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Everything posted by Max

  1. in questlib.lua Search function say_item(name, vnum, desc) say("[INSERT_IMAGE image_type;item|idx;"..vnum.."|title;"..name.."|desc;"..desc.."]") end Replace function say_item(name, vnum, desc) say("[INSERT_IMAGE image_type;item|idx;"..vnum.."|title;"..name.."|desc;"..desc.."|index;".. 0 .."|total;".. 1 .."]") end
  2. I thought it was a guide to implement Weapon Costume in Source (Serverside and Clienteside).I do not want to buy it for 35.00€
  3. Error [Hidden Content] I changed all the scripts py that were in the pack directory.
  4. I am in doubt, use the mainline or NovaLine?
  5. Reup Metin2 Map Tool v1.4 BlackYuko, please. the site is off [Hidden Content]
  6. Help Please! Server side Orc Labyrint, please! server_attr and Town.txt
  7. Help Please! this error appears when compiling.
  8. Please, quest function Duel Winner ? ---Please move to section---
  9. My client is with a high consumption of processing, this may have to do with communication with the gamecore?
  10. How to set time 30 days buy item shop ? socket0 ? What value?
  11. int nKillScore = GetKillScore(pkKiller->GetEmpire()); // 제국 킬 스코어가 -1일경우는 탈락국가이기때문에 점수 체크를 하면 안된다. if (nKillScore >= 0) { nKillScore += GetKillValue(pChar->GetLevel()); SetKillScore(pkKiller->GetEmpire(), nKillScore); } else { char szBuf[64 + 1]; snprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), LC_TEXT("현재 스코어 신수국:%d 천조국:%d 진노국:%d"), GetKillScore(1), GetKillScore(2), GetKillScore(3)); SendNoticeMap(szBuf, GetSungziMapIndex(), false); } const int nVictoryScore = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag("threeway_war_kill_count");
  12. Possible only warp players in the party? Exists quest function party.warp() ?
  13. Possible only warp players in the group? Exists quest function party.warp ?
  14. Help-me please. It is because there is a bug, that when logged in to use the zodiac potion and this increases the bonus of it. example: I'm bonus of 120 attack if I log in and I click on it in 5 seconds -> 120 + 120 = 240 attack Understand? I can edit that time 5 seconds of Affect in the source?
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