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Can`t compile my Source

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Now this:


gmake: Warning: File `version.cpp' has modification time 6838 s in the future
g++: directory": No such file or directory
<command-line>: warning: missing terminating " character
version.cpp:11: error: missing terminating " character
version.cpp: In function 'void WriteVersion()':
version.cpp:11: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
gmake: *** [OBJDIR/version.o] Error 1
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for this

gmake: Warning: File `version.cpp' has modification time 6838 s in the future

make sure that your freebsd time is up to date (to do :

date yymmddhhmm

yy year ; mm month ; dd day; hh hour; mm minut

look at denis topic for

g++: directory": No such file or directory

for this:

version.cpp:11: error: missing terminating " character
version.cpp: In function 'void WriteVersion()':
version.cpp:11: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
gmake: *** [OBJDIR/version.o] Error 1

post you version.cpp + your makefile

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PLATFORM = $(shell file /bin/ls | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'-' -f1)

GCC_VERSION = $(shell $(CC) --version 2>&1 | grep "(GCC)" | cut -d' ' -f3  | cut -d'.' -f1)
BSD_VERSION = $(shell uname -v 2>&1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'.' -f1)
P4_VERSION = $(shell svnversion -n .)

CC = g++

$(shell if [ ! -d $(OBJDIR) ]; then mkdir $(OBJDIR); fi)

# Standard Setting
LIBS = -pthread -lm -lmd
# Removed -fno-rtti 
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O2 -m32 -pipe -fexceptions -D_THREAD_SAFE -DNDEBUG # -D_USE_SERVER_KEY_

ifeq ($(GCC_VERSION), 4)
CFLAGS += -mtune=i686 -fstack-protector-all
CFLAGS += -mcpu=i686

# boost
INCDIR += -I../../../Extern/include/boost

# DevIL
INCDIR += -I../../libdevil
LIBDIR += -L../../libdevil
LIBS += -lpng -ltiff -lmng -llcms -ljpeg

#ifeq ($(BSD_VERSION), 7)
INCDIR += -I../../libmysql/7.x-5.1.35
LIBDIR += -L../../libmysql/7.x-5.1.35
#INCDIR += -I../../libmysql/5.x-5.1.35
#LIBDIR += -L../../libmysql/5.x-5.1.35

LIBS += -lmysqlclient -L/usr/local/lib/mysql -lz

# Miscellaneous external libraries
INCDIR += -I../../../Extern/include
LIBDIR += -L../../../Extern/lib
LIBS += -lcryptopp -lgtest

# HackShield
INCDIR += -I../../libhackshield/include
LIBDIR += -L../../libhackshield/lib
LIBS += -lanticpxsvr

# XTrap
INCDIR += -I../../libxtrap/include

# openssl
#INCDIR += -I/usr/include
#LIBS += -lssl
#LIBS += /usr/lib/libssl.a

# Project Library
INCDIR += -I../../liblua/include
INCDIR += -I/usr/local/include
INCDIR += -L/usr/local/lib/mysql
INCDIR += -I../../libserverkey
LIBDIR += -L../../libthecore/lib -L../../libpoly -L../../libsql -L../../libgame/lib -L../../liblua/lib -L../../libserverkey
LIBDIR += -L/usr/local/lib
LIBS += -lthecore -lpoly -llua -llualib -lsql -lgame -lserverkey
ifeq ($(USE_STACKTRACE), 1)
LIBS += /usr/local/lib/libexecinfo.a


