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  1. Hi ! My name is Ioan and i loved metin2 as a teenager . Since 1 month ago i totally forget about metin2 but one of my friends told me that he wants to open a little metin2 server for our friends(+little brothers) . I started to compile both server and client source (found on internet) untill i got a problem . TItemTable structure from CItemData.h has different members (actually size,i think it is called stride :-?? ) from the default one and i cannot unpack item_proto(from client) even that i know the lzo key + fourCC . Can you help me with a little advice please?
  2. Hi! I When i'm trying to connect to server with a wrong account i receive wrong account but when i try with a valid account i receive that server is down. This is auth syslog: Jul 26 23:18:39 :: SYSTEM: new connection from [] fd: 21 handshake 2601752846 output input_len 0, ptr 0x2910fc00 Jul 26 23:18:39 :: Handshake: client_time 0 server_time 315927 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: AUTH_PHASE 0x2910fc00 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: InputAuth::Login : test(4) desc 0x2910fc00 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: SetLoginKey 237360863 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: InputAuth::Login : key 237360863:0x61139484 login test Jul 26 23:18:40 :: QID_AUTH_LOGIN: START 237360863 0x2910fc00 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: Create_Time 0 19700101 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: Block Time -2 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: SetRemainSecs test 0 type 2 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: SendAuthLogin test key 1 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: AuthLogin result 1 key 237360863 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #21 Can somebody help me ?
  3. Hi! I When i'm trying to connect to server with a wrong account i receive wrong account but when i try with a valid account i receive that server is down. This is auth syslog: Jul 26 23:18:39 :: SYSTEM: new connection from [] fd: 21 handshake 2601752846 output input_len 0, ptr 0x2910fc00 Jul 26 23:18:39 :: Handshake: client_time 0 server_time 315927 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: AUTH_PHASE 0x2910fc00 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: InputAuth::Login : test(4) desc 0x2910fc00 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: SetLoginKey 237360863 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: InputAuth::Login : key 237360863:0x61139484 login test Jul 26 23:18:40 :: QID_AUTH_LOGIN: START 237360863 0x2910fc00 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: Create_Time 0 19700101 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: Block Time -2 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: SetRemainSecs test 0 type 2 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: SendAuthLogin test key 1 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: AuthLogin result 1 key 237360863 Jul 26 23:18:40 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #21 Can somebody help me ?
  4. Can i use a 40k+ client for a 34k game ? I have a 40k client and when I connect to the server the client get stucked in characterselect window and I can't select or create a character . even though i have a character created on that account the client displays me that i don't have any characters created . 0 syserr client
  5. Can somebody recommend me a stable and without errors source (40k) without lycan ?
  6. Hello ! I need a converter for item_proto and mob_proto from database to .txt mob_names,mob_proto,item_names,item_proto . Can somebody help me ?
  7. Hi ! I want to open a new Metin2 server . I have some experience in c++ and python and I played metin2 many years ago a lot . I had some local metin2 servers with 200 max players online but all my servers were closed because i was unable to fix server crashes (login bug) . I want some advice about what client / server rev to use (i want to create a stable server without crashes) . I'm student at computer science faculty and this will be a challenge for me . Please help me with any advice you can give me . Thx a lot !
  8. ok , i understood now . Can somebody give me a valid login php code ?
  9. why these code don't work ? <div id="con-top">Panou de control</div> <div id="con-mid"> <?PHP if(isset($_GET['do']) && $_GET['do']=="aktivieren" && isset($_GET['hash']) && !empty($_GET['hash'])) { if(strlen($_GET['hash'])==32 && $_GET['hash']!=1 && checkAnum($_GET['hash'])) { $cmdHash = "SELECT id,web_aktiviert FROM account.account WHERE web_aktiviert='".$_GET['hash']."' AND web_aktiviert!='1' LIMIT 1;"; $qryHash = mysql_query($cmdHash,$sqlServ); if(mysql_num_rows($qryHash)) { $getData = mysql_fetch_object($qryHash); $userUpdate = "UPDATE account.account SET web_aktiviert='1',status='OK' WHERE id='".$getData->id."' LIMIT 1;"; $updateQry = mysql_query($userUpdate,$sqlServ); if($updateQry) { echo'<p class="meldung">Ihr Account wurde erfolgreich aktiviert. Sie k&ouml;nnen sich nun einloggen.</p>'; echo'<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; URL=index.php?s=login"> '; } else { echo'<p class="meldung">Query fehlgeschlagen. Bitte einen Admin kontaktieren!</p>'; } } else { echo'<p class="meldung">Es wurde kein passender Eintrag gefunden. Aktivierung fehlgeschlagen.</p>'; } } else { echo'<p class="meldung">Kein valider Hash!</p>'; } } if(!empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $cmdStats = "SELECT SUM( player.playtime ) AS ges_spielzeit, COUNT( * ) AS ges_chars, player_index.empire FROM player.player INNER JOIN player.player_index ON player_index.id = player.account_id WHERE player.account_id = '".$_SESSION['user_id']."' LIMIT 1"; $qryStats = mysql_query($cmdStats,$sqlServ); $getStats = mysql_fetch_object($qryStats); if(!empty($getStats->empire)) { $reich = '<img src="img/reiche/'.$getStats->empire.'.png" title="Reich" alt="Reich"/>'; } else { $reich='kein Reich ausgew&auml;hlt'; } echo'<table> <tr> <th class="topLine">Account:</th> <td class="tdunkel">'.$_SESSION['user_name'].'</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="topLine">Reich:</th> <td class="thell">'.$reich.'</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="topLine">Charaktere:</th> <td class="tdunkel">'.$getStats->ges_chars.'</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="topLine">Gesamte Spielzeit:</th> <td class="thell">'.$getStats->ges_spielzeit.' Minuten</td> </tr>'; $sqlAcc = "SELECT account.social_id AS loeschcode, safebox.password AS lagerpw FROM account.account LEFT JOIN player.safebox ON account.id=safebox.account_id WHERE account.id='".$_SESSION['user_id']."'"; $qryAcc = mysql_query($sqlAcc) or die(mysql_error()); $getAcc = mysql_fetch_object($qryAcc); if(empty($getAcc->lagerpw)) $getAcc->lagerpw = '000000'; echo'<tr> <th class="topLine">L&ouml;schcode:</th> <td class="tdunkel">'.$getAcc->loeschcode.'</td> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <center><a href="?s=prestige">Prestige System (Übersicht)</a></center> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </tr> </table>'; } else { ?> <h2>Login</h2> <form action="index.php?s=login" method="POST"> <table> <tr> <th class="topLine">User ID:</th> <td class="tdunkel"><input type="text" name="userid" maxlength="16" size="20"/></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="topLine">Passwort:</th> <td class="thell"><input type="password" name="userpass" maxlength="16" size="20"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="topLine" style="text-align:center;" colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"/></td> </tr> </table> <p><a href="index.php?s=register">Registrierung</a> &bull; <a href="index.php?s=lostpw">Passwort vergessen</a></p> </form> <?PHP } ?> </div> <div id="con-bot"></div>
  10. ChriZz i have thia problem , can you help me ?
  11. now i have this problem :Can not get public ip address . Should i apply a diff file ?
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