702) SYSERR: Aug 1 16:49:00 :: HandshakeProcess: handshake retry limit reached! (limit 32 character !NO CHARACTER!) Also i can't understand what's wrong and i get this error BAN_PK position for mob spawn ?????? ??? 2960 at 9288317 9300468
  11. Crystal™


    What happened with WoM2 ?
  12. Αre there any countries that have weakness on law about copyrights?
  13. effectfile "d:/ymir work/effect/dl2_effects/bird_little_01.mse" d:/ymir work/effect/dl2_effects/butterfly_01.mse i cant find these files dude,can you upload them please?
  14. A tricky solution is try to resize the minimap file to your window's file.If this works and the quality of the icon is good, then try resize all the minimaps with a python script.
  15. Does anyone have these functions? Class:CPythonNonPlayer Function: GetNameString Class:CGraphicTextInstance Function:GetRenderPositions,SetFixedRenderPos,SetRenderPos
  16. i found this on internet _wuint32 = unsigned int _wint32 = int _ wfloat = float ok i defined them and i fixed it
  17. 0621 18:30:24463 :: GRANNY: d:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file.cpp(939): ERROR: File is file format revision 6 (current version is 7) --- [2] Warning --- [24] FileReading 0621 18:30:24468 :: GRANNY: d:/dev/rad/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(87): ERROR: File has run-time type tag of 0x80000010, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000037). Automatic conversion will be attempted. --- [2] Warning --- [24] FileReading Granny version:11
  18. Ι get this sysser in auth Process: UNKNOWN HEADER: 175, LAST HEADER: 111(65), REMAIN BYTES: 1, fd: 15 and i can't login. Does anyone know what should i do? I upgraded my machine to 2gb ram. Should i use a stronger cpu or is there anything else i can do?
  19. So RAM has the role about having the players's data that are online and the cores that are runnng, and CPU has the role with doing the mathematical operations?
  20. Ok thanks a lot, for supporting many players online does cpu or ram help? Can someone explains me please with details?
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