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Hello, I wondering if someone knows the solution to these 2 questions..

So In my client folder I have a BGM folder like this: 

But shouldn't my music be going to pack/bgm? 

Because when people receive updates how is the music going to go to their client/BGM? 

Even when I try to add a new music for maps I have to put music in client/BGM and even for login screen music which is modified in musicinfo.py I have to put the music in client/BGM.

Otherwise what is the purpose of the pack/bgm? I'm so confused if someone knows about this and can help me to further understand this properly - I have been messing around for a long time on this ?

I have been able to make a music continuously play from Login Screen > Select Character Screen > Loading Screen. But when the map loads new music plays.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to make the same music you give at Login Screen to keep playing even when the map loads. So no new music to play after map loads, but it should play the next music for whatever map I choose to teleport to next - if that makes sense. I can explain this again if it's not understandable.

Thank you 

Edited by Metin2 Dev International
Core X - External 2 Internal
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