CFILE	= minilzo.c

CPPFILE = BattleArena.cpp FSM.cpp MarkConvert.cpp MarkImage.cpp MarkManager.cpp OXEvent.cpp TrafficProfiler.cpp ani.cpp
		  arena.cpp banword.cpp battle.cpp blend_item.cpp block_country.cpp buffer_manager.cpp building.cpp castle.cpp
		  char.cpp char_affect.cpp char_battle.cpp char_change_empire.cpp char_horse.cpp char_item.cpp char_manager.cpp
		  char_quickslot.cpp char_resist.cpp char_skill.cpp char_state.cpp PetSystem.cpp cmd.cpp cmd_emotion.cpp cmd_general.cpp
		  cmd_gm.cpp cmd_oxevent.cpp config.cpp constants.cpp crc32.cpp cube.cpp db.cpp desc.cpp
		  desc_client.cpp desc_manager.cpp desc_p2p.cpp dev_log.cpp dungeon.cpp empire_text_convert.cpp entity.cpp
		  entity_view.cpp event.cpp event_queue.cpp exchange.cpp file_loader.cpp fishing.cpp gm.cpp guild.cpp
		  guild_manager.cpp guild_war.cpp horse_rider.cpp horsename_manager.cpp input.cpp input_auth.cpp input_db.cpp
		  input_login.cpp input_main.cpp input_p2p.cpp input_teen.cpp input_udp.cpp ip_ban.cpp
		  item.cpp item_addon.cpp item_attribute.cpp item_manager.cpp item_manager_idrange.cpp locale.cpp
		  locale_service.cpp log.cpp login_data.cpp lzo_manager.cpp marriage.cpp matrix_card.cpp
		  messenger_manager.cpp mining.cpp mob_manager.cpp monarch.cpp motion.cpp over9refine.cpp p2p.cpp packet_info.cpp
		  party.cpp passpod.cpp pcbang.cpp polymorph.cpp priv_manager.cpp pvp.cpp
		  questevent.cpp questlua.cpp questlua_affect.cpp questlua_arena.cpp questlua_ba.cpp questlua_building.cpp
		  questlua_danceevent.cpp questlua_dungeon.cpp questlua_forked.cpp questlua_game.cpp questlua_global.cpp
		  questlua_guild.cpp questlua_horse.cpp questlua_pet.cpp questlua_item.cpp questlua_marriage.cpp questlua_mgmt.cpp
		  questlua_monarch.cpp questlua_npc.cpp questlua_oxevent.cpp questlua_party.cpp questlua_pc.cpp
		  questlua_quest.cpp questlua_target.cpp questmanager.cpp questnpc.cpp questpc.cpp
		  refine.cpp regen.cpp safebox.cpp sectree.cpp sectree_manager.cpp sequence.cpp shop.cpp
		  skill.cpp start_position.cpp target.cpp text_file_loader.cpp trigger.cpp utils.cpp vector.cpp war_map.cpp
		  wedding.cpp xmas_event.cpp version.cpp panama.cpp threeway_war.cpp map_location.cpp auth_brazil.cpp
		  BlueDragon.cpp BlueDragon_Binder.cpp DragonLair.cpp questlua_dragonlair.cpp
		  HackShield.cpp HackShield_Impl.cpp char_hackshield.cpp skill_power.cpp affect.cpp
		  SpeedServer.cpp questlua_speedserver.cpp XTrapManager.cpp
		  auction_manager.cpp FileMonitor_FreeBSD.cpp ClientPackageCryptInfo.cpp cipher.cpp
		  buff_on_attributes.cpp check_server.cpp dragon_soul_table.cpp DragonSoul.cpp
		  group_text_parse_tree.cpp char_dragonsoul.cpp questlua_dragonsoul.cpp
		  shop_manager.cpp shopEx.cpp item_manager_read_tables.cpp

COBJS	= $(CFILE:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.o)
CPPOBJS	= $(CPPFILE:%.cpp=$(OBJDIR)/%.o)

MAINOBJ = $(OBJDIR)/main.o
MAINCPP = main.cpp

TESTOBJ = $(OBJDIR)/test.o
TESTCPP = test.cpp

default: $(TARGET) $(TEST_TARGET)

$(OBJDIR)/minilzo.o: minilzo.c
	@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIR) -c $< -o $@
	@echo compile $<

$(OBJDIR)/version.o: version.cpp
	@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D__USER__="$(USER)" -D__HOSTNAME__="$(HOSTNAME)" -D__PWD__="$(PWD)" -D__P4_VERSION__="$(P4_VERSION)" -c $< -o $@
	@echo compile $<

$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
	@echo compile $<
	@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIR) -c $< -o $@

	@echo update limit time
	@python update_limit_time.py

	@echo linking $(TARGET)....

	@echo linking $(TEST_TARGET)
	@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBDIR) $(COBJS) $(CPPOBJS) $(TESTOBJ) $(LIBS) -o ../test

	@rm -f $(COBJS) $(CPPOBJS)
	@rm -f $(BINDIR)/game_r* $(BINDIR)/conv

	ctags *.cpp *.h *.c

	makedepend -f Depend $(INCDIR) -I/usr/include/c++/3.3 -I/usr/include/c++/4.2 -p$(OBJDIR)/ $(CPPFILE) $(CFILE) $(MAINCPP) $(TESTCPP) 2> /dev/null > Depend

sinclude Depend


#include <stdio.h>

void WriteVersion()
#ifndef __WIN32__
	FILE* fp = fopen("VERSION.txt", "w");

	if (fp)
		fprintf(fp, "game perforce revision: %sn", __P4_VERSION__);
		fprintf(fp, "%s@%s:%sn", __USER__, __HOSTNAME__, __PWD__);
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she have my version.cpp..

and is works on my files..

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void WriteVersion()
#ifndef __WIN32__
	FILE* fp(fopen("game_VERSION.txt", "w"));

	if (NULL != fp)
		fprintf(fp, "game perforce revision: %sn", __SVN_VERSION__);
		fprintf(fp, "%s@%s:%sn", __USER__, __HOSTNAME__, __PWD__);
		fprintf(stderr, "cannot open VERSION.txtn");
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she have my version.cpp..

and is works on my files..

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void WriteVersion()
#ifndef __WIN32__
	FILE* fp(fopen("game_VERSION.txt", "w"));

	if (NULL != fp)
		fprintf(fp, "game perforce revision: %sn", __SVN_VERSION__);
		fprintf(fp, "%s@%s:%sn", __USER__, __HOSTNAME__, __PWD__);
		fprintf(stderr, "cannot open VERSION.txtn");


novaline right?

they should work perfectly

i didnt test it yet but take a look http://metin2dev.org/board/topic/140-compile-source-on-freebsd/?p=6602

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