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Reducing a skill's Cooldown depending by bonus.

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Hey guys..


I want to reduce the cool down from a skill depending on how much the player has a certain bonus. for example: The value of the bonus in player's equipment is 7 total, then the skill's cool down should reduce to 7 seconds. can somebody help me please? i already took a look at pythonskill.cpp but i don't find anything :(



Server Source Side i've already done it, but i need to do same in binary.. otherwise i cant use the skill. 

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Now i find the correct function.. 


But can someone tell me what's wrong with this:

DWORD CPythonSkill::SSkillData::GetSkillCoolTime(float fSkillPoint)
	if (strCoolTimeFormula.empty())
		return 0;

	CPoly poly;
	TPacketGCPointChange PointChange;

		return DWORD(ProcessFormula(&poly, fSkillPoint) - 3); //NotemeCoolDown
		return DWORD(ProcessFormula(&poly, fSkillPoint)); //NotemeCoolDown


It doesnt work.. it tell me: The Variable 'PointChange' is being used without being initialized. But what does it mean? :( 

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Galet:


Do you mean something like that? But instead of % you want seconds?


Hey Galet, no i'm talking about a official bonus.

I'm currently working on these new bonuses from the official Servers im trying to reduce a cooldown depending on the value in equipment.

Example: Player changing attribute of item, and he got: POINT_SKILL_BIPABU_NEXT_COOLTIME_DECREASE_10PER == 3 in his Item, then the Skill's cooldown should reduce by 3 Seconds.


Edit: sorry i misunderstood @Galet thats exactly what i want.. but only with a certain skill depending on bonus. This POINT_SKILL_BIPABU_NEXT_COOLTIME_DECREASE_10PER  is only for one certain skill in this case (91)

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