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Dragon Soul System - Make All Button

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Hey, i was wondering and i was trying but i cannot figure it out yet:

What i want is a button on the dragon soul window to refine every alchemy stone of that type/level.


What i've tried is trought quest, with an item, count every stones you have in inventory but it always cames has 0 and remove_item does not work either ?

How can i access to the items that are in dragou soul inventory?


Any help on this is appreciated

Thank you

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5 minutes ago, Catii said:

so you want just the button for purification window in the main dragons soul window?


I don't really care where the button goes, but i wanted to make a button where i did the red marks that was "Refine all", and instead of you going to do 1 by 1, it automaticly did that for you while you had dragon souls stones to refine


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Acum 5 minute, displayjokes a spus:


I don't really care where the button goes, but i wanted to make a button where i did the red marks that was "Refine all", and instead of you going to do 1 by 1, it automaticly did that for you while you had dragon souls stones to refine


here you go, its not made by me ... but it does its job


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4 minutes ago, Catii said:

here you go, its not made by me ... but it does its job


i cannot see it ?

Seems like i do not have permissions to do so >.<


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