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GameForge DPA Generator ?!?

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DPA (Data Protection Agreement) I think




DPA (Data Protection Agreement) suele presentarse en forma de anexo al
contrato de cualquier persona que vaya a trabajar con datos privados de
usuarios o de una empresa destino. Los términos de aplicación son
distintos, dado que en el caso de los datos de usuarios el DPA lo que
hace es ligar a la persona a la responsabilidad civil que posee la
empresa de proteger los datos de los usuarios con respecto a EDPD o a
la ley propia de su nación europea. En el segundo caso, se trata de una
cláusula de secreto industrial o de confidencialidad, la cláusula de
secreto industrial suele ir indicada en cualquier trabajo de I+D, y la
segunda suele ir como protección de datos delicados, como podrían ser
los militares.
La cobertura de la protección de usuarios es
sencilla: cualquiera que firme una DPA está obligada a cumplir los
intereses de la empresa, sino a cumplir la ley a la que está sometida
la DPA hasta su última consecuencia. Un ejemplo, si alguien trabaja en
una empresa de telefonía y su jefe le manda recopilar datos de los
usuarios en un USB y llevarlos a otra empresa, el trabajador está
obligado a negarse a cumplir dicha orden dado que la DPA que ha firmado
le ha ligado a la responsabilidad civil de la ley de protección de
datos, y si hiciese lo que le dice su jefe podría ser denunciado, con
la consecuente multa e incluso penas de cárcel.
La de secreto
industrial es simple, no se puede ceder código o datos secretos de una
empresa que podrían ocasionar un prejuicio económico o de mercado de la
La de confidencialidad documental implica también que
cualquier documento que se aplique al anexo de confidencialidad, debe
llevar una portada indicando que se trata de un documento confidencial,
el código de llave, la persona receptora y la fecha en la que caduca su
confidencialidad (usualmente 10 años desde la emisión).



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Welcome to the DPA generator tool! If you join this page, it means that you will be soon part of one of GF teams, congrats!

Pls read the instruction, download the DPA for the community you are applying and send it via ComaTool

DPA for users OVER 18 years old

  • The DPA needs to be fullfilled completly by hand (not on the computer and just printed with the signature, pls use indelible ink)
  • Write your FULL name (#1) - Name and Surname
  • Write your address, with street and street number (#2)
  • Write your postal code (if exist) and location (#3)
  • Write your Date of Birth (#4)
  • Write your Nationality - the one you find on your ID card / passport etc (#5)
  • Write your internal Nickname - ONLY the one that you will use as teamler and that should be the same you will use on board, in the AT (if game team), as GM (if teamler of an MMO) without the tag rank (you should NOT write [GM]FaTeReLLa, but only FaTeReLLa (#6)
  • Write the current date (#7)
  • Sign with your own signature (#8)
  • Add a BOTHSIDED (e.g both pages of the passport, or both sides of the ID card) copy of your identification document (identification documents that are accepted: National ID card - Driver Licence - Passport (in some country there are exception and we also accept Vote Card and Bank Card, but only as exception and only in specific country, if you want more informations about the document accepted for your country, you should poke directly your Co.Ma.)


DPA for users UNDER 18 years old

  • The DPA needs to be fulfilled completely by hand (pls use indelible ink) by the minor (the underaged user)
  • All DPA should be fulfilled by the minor from point #1 to point #7
  • Signature on the DPA (#8) should be put by the Legal Guardian/Parent of the minor (so the minor should not sign the document)
  • For users UNDER 18 years old DPA must be additionally signed by underaged minor below signature of Legal Guardian/Parent of the minor
  • Add a BOTHSIDED (again e.g both pages of the passport, or both sides of the ID card) copy of the Legal Guardian/Parents identification document and the minors identification document. (identification documents that are accepted: National ID card - Driver Licence - Passport (in some country there are exception and we also accept Vote Card and Bank Card, but only as exception and only in specific country, if you want more informations about the document accepted for your country, you should poke directly your Co.Ma.)

Please pay attention to:

  • The DPA should be readable, otherwise it will be refused
  • Don't fill the DPA with a pencil! Please use a pen / ballpoint pen
  • Any document is just accepted to identify yourself if its signed by yourself and includes your full name and birthdate
  • Don't manipulate your id-card or passport! (e.g. you don't want us to know how you look like) If the passport or id-card is modified in any way (graphic programs, ...), it can't be validated.
  • Don't delete parts of the DPA before printing it. The idea of a DPA is, that you sign the things which are written on it, so please don't cut it out.
  • NEVER send a DPA to any part of your staff – DPAs have to be handled by GF employees ONLY!



Here you can generate the DPA for your game:

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