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Mdatr collision as editable mesh

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someone would be so kind to modify this script so that it is possible to export collisions as editable mesh?

It is only possible to export planes, spheres or cylinders as collision

i can pay for it

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-- Metin2-Collision Helper
-- Version 2012-06-19T23:15
-- Copyright © anohros

function ReadCharacters f len =
	str = ""
	for i = 1 to len do
		char = ReadByte f #unsigned
		if char != 0 then
			str += bit.intAsChar char
	return (str as string)

function WriteCharacters f str len =
	for i = 1 to len do
		if i <= str.count then
			WriteByte f (bit.charAsInt str[i])
			WriteByte f 0

function ReadQuat f =
	q = [ReadFloat f, ReadFloat f, ReadFloat f, ReadFloat f]
	return q

function WriteQuat f q =
	WriteFloat f q.x
	WriteFloat f q.y
	WriteFloat f q.z
	WriteFloat f q.w

function WritePos f m =
	WriteFloat f m.position.x
	WriteFloat f m.position.y
	WriteFloat f m.position.z

function WriteVert f vert =
	WriteFloat f vert.x
	WriteFloat f vert.y
	WriteFloat f vert.z

function SetMeshRotationFromQuat m q =
	rotate m (quat q[1] q[2] q[3] q[4])

function SetMeshSettings m name =
	m.name = name
	m.backfaceCull = false
	m.xray = true
	m.showVertexColors = true
	m.vertexColorsShaded = false

function ImportCol filename =
		f = fopen filename "rb"
		if f != undefined then
			header = ReadString f
			if header == "AttributeData" then
				countOfMeshes = ReadLong f #unsigned
				countOfPlanes = ReadLong f #unsigned
				for meshIdx = 1 to countOfMeshes do
					type = ReadLong f
					name = ReadCharacters f 32
					posX = ReadFloat f
					posY = ReadFloat f
					posZ = ReadFloat f
					m = undefined
					case type of
						-- collision plane
							width = ReadFloat f
							length = ReadFloat f
							q = ReadQuat f
							m = plane()
							m.position = [posX, posY, posZ]
							m.width = width
							m.length = length
							SetMeshRotationFromQuat m q
						-- collision sphere
							radius = ReadFloat f
							q = ReadQuat f
							m = sphere()
							m.position = [posX, posY, posZ]
							m.radius = radius
							SetMeshRotationFromQuat m q
						-- collision cylinder
							radius = ReadFloat f
							height = ReadFloat f
							q = ReadQuat f
							m = cylinder()
							m.position = [posX, posY, posZ]
							m.radius = radius
							m.height = height
							SetMeshRotationFromQuat m q
					if m != undefined then
						SetMeshSettings m name
				for planeIdx = 1 to countOfPlanes do
					name = ReadCharacters f 32
					vertCount = ReadLong f
					faceCount = vertCount / 3
					m = mesh()
					m.numVerts = vertCount
					m.numFaces = faceCount
					for vertIdx = 1 to vertCount do
						setVert m vertIdx [ReadFloat f, ReadFloat f, ReadFloat f]
					for faceIdx = 0 to (faceCount - 1) do
						faceVertStart = faceIdx * 3
						setFace m (faceIdx + 1) [faceVertStart + 1, faceVertStart + 2, faceVertStart + 3]
					SetMeshSettings m name
		fclose f

function ExportCol filename =
		f = fopen filename "wb"
		if f != undefined then
			WriteString f "AttributeData"
			WriteLong f 0
			WriteLong f 0
			countOfMeshes = 0
			countOfPlanes = 0
			for m in objects do
				if (findString m.name "collision") != undefined  then
					if (classof m) == plane then
						WriteLong f 0
						WriteCharacters f m.name 32
						WritePos f m
						WriteFloat f m.width
						WriteFloat f m.length
						WriteQuat f (m.rotation as quat)
						countOfMeshes = countOfMeshes + 1
					else if (classof m) == sphere then
						WriteLong f 2
						WriteCharacters f m.name 32
						WritePos f m
						WriteFloat f m.radius
						WriteQuat f (m.rotation as quat)
						countOfMeshes = countOfMeshes + 1
					else if (classof m) == cylinder then
						WriteLong f 3
						WriteCharacters f m.name 32
						WritePos f m
						WriteFloat f m.radius
						WriteFloat f m.height
						WriteQuat f (m.rotation as quat)
						countOfMeshes = countOfMeshes + 1
			for m in objects do
				if (findString m.name "height") != undefined then
					if (classof m) == editable_mesh then
						WriteCharacters f m.name 32
						WriteLong f (m.numFaces * 3)
						for faceIdx = 1 to m.numFaces do
							face = getFace m faceIdx
							for vertIdx = 1 to 3 do
								vert = getVert m face[vertIdx]
								WriteVert f vert
						countOfPlanes = countOfPlanes + 1
			fseek f 14 #seek_set
			WriteLong f countOfMeshes
			WriteLong f countOfPlanes
			fclose f

function CollisionHelperHelp =
	utility helpDialog "Metin2-Collision Helper - Help"
		label helpTextLn1 "Collision meshes must be labeled with \"collsion**\" tag in mesh name" pos: [15, 10]
		label helpTextLn2 "and the height plane with \"height**\" tag in name." pos: [15, 25]
		label helpTextLn3 "(MDATR file uses two types of collision, the collision mesh like plane," pos: [15, 45]
		label helpTextLn4 "sphere or cylinder shapes and the height plane that represents the ground)" pos: [15, 60]
	createDialog helpDialog 380 85

function CollisionHelper =
	utility dialog "Metin2-Collision Helper"
		button btnImport "Import collision" pos: [15, 10] width: 200 height: 20
		button btnExport "Export collision" pos: [15, 35] width: 200 height: 20
		button btnHelp "Help" pos: [15, 60] width: 45 height: 18
		label info "Copyright © anohros" pos: [115, 62]
		on btnImport pressed do
			fnMDATR = getOpenFileName types: "Collision file (*.mdatr)|*.mdatr" caption: "Select MDATR file"
			if fnMDATR != undefined then
				ImportCol fnMDATR
		on btnExport pressed do
			fnMDATR = getSaveFileName types: "Collision file (*.mdatr)|*.mdatr" caption: "Chose MDATR file name"
			if fnMDATR != undefined then
				ExportCol fnMDATR
		on btnHelp pressed do
	createDialog dialog 230 84

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