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Everything posted by Jodie

  1. Yeah, they're changing a lot things at the moment
  2. It depends on who wants to add those things but you're right Meanwhile, you forgot GUILDBANK, PET_FEED and so on - Jodie
  3. Then use, pc.get_guild(). It returns guild id if you have a guild. Otherwise it will return zero. guild.get_name(player.get_guild()) - Jodie
  4. int guild_get_name(lua_State * L) { if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { lua_pushstring(L, ""); return 1; } CGuild * pkGuild = CGuildManager::instance().FindGuild((DWORD) lua_tonumber(L, 1)); if (pkGuild) lua_pushstring(L, pkGuild->GetName()); else lua_pushstring(L, ""); return 1; } That means, you have to enter the guild id. The function will return empty string if you don't - Jodie
  5. I was looking at metin2client.bin about the new functions. I wanted to share one function with you. They're probably using this for new systems. So, let's do this Open PythonPlayerModule.cpp PyObject * playerWindowTypeToSlotType(PyObject * poSelf, PyObject * poArgs) { int iWindowType = 0; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 0, &iWindowType)) return Py_BuildException(); return Py_BuildValue("i", WindowTypeToSlotType(iWindowType)); } Search this { "SendDragonSoulRefine", playerSendDragonSoulRefine, METH_VARARGS }, Add this { "WindowTypeToSlotType", playerWindowTypeToSlotType, METH_VARARGS }, Open GameType.h and search this BYTE SlotTypeToInvenType(BYTE bSlotType); After add this BYTE WindowTypeToSlotType(BYTE bWindowType); Open GameType.cpp and add this. BYTE c_aWindowTypeToSlotType[WINDOW_TYPE_MAX] = { RESERVED_WINDOW, // SLOT_TYPE_NONE SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, // SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY RESERVED_WINDOW, // SLOT_TYPE_NONE SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX, // SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX SLOT_TYPE_MALL, // SLOT_TYPE_MALL SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, // SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY RESERVED_WINDOW, // SLOT_TYPE_NONE RESERVED_WINDOW, // SLOT_TYPE_NONE }; BYTE WindowTypeToSlotType(BYTE bWindowType) { if (bWindowType >= WINDOW_TYPE_MAX) return RESERVED_WINDOW; return c_aWindowTypeToSlotType[bWindowType]; } - Jodie
  6. I just liked the new guild system. The new dungeon looks fine (Graphic) but it doesn't fit for metin2. I think, they can do better than this. - Jodie
  7. Personally, why did you open your topic at this section? Whatever, your problem is about hook. (Detours.h) http://bfy.tw/6i6m - Jodie
  8. You could try to increase the mob's attack speed or you could increase the attention of the monster in the source files. - Jodie
  9. Just look at UserInterface.cpp and find 'python2.lib' with 'python27.lib' if you're using python 2.7. 'python22.lib' if you don't. - Jodie
  10. The first error is saying that you don't have resist_claw column in your mob_proto.sql. It will be okay if you add that column in your mob_proto.sql. The second error is saying that there is a query problem about monarch. - Jodie
  11. Errorlog.txt is only working when you're using your binary in distribute mode or release mode. You can debug your executable file(metin2client.bin) with Visual Studio if you know a bit visual studio. We can't do anything for you at the moment. At least, we don't know the error exactly. - Jodie
  12. Those things are wrong. It should be like this if you don't using acce and weapon costume system. WEAR_RING1 should be 21 WEAR_RING2 should be 22 WEAR_BELT should be 23 - Jodie
  13. Yes, it does. I'm just saying that I showed you a way about that. - Jodie
  14. Actually, you can learn this with kraizy.tar.gz if you really want to learn how to compile the source files. - Jodie
  15. You have to edit which one relates to inventory. Indeed quick slot too. - Jodie
  16. /usr/src/Frost-M2/Server/game/src/main.cpp:448: undefined reference to `Acce_init()' /usr/src/Frost-M2/Server/game/src/main.cpp:454: undefined reference to `LoadBlockSpamList()' /usr/src/Frost-M2/Server/game/src/main.cpp:455: undefined reference to `LoadBannSpamList()' Then you can follow that system's tutorial again. It seems like you missed something. - Jodie
  17. typedef struct character_point_instant In char.cpp. I think you have to edit a few thing to complete that work. I just showed you a way. - Jodie
  18. Actually, you're answering of your question. c_Equipment_New is showing which slot will be okay for it. int CItem::FindEquipCell(LPCHARACTER ch, int iCandidateCell) Game is calling this function to find which wear type is okay for that by Type. - Jodie
  19. TPlayerItem has no member named 'soulTime' and 'soul'. You have to define them. - Jodie
  20. You don't have to cry. The compiler is saying there are undefined references. You have to define them. - Jodie
  21. Actually, you can get that from other lines or you can remove the references in the source files. My advise for you to get that folder from other lines if you don't know this job well. - Jodie
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